I’m not really famous, but I occasionally experience delusions of grandeur as a result of the media telling me I have pretty hair a nice website.
[Helpful hint: A great way to get people to take notice of your bargain shopping site is to have the economy tank. Just a free tip from me to you, people!]
I think these folks are awfully pretty:
I was thrilled to be chosen as one of about 30 new Savings.com DealPros in 2010, and I’m still happily working with them two years later. In November of 2010 I attended and presented at Save Up 2010, an invitation-only conference for the nation’s top frugal bloggers. You can view my presentation on shopping Black Friday online right here.
- I chatted with WDEL 1050AM Delaware’s Amy Cherry on Black Friday about the best online deals this year and also back in 2010. (Spoiler: My advice remains the same—shop from home, skip the crowds.)
- Before 2010’s holiday rush, I advised NBC’s WSAZ-TV Huntington on how to shop smart on Black Friday.
- I was featured on ABC’s WLS-TV Chicago news as part of a segment on tips for savvy holiday shopping.
- Some of my experiences/advice and examples from this site are featured in Susan Getgood’s Professional Blogging for Dummies book. You don’t need to be a dummy to buy it, either.
- I was an invited panelist in February of 2010 at the Mom 2.0 Summit to talk about blogging strategy. I may have announced to the room that I am a shopping ninja.
- In early 2009 I was filmed for a news segment on saving money which was distributed to channels around the country; see an example of how it was used on this Austin station.
- The folks from Real Simple had me contribute a gift giving etiquette guide to their blog for the holidays in 2008.
- My local NBC affiliate came knocking and featured me in one of their Ways to Save segments in November of 2008.
- In September of 2008, Want Not was selected as a site Macworld loves for smart shopping.
- Maria Reitan of Purse Strings interviewed me on her show in June of 2008.
- In 2007, Want Not snagged second place for Best Shopping Blog in the Bloggers Choice Awards.