It all ships for free, today

By Mir
July 13, 2015
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Happy birthday, Woot! Today you’re 11, and that means you’re starting to have mood swings, you’re developing acne, you’ve started to smell a little more pungent, and suddenly you know everything. How delightful.

To celebrate, the fine folks over at Woot are offering free shipping on every order on all of their sites, today (Monday, July 13th) only. That means you can stock up on Shirt.Woot shirts or buy a month’s supply of dehydrated food (that’s gross enough; at first I typed “foot” instead of “food” and how much would a month’s supply or dehydrated feet be, anyway?) from Sport.Woot or whatever. Pay no shipping. Zilch. Nada. None. But only today—so get shopping if you need something.


  1. But the real question is, what wine would you pair with dehydrated feet?

  2. ^ waterproof socks

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