There’s nothing my kids like so much as the Scholastic order forms they get from school and can then bring home and use to beg me to buy them hundreds of dollars worth of books. One of life’s great mysteries will always be why—given this devotion—said booklets always arrive home crumpled and stained and clearly having spent some time in the very bottom of the backpack. Hmmmm.
No matter; you can order from the online Scholastic Store any time you want! And through July 13th, 2009, you can use coupon code AFFTRV to take 20% off your order, plus it’ll give you free shipping on orders of $39+.
I mean, I solved my addiction to Scholastic books by getting them to give me a job where I also get free books from them, but I realize that’s not entirely an option for everyone. This is a pretty good alternative.
I always thought the crumpled booklet was part of the Scholastic fun, myself 🙂
So, are you safely back from climbing the mountain? Or did you get washed back down the hill?
Darn, the coupon has “exceeded its usage limit”. Too bad I didn’t try it earlier!
It worked for me 7/1 at 8:35. $20.00 off plus 8.00 saved in shipping! Thanks, Mir!
I miss those booklets….
Mir, you mustn’t blame the kids for the condition of the booklets. It’s part of The Booklet’s Code of Honor that they must travel to the bottom of the backpack, and, if possible, find and roll in the banana that also worked its way down there.
You can’t fight The Code.
No matter how pretty you are. Really.
The Scholastic Warehouse in our area opens it’s doors to the public twice a year and it’s awesome. Things are 30-40-50% off! I just missed the summer sale but I will try to do the early December version.
I still love looking through those Scholastic newsprint order forms…