It’s a sad day for New Yorkers

By Mir
May 20, 2008
Category Quick Tips

If you live in New York state, chances are you’re about to be an unhappy online consumer; per recent legislation, by June 1st, 2008, you’ll have to pay sales tax on your online purchases.

And word on the web is that Amazon has started charging sales tax today.

Sorry, folks. Feel free to move to Georgia! (And come over to my house with cookies, while you’re at it.)


  1. WOW, NY already charges too much sales tax, now they are going to make online shopping even painful. How sad.

  2. My husband said Amazon is suing the state because they don’t think it is constitutional. At least I think that is what he said. Maybe they just don’t want to collect taxes for a state other than the one they are in.

  3. I already live in Georgia. Is that cookie offer good for everyone or just johnny-come-latelies?
    Tax on Amazon?!? I would be so angry. The thrill of my morning is figuring out that I can subscribe and save with Amazon on Tampons. no tax, no delivery fee, no gas, and a 15% savings! If only Amazon sold gas…

  4. I wonder if that applies to where you live or where you are shipping to. I live in NYC but I am shipping a few things out to California next month, through Amazon. Either way it sucks!

  5. I believe we NYers were already paying the state. On our state taxes there was something where we had to pay either the exact tax of all of our online purchases or the state alternative set amount. We chose the “set amount” since we no longer have the receipts (and exact tax would have most definitely been more anyway) to prove an exact amount spent online.
    Is this new law forcing the retailers themselves to collect the tax to give to the state, instead of us giving the money directly to the state?
    A little confused….but then again, I live in NY, which says it all.

  6. I don’t even think twice about sales tax. So many online businesses either have warehouses(we have no warehouse tax) or stores in Nevada (think Las Vegas! I’m in Northern Nevada, btw) that we have to pay sales tax anyway. It stinks, but what to do?

  7. I’m in Georgia too! What kind of cookies? Cuz’ I’m picky like that…

  8. Well, aren’t YOU the bringer of the suckish news today.

    I know. I know. Don’t shoot the messenger….

    An Angry Long Islander

    PS – I don’t bake. Will Entenmann’s do? 😉

  9. This has been coming for a while. I had to pay “use tax” in SC on my state taxes every year for a while, which meant come April 15th every year, I had to sit down and figure out what I’d spent online the whole previous year and pay them taxes on it if it was a purchase where no taxes had been collected.

    Yeah, can we say guesstimate?

  10. Hi Mir,

    I live in NY and placed an order (for diapers) today through Amazon. I got a pop-up when I was checking out saying that they will start collecting tax on orders ORDERED or SHIPPED after May 30th. Since I have a Prime membership my baby’s diapers will be here in just two days, so well before then.

    After reading that pop-up, I went back and doubled my order, lol, and then threw in a package of wipes to qualify for the Pampers/Luvs $20 gift card promotion after spending $100. Sure saved me money to order the diapers w/ free shipping and no tax. The gc was just icing on the deal. Bummer about the new legislation! 🙁

  11. I think they’ve finally found a way to keep me from shopping. I’m boycotting retail.

  12. NY sucks as far as taxes. We live right near the NY border and our closest major retailers are in NY, but egads, the taxes!

  13. I Hate New York. That should become our official state song. Our county and state sales tax together are 8.25%. Why WOULD anyone in their right mind pay that if they had any other option?

    I’m going to start plotting my escape.

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