Fun family viewing, just add popcorn

By Mir
April 27, 2009
Category Contests

My children like old movies, which is kind of cool, because I get to re-watch some films I love when I was their age. But it’s also kind of frustrating, because back when I was a kid, the PG-13 rating didn’t exist, which means that a PG movie from back then may well be something that would garner a PG-13 rating, today, and I have to try to figure out what’s appropriate.

Enter the Dove Foundation, an organization dedicated to helping families find entertainment suitable for the entire family. They do this a lot of different ways (see their website for more info), but one of the things they’re doing is releasing double-feature DVDs of “Dove Approved” family movies. And I have a bunch of them to give away!

Today’s contest gives you the choice between an animated collection or a live-action collection. The animated collection includes All Dogs Go To Heaven/All Dogs Go To Heaven 2, Thumbelina/Once Upon a Forest, and Robots/Little Robots: Reach for the Sky. The live-action collection includes Aquamarine/Material Girls, The Sandlot/Rookie of the Year, and Agent Cody Banks/Catch That Kid. Two different prize packs, each containing 3 DVDs for a total of 6 great family-friendly movies.

Want to win? First go read the contest rules and regulations and then come back here and leave me a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, April 29th, 2009 telling me which pack you want to win in order to be entered. I’ll use my trusty random number generator to select two winners, as always. Make sure you pick one of the two packs, because if you don’t, your entry will be invalid. (I generate two numbers. The first number wins their pick. The second number wins their pick as long as the first number didn’t already win it. If that one is already gone, though, I pick another number.) (Pick, pack, pick, pack, ACK.)

Clear as mud? Yes? Go!


  1. I would love to win The Sandlot/Rookie of the Year pack. Thanks Mir!

  2. Cool! I’d love the animated collection (Robots).

  3. Animated!

  4. I haven’t seen the robot movies, but it sounds like something both my husband and son would find interesting. 🙂

  5. Way cool. We would love Thumbelina/Once upon a forest! Thanks for all the great contests!

  6. Ohhh, we would love the animated pack…my son is becoming a huge fan of animated movies 🙂

  7. LIVE!

  8. I would really like to win the non-animated movies.

  9. I’d like the animated collection!

  10. Thumbelina/Once upon a forest would be a great set for this household. Thanks, Mir.

  11. The animated ones sound great!

  12. We’d love the animated collection! I’m getting really, really tired of Kung Fu Panda…..

  13. We would like either one, but since I HAVE to pick one….I’ll choose the animated collection

  14. Ooooh! Animated ollection, please! Jessica

  15. oh they both are fantastic, but I would have to choose live (The Sandlot is a family favorite!)

  16. I think the live-action would be great for my kids! Thanks, Mir!

  17. I think the live-action would be great for my kids! Thanks!

  18. Please enter me for the live action collection. Thanks!

  19. Animated, for sure!

  20. animated for me, please….thanks.

  21. I would like the live-action pack. Cool!

  22. Animated pack please. Just in time for summer.

  23. Tough choice! Animated…

  24. My kids are animated all the way.

  25. Live-action please!

  26. Animated please- my kids would really love the All Dogs Go To Heaven/All Dogs Go To Heaven 2 pack

  27. Live! Thanks!

  28. We’d love either, but since I have to pick one…we’ll go with…Live Action. (Choice made based on ownership of one of the animated movies)

  29. I’d pick live-action. Thank you!

  30. The animated collection, please! Thanks.

  31. live action please, my kids belly-laughed at Sandlot 2. Thanks! The Sandlot/Rookie of the Year

  32. Animated collection please.

  33. Animated collection, please. 🙂

  34. live action! (like we need anymore live action around here…)

  35. Sandlot is my favorite movie of all time, definitely the live-action pack!

  36. animated

  37. animated, please. thanks!

  38. My kids love animated movies and we don’t own ANY of those! 😀

  39. Oh, live-action please! Thanks for all of these great chances to win fab stuff, pretty Mir!

  40. I would like the live-action collection.

  41. Animated would be great for our toddler age group around here!

  42. My daughter and I LOVE rookie of the year (which I only have on VHS, and consequently my VCR died a few weeks ago), so live action for us please!

  43. Animated please !

  44. I guess I would have to pick the animated collection. Fun contest!

  45. aquamarine/material girl

  46. Live action, please!

  47. live action sounds fun!!!

  48. live action is my choice, fun contest thanks Mir!

  49. AnImAtEd!

  50. thumbelina would go over swell here!!

  51. Live action for me! 🙂

  52. Thumbelina/Once upon a forest! My kids are addicted to movies, but only get them once in a while. This would be a total treat! Thanks!

  53. The live-action collection please. Another great contest!

  54. Animated version please and thanks for the giveaway!

  55. Oohhhhh – I think my sweetie would love the animated collection, thanks for the chance to win!

  56. Pretty Mir,
    Live action for my boys!!

  57. Animated please 🙂

  58. all dogs go to heaven for me

  59. We’d love some live action – thanks for the chance!

  60. I would love the live action movies please!

  61. Animated, please! 🙂

  62. The animated pack with our new house favorite series of stories in book form-Thumbelina. I KNOW it would be a big hit!


  63. animated, please! we liked robots…

  64. Agent Cody Banks since my sons birthday is coming up.

  65. I would love the first one–the animated movies! I haven’t even seen all of them 🙂 guess I will have to preview first…just to make sure they are ok 🙂

  66. you’re killing me sweets! We’d like the live-action set please! Thanks for the great contest!

  67. Live action please!

  68. animated collection, please 🙂

  69. I would like the animated collection!

  70. Animated collection please! What a great set.

  71. We would love the live action set.


  72. live action, please!

  73. My family would love the animated pack! Thanks!

  74. animated collection, please

  75. We’ll go with live-action – both sound awesome!

  76. Live action please…love The Sandlot.

  77. My daughter would love the animated pack.

  78. Animate me!

  79. I’d love the live action pack!

  80. Animated pack, please! We’re trying to collect good movies for our little girl to watch, even though she’s still to little to care.

  81. Live action pack, please. 🙂

  82. Animated Collection, please!

  83. I think my girls would enjoy the live action pack.

  84. Please enter me in for the animated pack!

  85. animated please!

  86. ME, ME, please! I love these movies! Ahem, and so will my kids.

  87. The animated collection would be great!

  88. live action, please

  89. The live action pack sounds perfect!

  90. non-animated for me!

  91. would love to have some kid friendly movies in the house!

  92. Animated please!!

  93. forgot to say live action please

  94. the animated pack for us, please.

  95. ooooh! my daughter would love the animated collection! thanks!

  96. HI! I would like, if I win, The Sandlot/Rookie of the year! Thanks!!

  97. Animated pack, please, and thank you!

  98. Animated selection please!

  99. Animated, of course

  100. Live action, please!

  101. Animated!

  102. cody banks/catch that kid pls.

  103. I can’t deal with any more animation…I’d love the live-action collection includes!

  104. The Sandlot/Rookie of the Year please

  105. Our family would love the animated movies…thanks!

  106. Sandlot is one of our families all time favorites, so action packed please.

  107. Live action, pretty please!

  108. The live action collection for us, please.

  109. Fun. I would go for the live action pack.

  110. I’d love to watch the animated movies with my children. Thanks Mir!

  111. Oooh – see, this gets tricky because either pack would be good. The 5 year old diva would love the animated pack and the 8 year old boy would love the live action one! So either would be great!

  112. We’d love the animated pack… We just got a real movie popcorn popper and want to start movie night traditions.

  113. I would love the animated pack, please!

  114. That is cool that Dove does that. I think the kiddos would like the animated one better.

  115. Thumbelina and animated collection, please

  116. Animated for me, thanks!

  117. another animated please!

  118. pls giv e me sandlot and rookie of the year if i win – the kids will luv it!!

  119. Animated please! 🙂

  120. hooray! some of my favorite movies! i’d like the live action pack!

  121. animated please!

  122. Joining the majority – the animated collection, please.

  123. Animated, PLEASE~!

  124. I think my two would like the live action, because then they (obviously) would act out all the scenes they just watched in the movies…what could be more fun.

  125. Animated please! I still get a little teary eyed at All Dogs Go To Heaven (which, of course, they do).

  126. I want the Live Action Collection PULEEEEEZE!

  127. They are both cool packs but I guess, since I have to choose, I’ll go with the animated pack. Thank you!

  128. The animated collection please.

  129. animated, thanks!

  130. My pick is the live action pack. I love the Dove site!

  131. Animated, please! Thanks 🙂

  132. We love animation at our house!!

  133. animation please

  134. We love to have movie night at our house. These would be great!

  135. my son love’s the sandlot.

  136. Animation package for me please.

  137. Sandlot kids package please!

  138. The live action ones would be awesome!

  139. My family would love to sit down together and watch the animated collection.

    Thanks so much!

  140. I’d love the animated collection (well, really my boys would).

  141. We’re big animated fans here!

  142. Oooh, animated please!

  143. I Pick Live Action Pack Please!

  144. Live-action for family pizza and a movie night, pretty please?

  145. Animated for us!

  146. Animated please…

  147. Robots! We all loved that movie, and haven’t seen the other one so it would really be a treat!

  148. Live -Action for us…

    Family movie night !!!!!

  149. We would love the live action flicks over here!

  150. Live action collection looks good to me.


  151. Live action, pretty, pretty please!

  152. Our family would love the live action pack! Thanks for another great contest!

  153. Live action would TOTALLY ROCK for me and my fam!!! Thanks as always for the great contests!! 🙂

  154. Animated 🙂

  155. i wanna win agent cody banks

  156. My kids would love the animated package!

  157. We would love the animation pack!

  158. I want the animated collection!! I use to watch all dog go to heaven as i kid, and LOVED IT!!

  159. Live action collection, please! We need new movies before summer is upon us!

  160. Animated please

  161. Ooh animated collecton!

  162. the live-action set, please. . . MKW

  163. Live action please!

  164. I think the kids would love the animated collection!

  165. This is great, I would love the live-action collection, please! (though, if they edited ANYTHING out of Sandlot, I may have to give it away- favorite movie ever!)

  166. Live-action, please. And thanks, Mir!

  167. Live action, please and thank you.

  168. Aquamarine/Material Girls! Keeping our fingers crossed!

  169. Sign me up for All Dogs Go To Heaven/All Dogs Go To Heaven 2, Thumbelina/Once Upon a Forest, and Robots/Little Robots:

  170. Live Action Please!

  171. animated collection!

  172. Smalls…I want the live action pack…man, I love the Sandlot!

  173. I’m ready to win Sandlot/Rookies of the year

  174. Who can argue with dogs and fairies?! We would love to win that first one 🙂

  175. live action would be nice. Thanks.

  176. live action please!

  177. Animated. Thanks, Mir!

  178. Animated movie pack please!

  179. I’d love the live-action collection!

  180. My kiddos love that Charlie Barkin! Animated please! 🙂

  181. animated please!

  182. I’d love the action packed one!

  183. Animated, please, is my first choice!

  184. Cody Banks/Catch that kid

  185. Animated, please!

  186. Live action sounds great!

  187. The live action pack, pretty please! 🙂

  188. We would love the live action pack since there are two action packed little boys in the house. 🙂 Thanks!

  189. Little one will love the animated movie pack . . . as long as I pretend I just picked it up at the library. If she OWNS them, she doesn’t want to watch them!

  190. it is a super hard pick! but we will go with live action.

  191. My kids would love the animated pack! Thanks!

  192. Live action please

  193. I love those dogs, more than many people I know, I’m in for all dogs go to heaven

  194. The animated collection would be just perfect for those long summer drives! Thanks!!

  195. live action would be great for my boys!

  196. We would love the live action pack! Aquamarine is one of my daughter’s favorite movies!

  197. I would love the live action pack

  198. My kids would love the animated pack.

  199. All Dogs Go To Heaven/All Dogs Go To Heaven 2

  200. I pick the animated pack; great for the little ones!

  201. We’d love the animated pack. Thanks!

  202. Animated please!

  203. live action all the way,THanks!!!!

  204. Animated pack, please. Thanks!

  205. Animated, please!

  206. Robots please, we have plenty of popcorn

  207. Animated collection for my nephew please.

  208. How cool! Animated collection, please!

  209. animated collection thanks!

  210. Mir rocks! Action Pack please!

  211. Live Action please! I have an Aquamarine fan here at home!

  212. We would love the animated collection!

  213. Animated Collection…..PLEASE….!!

  214. Ohhh yes.. The twins would love the Thumbelina once upon a forest!!

  215. I can barely find the bottom of the page…animated please.

  216. Animated collection please!

  217. My girls love the action.

  218. i would love to win the live action pack! cool giveaway!

  219. Animated, please!!

  220. We’d love the animated collection… Thanks for the contests, Mir!

  221. animated for us!

  222. Live-action, please. Come on, RNG!

  223. The animated pack would be wonderful!

  224. any movie, any time, is great.

  225. Live action!

  226. We LOVE All Dogs Go To Heaven!!

  227. Live Action, please!

  228. Thumbalina please 🙂

  229. We’d love the live-action collection!

  230. We would enjoy the animated collection. Thank you!

  231. Live action please and thanks.

  232. I would love, love the live action pack. ps mothers day is my birthday!!

  233. So fun! Thanks! Animation for us, please!!

  234. The live action pack would be our favorite. But we wouldn’t frown upon the animated pack either. 😉

  235. I’d love to win the animated collection. It’s so cute, and my litle boy loves robots.

  236. We would luv the Live Action ones. Thank you very much.

  237. Agent Cody Banks/Catch That Kid would be our choice. Thanks for the chance to win.

  238. Animated!

  239. Live action is my choice – thanks

  240. The live action collection please:)

  241. Animated would be great! Thanks Mir!

  242. We’d love the live-action package! Thanks so much!

  243. We’re into baseball. The Sandlot, and Rookie of the Year would be our pick. Thanks.

  244. So hard to choose which one…….eenie – meenie – ok let’s go with the action package. THANKS!!

  245. animated, please! Thanks a bunch.

  246. Thumbelina/Once Upon a Forest would be great!

  247. My children would love the animated collection. Thank you!

  248. Holy moly, we need the Sandlot one. I haven’t seen that in For. Ev. Errrrr.

  249. I would love the animated collection.

  250. Would love to win the animated set for my grandson 🙂


  251. Liveaction all the way! Although I love a lot of those animated ones too…

  252. Oo! Oh! The second pack!

    I’ll be a good girl and add Want Not to my blogroll now. 🙂

  253. Sandlot/Rookie please!

  254. I’d like to win the animated set.

  255. Please pick me for the animated collection. We love “All Dogs Go to Heaven”. By we, I really mean, I love it even more than the kids. Thanks!

  256. Thumbelina/Once Upon a Forest, please.

  257. Animated! Because we are all about the peppy here :-).

  258. Live action would be great for this fam!

  259. All Dogs go to Heaven/All Dogs go to Heaven 2 please!

  260. Would love to win the animated series!! Thanks!

  261. Would love the live action collection!

  262. Would love a chance to win the live action pack!

  263. love it!

  264. Animated! Thanks Mir!

  265. Our family would love the animated collection! I’m feeling a special little love of Dove right about now!

  266. Pick me!

  267. I’d like to win the animated collection. Thanks for such a fun contest!

  268. I love love The Sandlot, so the live-action pack for me, please! 🙂

  269. I would love to win the live action one, to go with our family’s live action life ^^


  270. Animated for my little ones, please!

  271. I’d love the animated collection if my number is chosen. Thank you!

  272. OOOhhh.. the animated collection would be great for the kiddos (and me!!). Thanks!

  273. Thanks for offering this contest. Hope we win.

  274. I would love to win the live action pack ….. It would be so much fun to watch them. Thanks for the contest……

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