And a little something for you

By Mir
June 23, 2011

There’s little I like more than a good excuse to buy myself something pretty at Amazon. But you probably already knew that. Check this one out: Right now they’re offering an extra 20% off on already-discounted clearance clothing, when you use coupon code FROMUS2U at checkout.

I always find Amazon’s clothing selection to be kind of high-end and not entirely cohesive, but when they do extra savings like this, I don’t care. It’s a great way to get a smoking deal on something you might never have been able to afford, otherwise. I’ve gotten a few really nice pieces of clothing this way.

Er, I mean, surely I shopped at only the finest boutiques. Yeah, that’s it.


  1. Thanks! Just added to my new faves – Agave Denim!

  2. Some nice columbia fleeces. Snagged one for $12 after free shipping and discount.

  3. When I first put in the code it only gave me about 10% off. I tried to figure out why (did I order the blue when it only worked on the green) but the cart didn’t show exactly what came off where, so I couldn’t. I ordered anyway, and figured it was a good enough deal, but just in case I shot off a quick email to Amazon CS asking for clarification. Figured nothing would come of it….within an hour I had an email reply, apologizing that the code didn’t work properly, and refunding me the rest of the credit! Amazon is almost as pretty as you, Mir! Thanks!

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