Oh my darlings, I didn’t mean to leave you hanging on the contest to win Katie Crouch’s novels for so long. My day (and previous week) got all topsy-turvy. Look at me now, posting this late at night, such is my guilt at having not gotten to it earlier today. Life rudely keeps getting in the way of important things, like free books. Hmph.
Nevertheless! I promised you five winners, and five winners we shall have. The following lucky commenters are going to receive both Girls in Trucks and Men and Dogs for their summer reading pleasure. Those lucky winners are: Mary T (commenter 132), Jill (commenter 47), ajp (commenter 9), RachelJ (commenter 132), and Esther (commenter 65). Congratulations, winners—please check your email!
Big thanks to all who played, and special thanks, as always, to our very generous pals at Hachette Book Group for the prizes.
You know the drill: If you didn’t win this one, there’s always another contest coming up, so no need to be sad. (Although right now, it’s time for bed.)
Yay!!! Thanks much!