Do you have a kid or two that digs iCarly? My children are obsessed with that show, I swear. (I have to admit, I don’t totally hate it. The fake commercials they do are hilarious.)
If you do, and if that child has a Nintendo DS, today might be your lucky day. The iCarly franchise has just release a brand-spanking-new iCarly DS game: iCarly 2: iJoin the Click! (Out for three weeks and the lowest price I can find for it is $55. I’m thinking it must bring you snacks in addition to being a DS game.) I have a copy of iJoin the Click up for giveaway today!
Want to win it? Of course you do! First, go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Thursday, December 9th, 2010 for a chance to win. Winner to be determined by random number generation and random dancing. (If you get that reference, be ashamed. I am.)
Ready? Go!
Ok, seriously, I love iCarly. It’s one of the funniest shows on TV! And I have a serious crush on Spencer. There, I said it. PICK ME, NUMBER THINGY!!
Oh, I know all about the random dancing. Now excuse me while I go eat my spaghetti taco.
Apparently, I have no shame. At all.
iCarly is awesome…especially compare to what else is out there…I have been known to watch it with no kid around! My daughter though would love this and is in fact likely to do some random dancing if she finds this under the tree!
My daughter loves this show too! This would be a perfect last addition to the Christmas gifts!
officially entered ;0)
Love it!
I would be the “best mom ever”-at least for 1 day-if the pretty number generator picks me!
My kids love that show, and I have to admit, I kinda have a crush on Spencer.
We made spagetti tacos the other night & you know…they were pretty good.
Oh – and a girl in my Sunday School class (3rd graders) is named Carly & her brother is Spencer. I swear – how hilarious is that?
Ok. . . I guess I’m entered now. We would love to win this!
This would be a big hit in my house!
I have to admit an affinity for this program. Unlike some of the schlock that passes for entertainment on kids’ t.v. channels, this one has some genuine creativity and humor. (And seriously, how can you not love it when Jane Lynch makes an appearance?) I have been known to laugh out loud. iCarly for DS? iCan get behind that. iThank you for the chance. (Sorry. iAm finished now.)
My 7yo is totally into iCarly – I think it’s too old for him, but some things I just don’t have the energy to fight. And I will admit that I have found myself watching it when no one is watching.
I don’t do the random dancing, but I do watch my kids do it…
iWant … for the kids of course
I kind of think Spencer is cute…
I’m in!
I am random dancing right now. . . no really.
This is one of the few shows I can stand to watch with my kids.
Embarrassed to admit that I don’t mind watching iCarly with my kids 😉
My husband is capable of doing himself an injury from laughing while watching that show. I love iCarly, but I kind of want Miranda Cosgrove to eat a sandwich or two.
We/I love iCarly!
My daughter would looove this.
On our list already!! Would love it!
Yes!! 3 girls at my house that love this show. I sit thru it too. 😉
We have the iCarly bear from Build a Bear. ’nuff said. . .
iCarly is very popular at our house. Since there will be a new DS at Christmas, replacing the one that suffered a tragic, watery death at the beginning of summer vacation, a new game would be greatly appreciated.
My daughter adores iCarly, but Sam is her “hero!” (Gosh, I guess I should be ashamed to admit that, as it possibly reflects poorly on my parenting skills…)
Gracie is in lurve with that show. I am just happy it’s not Hannah Montana, so I let her watch it. I am absolutely-ISwearIt!-finished with my CHristmas shopping, but Gracie would love this game for her birthday! Pleaseandthankyou!
My husband wants to be Spencer…seriously. OB-SESSED–the whole family! My 4 year old loves loves loves it! Thanks!
My daughter loves iCarly! Pick me!
We just found iCarly on Netflix Instant View! I have a feeling my kids will love it!
we love iCarly! okay really it’s just the kids but if gives me some quiet time from them.
Yep, kids LOVE it! If I had to spend $55 to buy it I would have to keep it under lock and key! :O
My kids love iCarly. But there is no way I would spend $55 on the game for them. I love my kids but not that much.
My daughter would LOVE this under the tree! Thanks!
My daughter LOVES iCarly so very much. I probably shouldn’t admit it, but I do too. I have been know to actually sit and watch when I’m the only one home.
My daughter LOVES iCarly. she’s even set our DVR to record them all (over and over and over…).
I love their fake commercials. It always confuses my kids tho. I love that part too.
my kids would LOVE this!
I love iCarly! 😉
My daughter really, really wants this game. I had no clue it was so expensive! This would help Santa out a bunch.
I love Spencer and my girls pretend to be Carly and Sam all the time. This would be fantastic!
Got a daughter who would be so excited if I won this!!!
This show is a favorite in our house. This game would be an amazing addition to my 8-year old’s Christmas gifts!
I have to admit, that’s one kids show I actually pay some attention to when I’m in the room! My kids would LOVE this!
Randomly pick me!
I have two girls who would flip for this!
My daughter would be in heaven. She loves all things iCarly, she looks up iCarly at the library and has checked out all the books and we’ve also checked out all the dvds (in addition to watching every episode 85 times).
Pick me! Pick me!
i hope i win!
I will be the bestest Mimi ever!! Hope I win
Love random dancing! 🙂
It seems to be the only show on my TV these days!!!
Yes please!!!
My 7 year old LOVES iCarly! 🙂
so i’m not the only adult who loves this show and watches with her kid? Hooray! but how many of you DVR it? LOL. I also have a crush on Spencer. Pick me random number generator!
Santa is bringing a dsi for Christmas would be great to have an extra game.
Gimme gimme Gibby.
count me in as a Spencer/Gibby/Freddie’s mom lover !! my girls and their DS’s would love this, thank you
Spaghetti tacos RULE!!!
I really want to win this!
my daughter would love this.
We love iCarly in this house!
We love iCarly. This would definitely be a family game. Thanks!
Thanks for all your fabulous updates! Have gotten some great deals because of you! Now, I’m going to go ask my magic meatball if my kids are going to win this awesome prize! Thanks!
PLEASE pick me! My daughter and I LOVE watching Icarly together!
My tween would be so OMG, LOL! Thank you pretty Mir!
A few iCarly lovers in this house too! 😉
My niece loves iCarly! would be a great gift!
Way cool – we love iCarly!
We love iCarly here too!!
Ok, I bought the Mario Party DS Bundle on your recommendation! Now we need GAMES!! (Please pick me)
i love sam. if i could be a teenager all over again, i’d be her.
ME ME ME!!! The whole family loves iCarly!!!
My daughter would love this!
I not Carly. I Leah. But I still want to win the freebie!!!
My daughter LOVES LOVES LOVES Icarly!!!!!
I would win “Mom of the Year” award for this!
I have two huge ICarly fans here, and both are getting a ds for Christmas from grandma. This would be a perfect addition!!!
My daughter loves this show and is getting a DS from Santa this Christmas. Would love to have this game to go along with it.
Oh my goodness, my daughter totally wants that game. Pick me please! I need all the Christmas shopping help I can get!!
my two love this show!!
This would be perfect for my nieces!
My daughter would love this – sounds like a great Christmas present!
My granddaughter is a big fan of iCarly. PIck me!
Oh my…. you sure are pretty. ;o)
What an awesome Christmas gift! Please random number generator, pick me!!!
My kids like iCarly.
My niece would love this!
Wow! Please pick me!
Perfect gift to accompany the DS from Santa
My daughter would LOVE this!
My kids LOVE this show and would totally dig this game! whoo hoo! Thanks for the opportunity!
iCarly is a hit in this house. The kids would be thrilled!
Wow Mir. This would save a lot of holiday dollars! I can’t wait to win!!! Thanks.
My kids love this show and the ds . . .and yes they run around outside sometimes too.
oh god. random dancing. [hangs head in shame]
But please pick me 🙂 my daughter will lovelovelove it!
am i random number 99
Are you kidding??? I have a 10 yr old granddaughter!!! ICarly Rocks!!
Pick me! Pick me! 🙂
Spencer is too cute!! (but this would be for the kids) 🙂
count me in
my fave is sam – she cracks me up. ok, no I don’t really watch it, just sometimes when I’m passing through the room, ya know, to make sure its appropriate for the kids??
Sounds great.
Fingers crossed!
Oh, my daughter would be so excited!
My niece is obsessed with this show. I may have let my 2 year old watch it once or twice as well. *ahem*
For $55 it shouldn’t just bring you snacks, it should bring you spaghetti tacos (or if you’re Sam fan– fat cakes & pork chops.
I am random dancing as I type this response on my Pear Pad.
oh yeah, add me, please?
This coupled with Sam’s remote would make Xmas complete for my monkey!
My daughter loves this show & she just got a new DSI XL. She would love to have this game!!!
Kids would be in heaven if Santa came through with this wish 🙂
Yes, I admit, I laugh with every episode I watch.
My daughter wants this but I refuse to pay more than $15 for a game.
The only show I don’t mind watching with the kids.
This would be a hit!
I have 2 iCarly fanatics in my house…and that’s not counting me. LOL!
We are a house of icarly fans!!! Spencer is adorable and the coolest big brother ever and who doesn’t love Gibby and his younger brother Guppy! Even though my kids would be fighting over this, I would still love to win it!!!
My 8yo daughter loves ICarly! She would flip over this game!
iCarly is on at our house everyday. I think it is a pretty clever show. This prize would be a great gift for the 10 year old.
Count my 10 year old in on this contest! She’d love it.
My daughter would love this, and I find iCarly to be one of the most tolerable shows on TV (meaning, I think it’s funny, as opposed to, say that dang Fresh Beat Band. Ugh). So you’d make us both happy!
Anyone care to see my family doing the belly rub/dance/shriek? Then don’t watch if we win this prize. 😉 Thanks, Mir!
ido, ido, pick me
Pick me pretty Mir! My daughter would just love this.
My girls are obsessed with iCarly and would love this.
pick me!!!
My kids would love this!
My daughter would be so excited!
Both of my kids LOVE iCarly!
Considering the our DVR contains seemingly all of the iCarly which the kids watch over and over and over, I guess we’re fans …
My son is getting a DS. This would be a great stocking stuffer.
My daughter and I watch this show all the time!
I’m just as obsessed as my daughter! We crack up watching that show! She would love this game!
I watch this show with my nephew a lot.
Ha. Too funny. Pick me, RNG!!
I get the reference, and I’m not ashamed!!
Crossing my fingers….
We are big iCarly fans; would love to have this!!
I have no kids, but a niece who LOVES iCarly and this would probably make me the coolest person EVER!
Pick me, pick me!
iCarly loving family here! Would love to win!
Oh! We love random dancing in our house! This would be a big hit with my daughter!
Oh! Oh! Oh! This could be good. Pick me please??
This would be a hit with my niece!
My whole family enjoys iCarly. It’s the only show all of us can agree to watch and have fun watching too. Even my husband asks for it!
crossing my fingers!!!
My kids love iCarly also!
My niece would love this.
I’d LOVE to win!!!!!!!!
Amanda Cosgrove’s acting is about as bad as it gets…BUT I laugh my FOOL head off over the guy who plays her brother on the show! And, of course, I have a nearly ten year old daughter who would love the DS game. 🙂
If I win, I’ll video my 2 girls telling you how very pretty you are. 🙂
Throw my name in too, please! 🙂 Thanks, Mir!
My daughter loves iCarly! Pick me!!
kids would love it
alwaysatryin2 at
We love iCarly! Sam is the best. Spencer is cute.
My daughter would love this. Thanks, Pretty Mir!
One of my niece’s favorites!
BOTH my daughter and son love it!
I like iCarly as much or more than my daughter…yes, I may lead a sad life.
This would be an AWESOME gift for my daughter!!
It’s always on in our house…
I don’t know who would play it more, me or my kids. 🙂
I love that episode with the giant pair of pants. . . come on random number generator!
I’m not sure who likes iCarly more in our household, me or my girls! I love that we can all watch the show together as a family! My girls would love the iCarly game! Hope we are the winners!
love to win for my granddaughter….
My kids love the show!
Ooh! My daughter LOVES iCarly!
My daughter would looooove this!