Goodness, over 400 of you threw your hats in the ring for the Total T-Tapp Workout prize, which tells me that I need to be inviting more of you over to play with my Wii Fit. Except that—much like handling mafia information—I can only let you see me on the Fit if I later kill you. So. Maybe T-Tapp is a better way to go.
The Random Number Generator has spoken, and it picked commenter 92, Holly! Congratulations, Holly, and please check your email!
Many thanks to everyone who played, and special thanks to Kirsten at Box of Polka Dots for the generous prize donation. I am totally going to look into T-Tapp, just as soon as I can actually feel my stomach muscles again.
Didn’t win this time? Don’t be sad! There’s always another contest coming, and the next one may not even require you to get into shape. Heh.
Congrats Holly! As an exerphobe (sure, that’s a word) I avoided this contest. You are a braver soul than I!
Woo!!! Thanks, Mir!!!
Whew. I am so glad it wasn’t me.
Saves me a whole bunch of working out.