Winners of the Skoodlez contest

By Mir
August 13, 2008
Category Contests

This contest just about broke my brain, I just want you to know. I mean, the random number generator I use cannot be told not to do duplicates, and so the first couple of times I asked it for 12 Skoodlez winners it gave me one number twice and then my head exploded.

(I have a low tolerance for frustration.)

Anyway, I finally figured it out, and twelve of you will be adopting new Skoodlez shortly. Our winners are as follows: Janet (112), Wendy (67), Jean (191), Jen (229), Staci (236), Heather (37), Melissa (274), Chelle (86), JulieB (48), Divrchk (14), Kat (203), and Carmen (139). Phew!

Winners, please check your emails! Thanks to everyone who played, and special thanks to the pretty folks over at Skoodlez who generously donated the prizes.

That was fun, wasn’t it? I mean, except the head-exploding part. Don’t fret if you didn’t win this time! I’m going to be clearing out the goodies bin this weekend, and I have something really nifty (read: expensive) on tap for Monday, too. Stay tuned!


  1. Thanks so much! I’ve sent along my info already.

  2. Oh, I really thought it would be me this time. Is it wrong that I sigh and say “not me” every time you post winners?

  3. Thank you!!!! Now I have to decide which offspring to indulge! Thanks again!

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