Those of you who were around to play along this weekend got to jump in on the first of what will probably be a series of clean-my-office-out contests, this one offering four great kids’ books for giveaway just because my children stubbornly refuse to stop growing. The wretches.
Anyway, hundreds of entries later, we have just one lucky winner, and that winner is… commenter 105, Sarah. Congratulations, Sarah—please check your email! I’ll be sending you four great books to read with your little ones. (Or just to read. I don’t judge.)
Big thanks to all who played, and special thanks to the generosity of my pals at both Scholastic and Simon & Schuster for supplying the prizes.
Didn’t win this time? Hey, did you enter the contest to win an Idbids Scout Starter Pack yet? There’s still time! And there’s always more chances to win coming up, too. I’ve got some great prizes lined up for this month, so keep checking back.