My, my, my. This was a hot one! Apparently y’all harbor deep love for cooking vessels. There’s a metaphor in there somewhere, I’m sure. Anyway, we had nearly 500 entries in the contest to win a Pampered Chef Deep Covered Baker Bundle, which means we’re about to have nearly 500 disappointed people. But also 1 excited person! I hope! And that’s just how it is.
The random number generator says that commenter 172, Renae, is our winner. Congratulations, Renae—please check your email! You’ll be receiving the deep covered baker, the mix ‘n chop, the small mix ‘n scraper, and a set of four recipe cards. Hooray!
Big thanks going out to all who played, and especially to the generosity of Pampered Chef for providing this prize, and even throwing in a mix ‘n chop for me because I said “Oh that’s completely wild, can I have one of those to try?” (Side note: I still haven’t used it to cook anything yet, but my son is really enjoying brandishing it and announcing that everyone should stand back. So.)
But wait… there’s more! Pretty Want Not reader Tracey Neylon is a Pampered Chef consultant and wrote in to point out that this $99 bundle deal also entitled customers to another bonus gift with purchase. Check out her Pampered Chef site and click on “Want Not readers Can get More” to see how you can take advantage of this offer, through the end of February. (Thanks so much, Tracey!)
Didn’t win this one? More contests are always coming up! Pinky swear.