So, Nani left this comment here:
Um, you really have to fill out a long questionnaire and allow yourself to be inundated with emails re: business magazines to get this offer, so I opted out.
The questionnaire thing is more of a tolerance issue; if you find it too annoying, you find it too annoying. Totally subjective. But I felt compelled to point something out about email spam.
If you don’t have a separate email address that’s just for signing up for freebies, get one. There are plenty of places to get a free email address. If you want a Gmail invite, let me know. Or go to Hotmail or Yahoo or whatever, but yes, free stuff tends to bring spam. So send it somewhere that you can look at it once a month. Or never. Problem solved.
I agree! I have a Yahoo addy that I use just for freebies ands such. I just go to it once in a while and delete all the e-mails. Works great!
Or just get a gmail account. Just one. Gmail’s filters are so good it won’t matter if you get a ton of spam, you’ll never see (most of) it.
Gmail rocks!