(Certificate of Deposit, that is. Not music.)
If you’ve been thinking about buying a CD (I have) but are dismayed by the current interest rates (I am), you might be interested to know that WaMu is currently offering 5% on 12-month CDs.
I totally think banks should offer pricematching. “Hey, ING? Yeah, I found a better rate elsewhere. But I’d love to leave my money with you. Can you match it? You can? Thanks so much! You’re pretty!”
Actually, you should call and ask. My parents do this all the time and it works about 75% of the time.
My husband just did some pricematching with the WAMU CD. He tried Corus and IndyMac where we had accounts.
Yes, definitely call your bank. It’s worked for me with other features!
You should definitely ask. My bank wouldn’t go QUITE as high as WaMu’s rate, but we did get a really great rate when we recently rolled over some CDs–much higher than their standard rate AND their better “relationship” rate.