Grow your own — it’s organic

By Mir
March 21, 2009
Category Contests

So, I’m busy staking out a sizable garden, this year, spurred on by the success of my deck containers from last year. And my kids are actually old enough to be slave labor a help. But say your kids are littler, or that you’re just starting to think about gardening. What would be a good way to get started?

How about a My First Organics kit? It comes with everything you need to grow your own organic produce, from seed to harvest.

I have a kit here that will allow you to grow your own heirloom yellow pear cherry tomatoes. Doesn’t that sound fun? They’re so pretty (and look striking in a salad, if they ever make it that far—little tomatoes in my house are usually eaten straight off the vine), and delicious, too. It’s easy, it’s good for the environment, and it’s a great family project.

Want to win it? First go review the contest rules and regulations and then come back here and leave a comment before 11:59 p.m. Eastern (that’s 8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Sunday, March 22nd, 2009 for a chance to win. Winner to be determined by random number generation and greenness of thumb. (Though, honestly, I’ve always had a black thumb and it’s tomatoes that have taught me I actually can grow delicious things if I’m patient.)

Ready? Go!


  1. Cherry TOMATOES?! My oldest would flip.
    This is our first year gardening and I am worried that the bunnies and deer will eat the fruit of my labor.

    So anyway… PICK ME!

  2. Pick me! (no pun intended)

  3. Yum! The kids love trying to grow veggies.

  4. my older kids would LOVE this!

  5. Fun! We’d love to win this!! Thanks!

  6. thanks!

  7. yes, PLEASE!!!

  8. Oooh, FUN! And yummy too.

  9. Tomatoes straight from the vine are the best! I’m terrified of starting a garden, but this might ease me into it.

  10. My kids would LOVE this! thanks 🙂

  11. My niece would LOVE this 🙂 and her birthday is Wednesday!

  12. I love yellow pear cherry tomatoes! This would be a really good one for me to win. Happy gardening!

  13. This would great!!!

  14. Fabulous. Thanks!

  15. We are trying veggies from seed (instead of seedlings) for the first time this year. My eldest would love this.

  16. This would be fun!

  17. this. would. be. awesome!

  18. We would love this!

  19. We would love this too!

  20. That would be so cool!

  21. This would be fantastic!!

  22. Yum. Do you think the deer will like yellow pear cherry tomatoes?

  23. Pick me! My son might eat a vegetable if he grew it himself.

  24. Yum! We grew cherry tomatoes in a big white bucket last year…but this sounds fun too!

  25. Oh, pick me!

  26. Those sound great! I’d love it, Mir!

  27. Ooh… we’d love this, and my thumbs will be green even if I have to dye them!

  28. I have wanted to start my own garden!

  29. I would love this!!

  30. This would be great…I’m trying to start a small garden this year!!

  31. We are avid gardeners and always looking to try something new — thanks for another fun giveaway!

  32. I can use all the help I can get!

  33. this is great, pick me!

  34. Is this my lucky day?

  35. We would certainly put this to good use. Well, my husband and his green thumb would. Not me.

  36. That would be lovely! “Me pwease,” asks my three year-old.

  37. Gardening is soooo green, and I LOVE it! Thanks for the chance to win!

  38. yum yum yum

  39. I would love to have this for my granddaughter! Her birthday is Wednesday! Thanks!

  40. Would love some more tomatoes around here!

  41. I bet my boys would love this! Please *pick* me! 😉

  42. Oohh…we love growing stuff!

  43. Right on!

  44. Awww! Cute!

  45. We are getting ready to plant our garden too…and I have two little girls who would love to do so gardening of their own, if they can manage to not over water the plants! 🙂

  46. mmm… sun warmed tomatoes? sounds good to me!

  47. Oooh! This would make a great project for my Food Appreciation class.

  48. Would love this!

  49. Loving this…great idea!

  50. Sounds fun!

  51. Please!

  52. Sounds like fun. I love tomatoes!

  53. What great timing! We’d love to try growing these.

  54. This will be our third year gardening, and those pear tomaoes sound like a great addition.

  55. Organic and Tomatoes! Two of my favorite things combined! This would be great fun to do with the kids!

  56. We are excited to expand our gradening efforts this year. This would be great. Thanks!

  57. Cool! I love tomatoes from the garden.

  58. What a great family project this could be.

  59. I won’t even eat grocery store tomatoes after growing my own.

  60. Still freezing at night in New England, so I this would be the perfect push to plan and start my eventual garden.

  61. I’d love to do this with my son!

  62. This sounds great!

  63. this sounds like it is for my kids…not easy to screw up

  64. This would be a perfect addition to my garden this year!

  65. We would love this!!

  66. I would love to have this!

  67. Sounds like educational fun!

  68. I would love this!

  69. Mmm…we LOVE tomatoes, especially home grown! 🙂

  70. My two year old would love this…also the 30-smtg hubby! Pick us!

  71. Would love to try this out!

  72. I’ve also had a black thumb all of my life, I’d love the chance to change that and actually grow something edible!

  73. Fresh veggies sounds like a wonderful homeschool project.

  74. I’m expanding my horizons from herbs to veggies this year!

  75. Yes, please! My 2 year old eats grape tomatoes by the POUND from the store. I think this would save me some cash. 🙂

  76. Too cute!

  77. My mom has black thumbs inside the house, but she can grow anything in her garden. I wish we had room for a garden so I could test my own mettle! 🙂

  78. Great contest as usual! My daughter would love this!

  79. We love tomatoes! Thanks for the chance!

  80. Yum – I have two little cherry tomato lovers!

  81. Yes, please! We’d LOVE to give that a whirl.

  82. Maybe this would keep the kids from “helping” a little too enthusiastically in the big garden. One can hope, right?

  83. yes! My girls treat cherry tomatoes like they are candy during the summer!

  84. I would love to win this! My kids love to “help” in the garden.

  85. Cherry tomatoes? Yum! My daughter would have a blast with this!

  86. I’m trying to grow organic veggies this summer — pick me please.

  87. My kids and I were just saying we wanted to try a garden on the deck. Looking for ways to be organic and frugal. Would love to win!

  88. This would be great, thank you!

  89. Even though they are the little tomatoes, I would slice, batter and fry them. Yummy.

  90. Yay yay yay!

  91. oh – pick me! LOL get it?

  92. please pick me!

  93. How fun, thank you!

  94. This sounds really fun!

  95. This would be wonderful!

  96. Oh, excellent! My little grandson, Reily, loves puttering in the dirt. We could have a lot of fun with this. Thanks for all that you do. Martha Fountain

  97. My son eats whatever we cook together. However, he is not too happy with veggies. Maybe if he grows them, he’ll eat them, too.

  98. This sounds like fun!

  99. Oh, this would be perfect! My son and I are planting our first garden, but I think he would be so excited to have something that’s “his”!

  100. this would be pretty groovy Mir. Thanks for the fun contests.

  101. What a great contest! Thanks, Mir!

  102. I have a black thumb, but maybe my toddler doesn’t…this would be a great way to find out.

  103. My Husband just said he wanted us to start a garden. This would be great since I know next to nothing about gardening. Please pick me.

  104. Cherry tomatoes never make it into my house either – my younger son LOVES them. Even better is to wrap them in a leaf of basil… I’d love to win this!

  105. That looks cool! I’ve been trying to get organized enough to start a garden for two years. Maybe this will jump start my efforts.

  106. fam would love!!!

  107. Grandbabies would LOVE this!!!

  108. love it!!

  109. Awesome.

  110. Rabbits enjoyed our carrots last year. We harvested just three. But those three carrots were outstanding! 🙂

  111. wow this is great!

  112. My toddlers would LOVE to help with this!! Thanks!

  113. Trying a garden again this year, hopefully with more luck. I would love this!

  114. I don’t have much of a green thumb…but, I’m willing to try for one again this spring!

  115. sounds great! kids would love it.

  116. My son loves tomatoes and gardening — this would make him so very happy. Thanks for the contest!

  117. Home-grown tomatoes are the BEST! Yummy!

  118. My kids love gardening!

  119. We’d give it a try here.

  120. oh my god! I’m actually going out tomorrow to buy supplies for my first-ever tomato garden. It would be perfect to win this!

  121. Getting a new house and a new garden would go lovely with it

  122. Sounds excellent.

  123. Neat stuff! Count me in! Jessica

  124. I’d love it!

  125. How timely! I’m planning on following our First Lady’s lead by planting my own kitchen garden. These tomatos would look lovely in my plot!

  126. My kids have never eaten anything they’ve grown. This, they would eat!

  127. i would love this – pick me pls

  128. It’s a gardening summer at our house. This would be a fun start!

  129. oh, yellow pear are my FAVORITE tomatoes. they are sooo good straight off the vine. and even kids who don’t like tomatoes will like these.

  130. fun!

  131. ooooh!!! i hope i win! my daughter and i have already started our seedlings for some of our stuff this year..we’re loving doing this together!

  132. Ohhh fun! We have a good container garden going already, this would be a lovely addition!

  133. We’re ready to start a garden for the first time this year, so this would be great!

  134. How fun!

  135. Us please. I bought organic seeds already and then thought I should go back and get tomatoes and this would save me from having to buy more seeds.

  136. We’d love some tomatos!

  137. It’s my birthday number generator, and I’m pretty sure no one is giving me organic seeds. And boy, would I love them!

  138. my kids would love it!

  139. We’d love this.

  140. just got a little house with a backyard. perfect for starting a garden for our little one!

  141. Well I have a black thumb that I’d like to turn into a green one. Maybe this is the ticket!

  142. My daughter had a blast doing tomatoes last year. Would love to try again!

  143. THanks Mir!

  144. oh yes!!!!!!!!!

  145. I so want to start a garden but I’m such a chicken! I did grow my own herbs (basil and the like, not the illegal type) last year and will probably do that this year, too!!

  146. Cool beans (see that pun? HA!).
    My boys would love this.

  147. Yes, please!

  148. My compost may be black, or at least dark brown, but my thumb is green, green, green!

  149. wow…very cool! Hope I’m the winner 🙂

  150. This is great. Pick Me!!!

  151. What a great giveaway!

  152. If I don’t win I am getting one of these suckers. I need Dummies for Non-Green Thumbs and this seems like it may just work for me.

  153. yes!! we would LOVE it, we have been enjoying getting stuff ready for the garden this year as the 2 and 1 year old ‘help’ – they were a big help with the tomatoes last year. . .

  154. pick me and my green thumb 🙂

  155. Thanks, Mir!

  156. Woo hoo – I want a garden.

    Cool Mir!

  157. Perfect! Thanks!

  158. Looks very cool!

  159. how did you know that we are planting an organic garden?
    you are always in my brain, oh lovely one!

  160. I would love to try tomatoes

  161. Great giveaway! Thanks Mir!

  162. We were just picking out what to grow in our first garden…..Pick Me!

  163. We are a tomato-eatin’ family of six here and would love to win 🙂

  164. This would be so great!

  165. My two little kiddos would love this!

  166. so awesome!

  167. Pick Us! 🙂

  168. yes!!! we would love it, thanks!

  169. I think you could call my thumb brownish-olive-GREEN! I would love to try growing some food. I love tomatoes…no one else in the house does, so a little tomato plant all my own would be FABULOUS!

  170. I’d LOVE to win this! Pick me!

  171. Sounds fun. We are plantng our first garden this spring. Wish me luck.

  172. Me please!!

  173. What a great idea! Thanks for the chance.

  174. Yummy! Thanks, Mir.

  175. How fun!

  176. This would be great,hope I win!

  177. sweeet, this would be awesome…

  178. Yellow pear tomatoes are on my list of things to try this year. A friend grew some last year, and they were so good.

    I hope I win!

  179. So much fun! Please pick us!

  180. Those sound adorable! I grow tomatoes every year, but I’ve never thought about growing wee small ones. That would be excellent.

  181. hope we win- this sounds like fun!

  182. sounds fun!!!

  183. Cool!

  184. Those tomatoes would be so cute and yummy! Pick me please! 🙂

  185. Mmmmmm Fresh produce! Please?

  186. Loooooooove tomatoes! I want it!

  187. Yum yum Wanna win me some!

  188. This looks great! I have been meaning to start an organic garden for a year 🙂

  189. Yes! Please! We’re clueless wanna-be gardeners!

  190. I’d love to show my daughter how things grow.

  191. OHhhhh! I think my kids might just like their own grown produce!!! Pick me!

  192. Thanks! Love to get one

  193. Ohhh pick me!

  194. Sounds like a great homeschool project to me! 🙂

  195. I’m totally digging this contest!

  196. Mmmmm. Fresh tomatoes. I wish I had some now!

  197. Pick me please.

  198. this sounds like fun!

  199. This would be so much fun and an awesome learning experience.

  200. You read my mind. Both my kids want to plant a garden and I am clueless!

  201. I’ll try it. The three year old might have a hard time not picking things too early…but we’ll give it a whirl!!
    I heart your websites, Mir!

  202. I’m hoping my attempts at growing tomatoes will go better this year than they did last year!

  203. Yes, this is the year I’ll have my first garden.

  204. my daughter would love this!

  205. Oh, my son would adore this!

  206. This would be great for our family!

  207. My kids would love this…..fingers crossed =)

  208. Would love to share this with my daughter!

  209. This kit sounds so neat!

  210. Maybe my daughter would eat tomatoes if she helped to grow them!

  211. Love it! Pick me, pretty Mir!

  212. Yes! Thank you!

  213. My daughter would love this. Thanks!

  214. Hmm. Are hemp seeds included? I need to make some rope. Just kidding. The kit would be really cool.

  215. I have started my own little porch planter garden this year, maybe next year it will progress into a real garden? Tomatoes would be a great addition! Thanks!

  216. ready to garden in Tennessee thanks

  217. What great timing, we wanted to start our first garden but were a little daunted by the costs! Please enter us for this contest!

  218. my boy loves his tomatoes and i have never tried to grow anything and would love to!

  219. Fun!! Great contest!

  220. Thanks for the contests! Pick me!

  221. I, too, would be ripe for the pickin’!

  222. my daughter would love this!

  223. This looks great – we would love the tomatoes!

  224. you say tomato, I say tomato….actually I say I want to win this!

  225. Yay! Mememememmeme!

  226. Oh, this would be PERFECT for my family!

  227. awesome!

  228. I’m all for organic.

  229. so awesome!!

  230. Oooooooooo me! awesome!

  231. Oooh, please pick me, pretty Mir!!

  232. my daughter would love this.

  233. Ohh what a great gift for my mom!

  234. thanks.

  235. Oh, yes please!

  236. Pick me! That sounds awesome.

  237. Very cool!

  238. yellow tomatoes, please!

  239. What a great giveaway!

  240. Oh! pretty! shiny! i want it! so that i can kill, i mean, grow it and enjoy the tomatoes !


  241. Me and my black thumb would love this

  242. Great! I can see how those do against what I already have planted. I’m growing and taking my fruits of labor to the local farmers market this year.

  243. How cool

  244. thanks I would love to do this with my four year old!

  245. Sounds GEAT!

  246. There’s a little girl here who would LOVE this!

  247. I’m in! What a great idea! My kids would love it…

  248. pick me please

  249. My daughter is really into growing things… unfortunately we are such novices that we’ll probably fail but it’ll be fun to try. Our watermelon seeds seem to be working…

  250. My oldest boy would think this was the best thing ever…please pretty random number selector, isn’t it my turn YET?

  251. My kids would love this!

  252. I would love this for ME let alone the kids!

  253. That sounds great!

  254. My kids eat the tomatoes right off the vine too!

  255. This would be great for my kids and me too!

  256. still on the fence about enduring this challenge…push me one way or the other! 🙂

  257. Ooh, I’d love to try this out! Thanks!

  258. We’d love this one! Thanks…

  259. We love growing cherry tomatoes and these sound great!

  260. We’d love to win.

  261. Me please – I want to do a garden for me and my son for the first time ever this year…

  262. i love food

  263. This is going to be our first year with a vegetable garden.

  264. my 3 yr old would love it.

  265. please pick me! 🙂

  266. I’m in, let’s see if my brown thumb can turn green.

  267. ooooooooh……pretty and delicious at the same time.

  268. Awesome! I’ll get my green thumbs ready.

  269. This would be perfect for my little gardeners. What a great product.

  270. Looks like fun!

  271. Enter me please

  272. Sure! Why not

  273. So fun with my girls!

  274. I love this! I know my nephews would love it.

  275. That looks great – thanks!

  276. I’ll give it a try.

  277. My mother in law just retired and she’s been talking about wanting to try to grow vegetables along with the rest of her garden.. Hey, if it keeps her busy and off my back.. 😉

  278. My daughter Caroline would love this!

  279. My sons would love this!

  280. LOL – tomatoes are eaten off the vine here too – my daughter who’s three now, ate green ones two years ago…last year she decided they didn’t taste so good so she’d wait. Thanx for the giveaway!

  281. we would love to try this!

  282. Would love to give it a shot

  283. This would be great!

  284. Good way to get the boys to eat healthy!

  285. What a great giveaway! My kids would love it!

  286. yum! i’d like to grow those!

  287. I love home-grown tomatoes!

  288. Count me in, definitely! Both my kids love to dig in the dirt.

  289. I have 2 kids that would work nicely in a garden!

  290. I have the perfect spot to plant tomatoes all ready to go. Pick me!

  291. I would love to try this, my kids are still little ( 4 & 2), so I haven’t had to guts to try a real garden yet!!

  292. Pick me, my kids and I would love to try this!

  293. omg, my 3.5 year old would adore this!!

  294. Aa-oog-a! Pretty please, pretty Mir?!

  295. omg! we’re starting a garden and this would be an easy way to get going! 🙂

  296. I love gardening, but still learning. This would be great!

  297. I’ve always wanted to try one of these. . . MKW

  298. GIR-UHL! Send that garden my way!

  299. Love to plant something – am so ready for spring!!

  300. I’d love to do this with my daughter!

  301. Would so love to try thinks with the kids!

  302. oh,oh, pick me!

  303. Thanks!

  304. looks fun!

  305. count me in

  306. Would fun!

  307. Sounds cool.

  308. Sounds fun AND delicious!

  309. I’ve made it our mission to figure out how to grow something on our little NW apartment patio. We’ll take all the help we can get!

  310. Fun! thanks

  311. My oldest would love to do this!

  312. This would be great! I was just planning my garden this afternoon!

  313. We’d love this!!!

  314. We would enjoy this so much.

  315. We’d love this too. Is it uncool to say I hope I win?

  316. Would love a chance to win, thanks.

  317. Sounds perfect for my middle son.

  318. Thanks Mir!

  319. I’d love this!!!

  320. I’ve had a house plant for 7 months and it’s the only plant I’ve ever had this long. It gives me hope that maybe I could grow tiny little yellow pear tomatoes!

  321. Wow! I love tomatoes and would love to start my garden off with one of those!

  322. Yes please! My three year old would love her own little plant!

  323. almost missed it count me in

  324. I’ll be 7 months pregnant by planting time this year, so I could use all the help I can get!

  325. Lets get plantin’!

  326. That sounds great! Count me in!

  327. ooh ooh maybe i could actually grow tomatoes

  328. My family would love this!

  329. Just the thing to get us started!

  330. hopefully…

  331. C’mon random number generator!

  332. I’m waiting for Spring to come to the Great Pacific Northwest! This will help!!

  333. Sounds like fun! Sign me up!

  334. Pick me! I’m president of a garden club with the worst garden of them all (I’m convinced they elected me on my capacity for drinking!).

    Please help with some organics, generator!

  335. how fun! hopefully that will make my son EAT tomatoes..

  336. Sounds like fun! Please pick me.

  337. I’m a little confused about the pear part, but hey, count me in.

  338. 🙂

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