Today I’m going to share the love with a couple of books I recently reviewed for Cool Mom Picks. Both of them were so much fun, I feel I can only show them the proper respect they deserve by passing them along to another harried mom in need.
First off, we have Mommy Prayers by Tracy Mayor, who is a Brain, Child editor and someone who understands that every mom has, at one time or another, prayed for an uninterrupted shower or for Skittles to keep a child quiet until we’re done checking out with our groceries. These are not “now I lay me down to sleep” prayers, but “please, can this shred of Beloved Blankie just last a little longer?” kinds of prayers. Very funny and would make a great baby shower gift.
Next, I also have a copy of Just Let Me Lie Down by Kristin van Ogtrop, who is a Real Simple editor and working mother of three. The subtitle of this one is “Necessary terms for the half-insane working mom,” and it’s organized sort of like a mini-encyclopedia of relevant items. Very well done and funny and—best of all—the cover features a little “mom” Lego minifig laying there missing an arm, which is so perfect and clever I would’ve read it on that basis alone.
Want to win them, either for you or for a mom in need who need a bit of commiseration and humor? I’ll be sending the pair to one luck Want Not reader! First go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (that’s 8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, April 7th, 2010 to be entered. Winner to be determined by random number generation and level of harriedness (that’s totally a word).
Ready? Go!
mmmmm…. books…
Yay! boooooooks!
Oh, I want to be the winner!
love the book giveaways
I need commiseration and humor!
I’d love this!
This would be nice!
Some interesting reading!
Would love to be the winner. These books sound great!
sounds awesome!
Yay, books!
I could really use them!
I know a mama and a mama-to-be who’d love these! (Uh oh, how do I choose…?)
Oh, yes please!
I’m home with the entire family today, and we all have flu-like symptoms. I could sure use a laugh…
Sounds funny!
These sound great and I’d love to win them!!
Oh. My. Goodness! I have to have these! Come on, Random Number Generator!
Sounds great to me! I’m not a working Mom, but I certainly know people I can pass that book on to!
Sounds great!
Yeah for books! Pick me please!!!
If levels of harriedness matter, I’m a mom of six, between ten and two. Plus we have a puppy. 😉
Please pick me. I could use a good laugh!
Books are great.
Pretty please with sugar on top.
this sounds FANTASTIC!
I would love to win these books! I stay-at-home with the kids and my sister works full-time. Between the two of us we will have little hair left 🙂 It’s always nice to read a pick-me-up-you’re-not-alone book.
Relevant. 🙂
Would love to read them!
Both sound like fun reads!
Count me in
I love new books! 🙂
Hard to decide if I’ll keep these for me or send them to my step-sister.
i have harriedness!
pretty harried but it could be worse!
those sound great. Me, Please!
I’ve been wanting to read that 2nd one and the 1st sounds good too!
Great giveaway! Love it and your site!
I’d love to read both of these. Thanks!
Ooooo…I could use the prayers and the laughs! 🙂
Been there. Like 10 minutes ago.
With 12 kids my life is a bit harried…
You are lucky to get so many books….and we’re lucky that you share!
these sound pretty cool… pick me!!
Need this! Thanks for sharing.
yummy something new to read. count me in
sounds fun!
oh how I love books.
books! (heart)
Love books!
Thanks for picking me!
Pick me!
Oh pick me please, not that I ever have any time to read…=o\
Those sound like great reads.
Pick me… 🙂
I would love to win these books. Thanks for the chance. Even if I don’t win, I’ll read the books at some point. I had seen an ad for the Kristen von Ogtrop book other day and the cover made me chuckle, too.
Oh BOOOOooooook!
I would love to win the books for my daughter.
Terrific. I need these. And then I can pass them on to my other harried mother friends.
Sounds funny!
I could use these. My life is a little hectic right now.
Would be great, thx!
They sound hilarious!
I need these!
Would love this 😉
Just what I need!
harried = mom!!
Sounds like very fun books. Thanks.
I love to laugh!
I love books
I would keep one and give the other to a friend. I love books.
Books are the best!
Woo-hoo! Love books. Thanks for the contest!
I need these books! I’m totally hairy! That’s what you meant right? 😉
I have a 4 year old boy. Need I say more? Hope I win!
Sounds good!
I have a 2 yr old and 4 yr old. I would love these books!
Level of harriedness? that is totally, completely, truthfully a word. And that random number generator needs to remember that I am as harried as a mom of two “elder” children (18 and 23) can be.
Me please
Could it finally be my time to win one of these contests???
Me! I’m trying to get my daughter prepared for a crazy long karate test on Sunday when the weather has turned beautiful and all she wants to do it play outside. AND I have a cold. I am at harriedness factor 10.
(Proud mom note–she’s getting her second level of brown belt and she’s seven; she’ll be a black belt before she’s nine.)
This would be FABULOUS – thank you!
Sounds good to me!
Would love to win!
Oh! I need some good summer reads!!
Those both sound great!
oh me please please – both of them sound good
I would love to win either of these, can never have too many books.
Love new books!
I need a tattoo of the Lego mom on my arm!
As a mother of three under the age of four, sure! Because I have plenty of time for reading…but these are perfect books for even a preschool car line.
Ooh, pick me, please!
Summer reads AND baby shower fodder? Yay!
Always looking for the next book! Thanks!
Harried! tHANKS – Jessica
Now this sounds like FUN! Always good to know that we harried moms are not alone! 😉
I heart books!
Yay, tell it like it is books!
I think the “Just Let Me Lie Down” book sounds hilarious.
THanks Mir!
My daughter-in-law works full time from home with 2 kids under 3. She NEEDS these!
I’ve been wanting to read the van Ogtrop book and then pass it on to my friends!
pick me…!
These books sound great.
Truly Awesome for the harried women!
these books sound great! Thanks!
Sounds great!
I need new reads! And I often feel like a Lego minifig with a missing arm, so these sound perfect!
please and thank you!
These books sound great! Thanks Mir!
Why do I never win these?
These books sound like great reading!
I love the book contests!
I love Brain, Child! Please pick me!
I’d love to win new books!
Three 🙂 cheers =)for ;)books
Love books!!
I love books! You’re so pretty!
I’d love to read these! Pick me please!!
I so want to win these! OK, I know I always want to win your contests, but I really want to win these books!
As a harried working mom with too many unread books already, I shouldn’t enter, but these look fantastic. Count me in!
These sound like fun reads. I did read about the Real Simple editors book, in well, Real Simple and thought it looked good!
I need a laugh
I love books, especially books about motherhood. It would be great to win!
love books sign me up
would be great for me!
thanks for the contest opportunity!
I need something to relax me, my daughter is getting married in 3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Could use a fun read!
How did I miss this one? Yes, please.
My wife would love these! I would read them and laugh as well, but then I wouldn’t tell anyone.
yay! thanks mir!!
Oh how I would love to win! I love booooks and my first is fifteen loud, stubborn, temper-tantrum throwing months old….
Books . . .I love books!
a good laugh is always perfect….especially by the pool
Sounds perfect for this mother-to-be!
Sounds awesome! Need laughs!
Pick me! Pick me!
Pick me! Pick … whoops, really I didn’t read the previous comment.
Enter me!
I’d love to win these to give to my d-i-l! She’s a middle school teacher, and she and my son have a 5yr old and 3yr old twins.
Summer’s a coming! Need some reading materials!
it’s 11:58…just before midnight! Hope I win (heck, I’m likely last, so I doubt I’ll win…)