Personally, I would rather stick a fork directly into my eyeball than buy my children a gigantic toy animal, and I’d rather stick one fork in my eyeball and another one in my eardrum than buy them a gigantic toy animal that makes “realistic” noises, but if you’ve always wanted your kid to have his own baby dinosaur, Playskool’s Kota is currently marked down to $99.99 at Amazon. Which is apparently a great price.
Hopefully you’re out of forks.
Just wanted to thank you for all the deals this past week. I actually took advantage of a few including some Transformers and Dangerous Book for Boys board game. Also bought my hubby something, but won’t reveal it here just in case! Anyway, thanks for all your time and effort you put into this site. I got here through Annie Blogs.
It is up to 178.99, still almost half off though.
$99.98 at TRU in case anyones interested.
What’s a Sleestak?
Mir! Great Land of the Lost ref! Know where I can get a Chaka figure? Or Marshall, Will, and Holly!?! =)
$78.40 for shipping at Toys R us
I wish Land of the Lost was still on! A Saturday morning favorite. Now I can’t get the theme song out of my head. Thanks Mir:)
Sorry in store only @ TRU. Just today.
I’ve seen these at Sam’s (in store and in stock) for under $150. Worth the price of membership if you don’t have one and this is something your wee one wants.