Big yum comes in small packages

By Mir
February 6, 2010
Category Contests

Some of you know that I am currently on a weight loss challenge with some friends, and the cornerstone of my new diet plan is More Protein, Less Fat. (Yes, that’s revolutionary. I should totally start my own diet program with that keen insight, don’t you think?) I’ve been on the plan for five weeks and hands down my favorite new “power” food is Greek yogurt. It’s thick and delicious, easy to get in either low-fat or fat-free varieties, and loaded with protein.

So when the nice folks doing PR for Chobani contacted me to see if we’d like to try their brand new Chobani Champions—4 oz. kid-friendly flavors of their yummy yogurt—I couldn’t say yes fast enough. My refrigerator is always full of Chobani cups, but for the most part I hunch over them and hiss “My preshuuuuuuus!” whenever the kids get near them. Ahem. Anyway, they sent us a 4-pack sampler and the kids inhaled them. (Leaving me to hog all of the fat-free adult-sized pomegranate yogurts to myself.)

I think they were a little alarmed by my passionate thanks (“We love Chobani so much! May I please have your babies?”), and so to get me off their backs they’ve offered up some more yogurt for me to share with you, lovely readers.

Five lucky Want Not readers will each receive eight Chobani Champions, two each of verryberry, honeynana, strawnana and chocolate. (It probably goes without saying that my daughter declared the chocolate the best, but I think it’s very telling that my son’s pick was the honeynana. This stuff is amazing.)

Want to win ’em? Of course you do! To enter this contest, first go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Monday, February 8th, 2010 to be in the running. Winners to be determined by random number generation and general awesomeness.

Ready? Go!


  1. We’re yogurt-lovers here. We’d love to give it a try! Thanks!

  2. Sounds yummy!

  3. These sound awesome – I’d love to try them!

  4. love Chobani! They have the best flavors of greek yogurt.

  5. 3 kids who love yogurt in my house! Count me in.

  6. Oooo, I want to try!

  7. i need some to build up my strength to shovel snow!

  8. Would love to try this

  9. I’ve tried this yogurt and it’s delicious!

  10. I am a fan of yogurt. I am always looking for new kinds to try.

  11. So I have to admit I had to google Greek yogurt. Then I had to click where to buy Chobani in my area.

    May have to try this whether I win or not!

  12. Yummy yum yum. Yum! Thanks!

  13. sounds delicious!

  14. OH yes!!! Sas efharisto! (Greek for thank you!)

  15. We haven’t tried Chobani—would love to!

  16. Oh, yum. The kid will be lucky if he gets some!

  17. Delish!

  18. I really need to buy some. I have heard so many good things about this stuff. 😀

  19. yum!

  20. Yum-MY! We LOVE yogurt around our house!

  21. Please help me keep my daughter away from my yogurt!

  22. already a big fan of the chobani…count me in!

  23. mmm… greek yogurt is the best!

  24. We consume more than our share of yogurt here. We’d love to try these.

  25. Yum, yum, yum!!!

  26. Love chobani!!!

  27. Yum!

  28. new yogurt? yes, please. The new flavors sound great. Pick me!

  29. Yum! I love Greek yogurt.

  30. I love Chobani!

  31. My kids have recently discovered how much they love yogurt that I have a hard time keeping it in my house these days!

  32. Like yogurt, but hate you are on a diet. Just had a weird epiphany last night. My sister is 18 months older than me. My brother is 18 months younger than me. And they both eat organic stuff and limit fat. I work out like a fool and eat what I want. They both have wrinkles, I don’t. Knock on some heavy, heavy wood.

  33. My kiddos LOVE Greek yogurt, but I’ve never seen the Chobani flavors around here. Sounds like yummy stuff!

  34. I love Chobani!!

  35. I’d love to try these, but alas, according to their website, there is not a retailer within 80+ miles of my home that sells it.

    I’m counting on you to help me out, pretty Mir. Pick me! Pick me! (And thanks!) 🙂

  36. i’m dying to try greek yogurt; i just decided it might be the key to all mysteries related to WHY WON’T THE SCALE MOVE?!?

    please choose me. or work your magic mojo so that the randomizer chooses me. please? you’re pretty.

  37. I heard about Greek yogurt a few days ago online somewhere and I have been curious to taste the difference!

  38. Dear magic number generator-please pick me

  39. I’ve never tried this but both me and my son love yogurt-now I’m curious!

  40. We are OBSESSED with Chobani yogurt at our house, and we’d love to have some to share with our little girl!

  41. I’ve never had Chobani, but we do like a couple other brands of plain greek yogurt with curry or lamb dishes — would be fun to give it a try.

  42. Love to try it. =)

  43. I love Chobani and don’t care to share. Is that wrong?

  44. Sounds so delicious. Could be that it’s also close to lunch time and my tummy is growling.

  45. Pick me! Pick me!

  46. I LOVE greek yogurt. I’d love to introduce my daughter to it!

  47. My kids are yogurt fiends. This would be great! And you’re very pretty. 🙂

  48. Ooh, we love greek yoghurt too. Is it wrong if grownups eat the kids version?

  49. That sounds like great flavors!

  50. I looove Greek yogurt, but I’ve never tried anything but that Oikos brand here in the states.

  51. Me! Me! Me!

  52. mmm yogurt

  53. Ooh, they sound wunnerful! Thanks, Chobani!

  54. Two out of my three kids can eat yogurt–we’re in!

  55. We have never tried this kind before, but are always looking for something healthy the kids will eat.

  56. I’ve never tried the greek yogurt, but my girls like yogurt so we’d love to try these.

  57. I think I might be tempted to hoard this for myself…but then again, I might share too! 🙂 Love trying new flavors!

  58. Yummmmmm

  59. Awesome! Count me in!

  60. Yummy!

  61. hey I’ll try it

  62. I <3 yogurt…

  63. Pretty please? With …uh…yogurt on top?

  64. Yum!

  65. Yum!

  66. This stuff sounds amazing!

  67. Love to try…

  68. Thanks Mir!

  69. OMG! I, too, am doing a high protein diet and Chobani is No. 1 on my list!!! My husband and I love them and I know my kids would too. I have to try these! Thanks!

  70. I’m on a lose-weight kick to deal with a new diagnosis, so anything that will help me to eat more healthily is greatly appreciated!

    I’ll have to look for these and see if my local grocer carries them.

  71. I love yogurt but have never tried this kind. Would love to win:)

  72. we love chobani! And I’d love to let my daughter try some…right now she only gets other yogurts and the chobanis are all mine.

  73. My kids love yogurt–we’d love to try this.

  74. Yum! Pick me!

  75. Sounds awesome for me and the kids!

  76. love greek yogurt, but i’ve never tried this brand!

  77. we would love to try this yogurt!

  78. Ooh, I haven’t seen the kiddie ones yet! Please enter me!

  79. Yes, please! And thank you!

  80. Thank you!

  81. Would love to try this! Thank you!

  82. Thanks! These would get gobbled up at our house.

  83. I love Chobani and have tried entice my kids to eat it (instead of the sugary kinds they usually want). No luck. I’d love to try these and am hoping stores near me start selling it!

  84. I’m sitting here looking at my boring peach-flavored yogurt thinking, “yes, please, to honeynana.”

  85. MMmmmm. Yogurt.

  86. Sounds good!

  87. I’ve been wanting to try this yogurt, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.

  88. mmmmm,Chobani, so creamy, so delicious.

  89. Pick me, please!

  90. Ooh, I didn’t even realize this stuff existed. Yay!

  91. Nom Nom pick me?

  92. I’d love to try it!

  93. Haven’t even seen Chobani around here, I would really love to try it!

  94. I have been wanting to try this!

  95. Would love to try it!

  96. sounds great!

  97. Oooh pick me! my son is a yogurt fiend!

  98. I’m game. We’d love to try it over here.

  99. We love yogurt!

  100. We’d love to try Chobani!

  101. We LOVE Chobani. Haven’t seen the kids version yet but I’m sure my yogurt loving kids would love it.

  102. Have been trying to get my girls into yogurt for as many years as they exist – maybe this will do the trick!

  103. Yum, Greek yogurt! Everyone at our house loves it.

  104. I would love to try it…I’m on my own weight loss odyssey. Thanks!

  105. Yum!!

  106. My kids love love love yogurt. They take it for lunch. This sounds like something they could totally get even more addicted too.

  107. Sounds great!

  108. This stuff DOES sound great. I could use less fat too.

  109. sounds fantastic, my kids would love this! 🙂

  110. Yummy-yes-please!

  111. so would love to try these…

  112. This Lent is going to find this whold family on a strict healthy diet. High protien is great brain food. I am all in! Thanks for the tip!

  113. We would love to try these!

  114. Well, I certainly need more protein and free food is a plus. WooHoo!!!

  115. They sound like a very yummy Yogurt ! I would love to try them !
    What stores carry them ? I don’t remember seeing them but then again i haven’t looked for them either !

  116. My kids would love to try these! Ok, ok me too!

  117. I just saw those snack size chocolate ones at the store yesterday and wanted to get them, but was restricted by my very tired, hungry, and grumpy 5 year old. Thanks for the chance to try them without threat of a in-store meltdown!

  118. We would love to try them. I am going to look for chocolate at the store for the kids

  119. I would love to try it!

  120. We love chobani!

  121. We would love to try them 🙂

  122. drooling in hopeful anticipation

  123. Would love to try this!

  124. Sounds great!

  125. Yummy!

  126. I’ve been wanting to try these…

  127. Sounds wonderful!

  128. We love yogurt!

  129. Would love to try this yogurt. Sounds great.

  130. Sounds tasty! I’d love to try them!

  131. Absolutely my fav. yogurt!

  132. I’ve wanted to try Greek yogurt and this sounds like the perfect way to test it out!

  133. LOVE Chobani! Love that they are adding a kids line and eager to try it.

  134. Would love to try these!

  135. Would love to try it. I’m not familiar with this brand, will have to look for it. I wonder if it’s available in the middle of the country or just on the “edges”.

  136. YUM!

  137. Me?! Pretty please!

  138. Sounds yummy!

  139. Even my picky kids love Greek yogurt.

  140. Oh we would certainly eat those up!!!!

  141. Yum Yum!

  142. I’ve never heard of Chobani – but it sounds like something my kids would love. Please!

  143. Those flavors sound so yummy!

  144. We just recently tried Chobani (the adult version) for the first time. Yum – we’d love to try the kid’s varieties!

  145. We have never tried this brand and would love to give them a try. Thanks!

  146. I have never tried this brand, would love to win.

  147. I have a Pokemon lunch bag ready and waiting for these!

  148. I was hesitant about the Greek yogurt, but my husband says that they are the best all around, and loves taking them for lunch every day. Would love to get my kids on this stuff, too! 🙂

  149. We love yogurt!

  150. Just discovered this yogurt a few weeks ago. It was wonderful!

  151. Those sound yummy!

  152. Those sound great!

  153. I want these. Yum.

  154. This stuff is awesome! I would love some.

  155. Oh, yum. My toddler adores yogurt, and how can you go wrong with chocolate?!

  156. We all love yogurt around here. Have never tried Chobani and would love to. Thanks!

  157. I’d love this. We have some yogurt fiends here.

  158. Yogurt makes lunchbox packing easier (and enhances the already-awesome beauty of it’s gifter!)

  159. My daughter won’t drink milk, but she LOVES yogurt…so this would be perfect!

  160. Yay yogurt!

  161. I’ve been meaning to try greek yogurt!

  162. Oh yes please!

  163. MMMMMM…we love “yo urt” around here! (it used to be ee out, which was confusing, because I thought he wanted to get out…lol)

  164. Love the stuff! Thanks, Mir!

  165. Oh, please please please!

  166. would love to try these.

  167. We love yogurt!

  168. Never tried Greek yogurt, but I love yogurt in general.

    Thanks, Mir!

  169. I’ve never tried that, but it would be so good for me! Thanks!

  170. I love greek yogurt! Great contest!

  171. I love , love these

  172. I’m game.

  173. we are huge yogurt fans — this would be awesome!

  174. We love yogurt & would love to try Chobani!

  175. I am trying to learn to like yogurt, as it is so very good for you. My child and husband inhale it, so even if I gag, they would appreciate the score!

  176. Greek yogurt? We’d love to try it!

  177. This stuff is so good, but my kids haven’t tried the kids flavors yet! I hope you pick me!

  178. Drooooool

  179. I love yogurt, and am dieting. I would love to win this. Thanks for the chance, Mir.

  180. Lovely…

  181. haven’t tried it, but would love to!

  182. Sounds good!

  183. yum

  184. Sounds like a treat! Thanks Mir!

  185. I would like to win this. Sounds like a treat.

  186. Wow, I didn’t even know they made chocolate ones! Yum!!

  187. Usually the only yogurt I like is the full-fat (whether cow, buffalo or goat) stuff from the nature-granola-type store, but these sound promising.

  188. We love yogurt at my house!

  189. I’ve never tried this yogurt, but from your glowing recommendations, it seems high time that I do! It might help considerably that I’m positively overflowing with general awesomeness.

    Thanks for the contests!!

  190. This is the only yogurt I like and I too am very greedy with it in my fridge. Would love to try the new ones and I might even share with my DD.

  191. I’ve wanted to try these for a while now.

  192. Yes please! I love how much protein Greek yogurt has in it!

  193. I would love to try this!

  194. I’d love to try them! Thanks!

  195. I love Greek yougurt too!

  196. Greek yogurt is my favorite. I’m even learning to share with my husband!

  197. We would love to try these!

  198. I’d love to try these. I love Greek yogurt, but my kids aren’t fans so far. I do sneak it in smoothies for them though.

  199. thank you yes please

  200. ooo…sounds good! Would love to try it!

  201. free food for the growing boy

  202. we L O V E yougurt here! thanks

  203. Oh, we’d love to try them too!

  204. Please enter me!

  205. Pregnant mamas love protein! We’d love to try it!

  206. Pick me!

  207. YUM!

  208. yes please

  209. Oh, good heavens. I want this BAAAD.

  210. I’m Greek, and I love Greek yogurt. I’m glad I don’t have to make my own anymore and I can find it at the stores now! Never tried this brand. Pick me!

  211. Pick me! Pick me! Yummy!

  212. Please?!?

  213. One of my favorite snacks is to take plain or vanilla Greek yogurt, a bit of brown sugar, and fresh blueberries (in season) and mix it all together. So, so yummy.

  214. Oh man. LOVE Chobani and would LOVE to win these! 🙂

  215. We are OBSESSED with Chobani around my house. We can get it in bulk for a great price at Costco and that is the one of the only reasons why we have a Costco card. Stir some low-fat granola in a bowl of strawberry Chobani and you have a breakfast that will keep you full for hours and hours.

  216. Pick me, pretty Mir!! I might even share some with my children…

  217. I love Chobani but there is one small problem, so do my kids. They always seem to eat it all. Ok not a bad problem to have since it is so good for them. However, if they have thier own I will no longer need to hide a container way back in the fridge behind the leftovers…

  218. I love yogurt. I have never tried this brand before.

  219. Ooooohhh!! Been wanting to try Greek Yogurt and these sound so yummy!

  220. Pick me!! My daughter is on a Greek yogurt spree. We need those coupons. Thanks, Mir!

  221. yum – I started on WW last week and this would be *fabulous*

  222. I love Chobani

  223. No stores near me so would love some!

  224. I can’t get enough of it either? And now with banana? omg. Did they clue you in on where to find the new varieties??

  225. how ’bout it, Mir! Please let me win~

  226. I love yogurt!

  227. Yogurt is awesome & so are you, oh beautiful & talented Mir!!

  228. My daughter LOVES yogurt. What a great way to try a new kind!

  229. I guess we’d better give these a try!

  230. Since we can never keep yogurt of any kind in the house, sign me up!

  231. Sign me up! We go thru yogurt like water in my house. Thanks Mir!

  232. This would be a great way to try the Greek Yogurt. Thanks!!

  233. Oh, ME!
    I meant ME, PLEASE!


  235. If I win, I will put it in the back of the fridge, away from the kiddos grabby paws. 🙂

  236. They’ve got to be healthier than the Trix yogurt my kids eat now!

  237. My kids can’t get enough of any kind of yogurt, so this sounds awesome!!

  238. I love the adult yogurt so the kids should be fantastic as well!

  239. I’ve been wanting to try Greek yogurt. Thanks!

  240. Sounds deeeeewishus!

  241. Wow! High protein yogurt sounds like a great idea for my little picky eaters! Would love to give it a try.

  242. I’d love to try and see if it can be another in my yogurt rotation

  243. Sounds scrumptious!

  244. I love yogurt almost as much as I love cookie cake! almost.

  245. Ummm, sounds good! Pick me!

  246. sounds yummy!

  247. Keeping our fingers crossed!

  248. I love Greek yogurt, but I have not tried this brand. Thanks! Go 251!!

  249. Chobani is DA BOMB! I needsa me some. 🙂

  250. mmmmm chocolate yogurt!!

  251. I would love to try this yogurt I have never seen it in my hometown.

  252. yes, please

  253. 256 is my lucky number!

  254. Cool! I’d like to win! Do they have them in my local store, or is this a Whole Foods thing?

  255. What a fun contest. Sounds yummy!!!!

  256. My husband LOVES it and so does my son, and at $4 for a 4 pack, I can’t say I stock it… they’d love some. COunt me in!

  257. please!

  258. We are pushing “healthy” with my teenager-these would be an awesome addition.

  259. sounds good.

  260. sure

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