Goooooood morning! I was simply overwhelmed by all of the entries in the contest to win a complete Laptop Lunch system; you all have impeccable taste.
In the end, we had nearly 600 valid entries, and sadly I have but one kit to give away. The random number generator went for a whirl and landed nearly in the middle: Our winner is commenter 300, Robyn! Congratulations, Robyn—please check your email!
Many thanks to all who played, and special thanks to the folks at Laptop Lunches (and their PR helpers) for the prize donation. I have a couple more Earth Day-themed prizes coming up in the next few weeks, too, so if this is your sort of thing, definitely stay tuned.
(And if that’s not your thing… let’s just say that I also have some great prizes coming up from a company that rhymes with… ummm… Finfendo.)
Hey Mir,
Here’s a coupon link to share –
Good today thru sun, good for 30% off at the gap, and 5% of the purchase goes to the leukemia and lymphoma society.
The coupon code that Emily posted is also good at Old Navy and Banana Republic and is off everything so if you buy ahead you can pick up clearance and sale items really cheap!
Maybe getting my brother a Wii will make up for me not taking him to see No Doubt this summer…
Hmmm, Aisha, what if it’s not a Wii, but a DS?
haha… given that he’s been talking about a DS for about three years (maybe less time, but it’s felt like FOREVER), it’d probably work. 😉
600? Wow. I’m more likely to enter the Earth Day contests; I’ll let the other folks enter the, er, finfendo.
Have I told you lately that I love you? And you’re pretty. And smart,too.