The competition was stiff, but in the end, the random number generator could handle it. (Phew!) 328 of you entered the contest to win Flipper toothbrush holders and 4 of you are about to walk away victorious.
As promised, I randomly generated one number to be our grand prize winner, receiving up to three Flippers. That number was 124, Heather! Heather asked for two Flippers, and that’s what she’ll receive.
Our runners-up were Gretchen (328, and the distinction of being the first time in Want Not contest history that the random number generator gave me the very last number possible), Alyssa (27), and Jecathre (177), who will all receive one Flipper each.
If you didn’t win, but you’re grooving on the coolness that is the Flipper, don’t despair! If you decide to go shop for your very own Flippers, through the end of May you can use coupon code Want Not to take 20% off your total order. Furthermore, of the orders received using that code, two lucky folks will be selected at random to receive the upcoming Flipper Ozy (click here for a look at it), a new model for grown-ups. Many, many thanks to the folks at Flipper for donating the prizes and extending this generous offer to my readers!
Stay tuned, because you know there’s more contests coming up. Maybe even one this weekend, just to celebrate Mother’s Day.
Eep, what an awesome little consolation prize! You and the Flipper peeps are full of win, thank you!
And congrats to the winnahs! 😀
Congrats, ladies!
Thanks for another fun contest, Mir!
Congrats to the winners…you kiddies will love them!!! My son has Flipper wanna be’s….our local dentist gives out similar toothbrush toppers each time I take my little man to the dentist. They are so darn cute!!!