Need some innocuous background music for when you need a little help unwinding? Why not download 99 Perfectly Relaxing Songs from Amazon for just $.99?
I feel more relaxed already. Would it be wrong to eat my lunch in a nice hot bath, today? Yes? Oh. Nevermind.
Sweet! There is a little something in there for everyone! Lots of singing and sacred music…everything from Eastern Orthodox to Tibetan chant. And Vivaldi. Wow. Thanks for the heads up.
I hate how these things clutter my iPod, though. I have to get a better system for that.
To Groovecatmom, use iTunes to set the artist to the album title. I find that cleans things up a lot.
For myself, I’m delighted at this album, although I have to admit I am chagrined to see Orthodox liturgical works (O Joyful light, From my youth, the Cherubic hymn, the Nativity kontakion (Today the virgin gives birth…), O Champion Leader, and others) diminished somewhat by calling them “relaxing.” Comforting, perhaps. Relaxing? Hmmm.
The last two times I’ve tried to purchase and download a mp3 format from Amazon, i get the message, “Sorry, only available in the 48 contiguous states”. Is this new? I’ve downloaded a lot from Amazon in the past. It stinks if it is there new policy….there’s a lot more world out there than the 48 states….
Thanks BB!
Groovecatmom, glad to help.
The only downside of my method is that it can lose some of the performer information. You can copy that to Comments if you like. ALTERNATIVELY, make use of the “Part of a compilation” checkbox for the track in iTunes. See for more information.
I think iTunes developers don’t listen to much classical music, either. If they did, iTunes would organize classical music differently. (For example, “artist” for a classical piece is usually the composer…for me, anyway. I want to look for Mozart, not the Philadelphia Philharmonic.) Basically, I’d like it to be organized more like the record store(*) than what it does currently. But this is a discussion better suited on the Apple forums, I suppose.
(*)For you young’uns, that’s a place one used to have to go to buy music recorded on CDs, tapes, and .. can you believe it..VINYL! This is way back in the horse and buggy era.