Spread cheer and good karma

By Mir
December 7, 2006

Otto found this one, though I would’ve posted it anyway because it’s a good one.

In a busy season of holiday madness, it’s great to find little ways to give back, and/or to shift the focus from stuff to connecting with people.

Why not go visit Let’s Say Thanks and send a card or twelve to our troops overseas? Why not sit down and send a few with your kids, even?

You don’t have to agree with the war to be grateful to those men and women (many of whom are little more than children, themselves) who are putting themselves in harm’s way. And it may be a better use of your time than finding just the right tie for great-uncle Milton.


  1. That is a good one. I always send packages to military people…I just wrote a post about it the other day. I think it was titled I’m a litle bit crunchy. If you go to http://www.anysoldier.com you can find someone who needs things. My kids are always amazed by (and choose) soldiers who need basic things like toothpaste, shampoo, etc. Giving to others is what the season should be all about!

  2. I know a certain solider who is very grateful for all the support he gets. While not overseas currently, I can tell you from personal experience that when people stop him and just say “thanks” it warms his very soul.
    When I use the various military discounts, and people stop and look at me and ask “where’s he stationed?” or “what does he do?” I stammer a little, because it is hard to explain, and am 9 times out of 10 interupted with “Just tell him thanks and we appreciate him.” And I get a little teary.
    So I guess my little, cold, dead heart is still beating — either that or I’m stuck by how awesome he looks in uniform. Either way — thanks back from a military family. The men and women really do appreciate it (as do their wives, husbands, and children).

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