A skinny quickie contest

By Mir
September 7, 2008
Category Contests

If you are female and American, chances are you’re on a diet right now, or have been at some point in the past. We could talk all day long about why that is or what it means to be healthy or why so many women are unhappy with their bodies, but I have to get to church.

Instead, let’s all agree that whatever your personal body image demons, there’s nothing wrong with a little dessert that doesn’t pack on the pounds. Weight Watchers makes snack cakes, cookies, and muffins that are only 1 WW point apiece. (Wait, I lied—the muffins are 3 points. Details. The cookies and snack cakes are only 1.)

As part of a balanced diet plan… well, blah blah blah, you know the drill. Please don’t eat nothing but snack cakes. Anyway. I have coupons for three free Weight Watchers sweet baked goods items, and they’re going out to one lucky Want Not reader.

Want to win ’em? Simply leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) tonight, Sunday, September 7th, 2008.

And then you can go get three boxes of guilt-free snacking. Not that you need it—you look fabulous, darling.


  1. Wow, here’s hoping that a low number is a winner 🙂

  2. yummy
    I could use one of those right now.

  3. Oh, what a thing to read while hungry. Sounds yummy!

  4. Sounds good!

  5. Yummy! I could have 23 servings of cookies!

  6. Mmmmmm… snacks.

  7. Snacks! Yay!

  8. Count me in!

  9. I’ll take free snacks!

  10. Mmmmm!

  11. pick me, pick me!!

  12. I pink puffy heart low cal snacks.

  13. I luv snacks!

  14. my fingers are crossed

  15. Me! Pick me!

  16. Sounds good to me!

  17. Free sweets? Count me in!


  18. Guilt-free snacks? Sign me up!

  19. ummm chocolate….

  20. yum, these are good

  21. Oh this would be perfect! My dear friend has recently decided to try WW to tackle a long-time weight problem, but bless her for doing it now that SHE is ready!

  22. Hook me up!

  23. Oh! Yummy!

  24. YUM. Thanks pretty!

  25. WW Treats — Yum!!


  26. These are really tasty! I’d love to win them.

  27. guilt free snacks…what could be better!! I’m in!

  28. Sounds good!

  29. I’d love to try these!

  30. mmmmm…tasty

  31. Yum yum yum.

  32. I love these snacks! They have really helped me lose weight! Go WW!

  33. Pick me, please!

  34. I lost some weight recently on a diet, but I’m paranoid about keeping it off. I’d love to try to WW products, too!

  35. Oh golly, I sure could use this! Working from home, grazing all day…at least I’d be grazing fewer calories!

  36. I’d love them!

  37. Yumm, I love WW snack cakes! And they don’t have Splenda in them so my DH can eat them too (Splenda gives him migraines)!!

  38. Hi Mir — I’d love to win!

  39. Hey, I’m in.

  40. I am willing to try them!

  41. Great! Pick me, please!

  42. mmmm…. snacks…

  43. I’ve never tried those, but cool contest!

  44. I’m in!

  45. This is my lucky number.

  46. Mmmmm, mmmmmm! Yummy!

  47. There’s not a darn thing wrong with desserts that DO pack on the pounds, either!! 😉

  48. I rarely buy these due to price, but I love them.

  49. You are making me hungry just reading about them!

  50. I was just mentioning to my husband that I was almost out of Hershey’s Kisses. This would be a much better replacement snack.

  51. Ooh! THIS is an awesome giveaway.

  52. oooohhh, I would love to win these!!

  53. I LOVE WW stuff!

  54. Yummy!!!

  55. Love these things. Thanks!

  56. I’m on WW as of last week! Need snacks!

  57. I love their snacks! They are actually really yummy!

  58. I will snack anyway, so it might as well be semi-healthy.

  59. Oh yes indeed I DO want to win them!

  60. I hope I win! I have to hide my snacks from my kids!

  61. I’m game for some guilt free goodness.

  62. Would love them…I’m starting ww next week!

  63. Free snacking is the only thing that trumps any other kind of snacking.

  64. Oh I need these SO bad!

  65. Yea! Since I’m signing up to join WW tomorrow, that’d be a GREAT help!

  66. Yes, please.

  67. snacks keep me from other vices….save me Mir!

  68. I especially like the carrot cake! Mmmmmm, cake.

  69. Love it! Thx for the yummy contest.

  70. As I sit here eating a chocolate chip muffin that is most definetly moore than 3 points

  71. YUMMY! Good and Healthy, what more could you ask for.

  72. I could use these.

  73. hear my reasoning….I am going on a cruise soon and have to lose weight to gain weight ….so please pick me!

  74. sounds yummy!!

  75. hmm I am always in for snack.. hmm.. that might be why I need to get on that eliptical.. er.

  76. Need low point snacks over here, stat! Thanks for all the great contests, Mir.

  77. Yummy… I’ve just been telling my Husband that I don’t care how many of my points it takes, I NEEED chocolate today.

  78. sounds good to me!!

  79. Those things are really good! I’d love some free ones!

  80. Ooh, yay! I hope I get this.

  81. Just the thing to wash these potato chips down with.

  82. oooh, sounds yummy!! count me in!!!!!

  83. Mmmmmmmm…snaaacks. I’m definitely a sweet snacker while my husband is a salty snacker, and I try NOT to snack too much, so we don’t have many of my type in the house.

    Thanks for this one, Mir!

  84. This would be great!

  85. Mmmm…snack time!

  86. Count me in!

  87. I love these snacks. Count me in please.

  88. i would love some of those snacks!!

  89. I would love to try some of the snacks 🙂

  90. Count me in!

  91. Hoping for good luck — I could use these! I snack poorly when I’m teaching, and that means 9 months out of the year.

  92. Please!

  93. Ich liebe Schokolat!

  94. I love those cakes! So do my kids. Yay!

  95. Those things are yummilicious! LoL :0) Thanks!

  96. We love those cakes! Sign me up!

  97. Yummm! Hooray for WW treats… thanks for the contest!!
    Joanna 🙂

  98. weight watchers snacks 🙂 I am on that plan now and loving how I feel! But sweets can make me feel good too!

  99. I’m on WW now and have lost 14 lbs already – freebies to help me keep on keeping on would be great!

  100. i’m a weight watchers member and know how “expensive” those little treats can cost…what a great contest!

  101. Their desserts are wonderful!

  102. comment on snacks yeah

  103. Yes please!

  104. my hips say THANK YOU!!

  105. Thanks Mir. Lovely contest!

  106. Yummy!

  107. Pick me please!! They sound great!

  108. YUM!

  109. yummy

  110. Sounds great – I’m in!

  111. I need some WW help with my snacking… fingers crossed that you’ll pick me!

  112. Did you say snack? I’m so in!

  113. I love the WW stuff! Thanks for the contest, Mir!

  114. These are terrific, count me in!

  115. My hubby and I just started a contest with eachother to see which one could lose more…I’d love to eat sweet snacks in front of him and not feel (completely) guilty. 🙂

  116. female- check
    American- check
    on a diet- check

    got lots of great food bargains from your friday post… thanks!

  117. I am on the WW plan right now and could’nt make it without these snacks!

  118. Maybe this will be my lucky turn to win something?

  119. Me, me, me, purty, purty please.

  120. Oooh yummy! Count me in!

  121. This is be Great!

  122. I’d love to try them!

  123. Mmmmm….Snack cakes!

  124. Now I really want some of those snacks, yummy.

  125. Currently in the counting point phase (again), so I’d love to win.

  126. snacks please!

  127. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH I need to lose weight now that the baby’s out, and I lurve these.

  128. I’ll sign up for anything low-fat, low-cal, low-points!!

  129. I’ve never tried WW snacks but I’d like to.

  130. yay! free snacks

  131. I am definitely in on this one!

  132. Yeah! I have lost 13 pound in the past 8 weeks and could use a little encouragement…. or chocolate…

  133. I am a lifetime member of WW, and boy oh boy, those snacks have saved me more than a time or two!

  134. Oooh, me pick me!!! 🙂

  135. I love the lemon ones!!!!!!

  136. pick me, pick me!

  137. who doesn’t love snacks??? sign me up, please!

  138. Yum, snacks! I’m in!!

  139. Guilt free – that’s what I need!

  140. Who doesn’t love free snacks?

  141. Yum! Can’t go wrong with that!

  142. yummy! I’ll put my name in for the contest!

  143. Snacking is fun!

  144. Climbing back on the WW wagon shortly, as soon as the new at work session starts. This is a great giveaway! And Mir, you are pretty.

  145. I’m in!

  146. the choc. cakes are delicious! thanks.

  147. Yum! I’d love some snacks right now!

  148. Oh this contest is for me, totally need to get on track before the holidays!

  149. Count me in!

  150. Me!! Me!! Pretty please??

  151. Yummy!

  152. Did I get here in time? (madly converting central time to eastern and/or pacific time)

  153. I love these!

  154. Love these, love to win!!!

  155. Maybe they’ll help me stay on track with the diet?

  156. Love these cakes. Small but YUMMY.

  157. ooohh, looking forward to sweets to help with my diet!

  158. yum

  159. I love these cakes and goodies. Hope I can win.

  160. I’m doing weight watchers right now. THANKS!

  161. These are perfect. Thanks pretty Mir.

  162. Maybe winning this will inspire me to start Weight Watchers like I’ve been meaning to do forever!

  163. How did you become so good at what you do? Pick me!!!

  164. I lost 16 lbs on Weight Watchers. I know it doesn’t sound like a lot, but it had been lingering since the birth of my son, who was 4 at the time. It is not really dieting, but changing your eating style. It wasn’t too hard, either, which is definitely my way of dieting.

  165. mmm snackies…

  166. I love those WW treats! Please send those coupons my way!

  167. I have lost 24 lbs on ww (so far). I’d love to win!

  168. I’ve recently lost 50 lbs doing Weight Watchers. Believe those snacks are a godsend. Please pick me. I still need to lose a bit more.

  169. pick me too. I need a jump start.

  170. Sitting on my computer after 10 pm on a sunday. I totally could use a snack!

  171. I am so needing some not guilt inducing snacking.

  172. YO! Pass the non-indulgent snacks this way, please!!

  173. yum

  174. I love these snacks! Thanks for another great contest!

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