Just a quick reminder, in case you missed it when I posted it a couple of weeks ago: The annual Taste of Home $5 Cookbook Sale has just a couple of days left, and it’s a great time to beef up your cookbook library or stock the gift closet. (Who doesn’t like getting cookbooks? People who don’t like to eat, that’s who. And that’s… nobody I know.)
Shipping is automatically free on orders of $20+, or use code 1062 for $1 shipping on any size order, or code 347 for free shipping on $10+.
Just think—you could have holiday teacher gifts done before the end of March, you awesome planner, you.
It’s also wedding shower season. I’m in for 4. (And if I keep the cupcake one for my family, the bride will be none the wiser…) Thanks for the reminder, Mir!
Thanks for the reminder, Mir! I was intrigued the last time you posted this deal, but was too busy to get around to ordering a couple for my sister. The great free shipping/$1 shipping deals made it a no-brainer for me! I ended up with two great cookbooks I know she’ll love.
Now…do you think she’ll see the irony in getting both “Healthy Cooking” and “Cupcakes!” ? 😉
Gifts for husband, MIL, and mom – all with one fell swoop! Now, to hide them where I can find them again…
Awesome! No one loves Taste of Home more than my mother. Happy early birthday, mother, mwa ha ha. (Evil laughter of present-buying.)
Awesome! I’m in for at least four. Thanks, Mir!