I don’t care if you’re a mother or not; tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and I am a mother, and you all make me happy, and so I wish you all a very happy day. (So there.)
In honor of this auspicious occasion, I’m going to give away two fun prizes, because you are my favorites.
First, I have the ultra-girly (not that I’ll judge if you’re a guy and like these, too, just sayin’) Women in Love Collection DVD set, which includes Return to Me, A Walk in the Clouds, and One Fine Day. If that doesn’t scream “Girls’ Night In,” I don’t know what does.
Second, I have a brand-spanking-new copy of Monica Bhide‘s new cookbook, Modern Spice: Inspired Indian Flavors for the Contemporary Kitchen. Monica happens to be just as sweet and nice as can be, but never you mind that, because this cookbook, good gracious, it is beautiful and sumptuous and the recipes are easy but delicious and completely stunning. If you love Indian food (I do) and thought you couldn’t possibly cook it yourself at home (I did), you need this book. I have finally expanded my Indian cooking repertoire beyond coconut rice and sweet potato curry (go, me). Seriously, y’all—I have two words for you: Pomegranate shrimp. Yum. (Oh, wait; I have two other words: Mark Bittman. He wrote the foreword. This is a really good cookbook.)
Want to win one of these Mother’s Day prizes? First go read the contest rules and regulations and then come back here and leave a comment before 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Sunday, May 10th, 2009 telling me which prize you’d like to receive for a chance to win. I will select two winners at random, as usual, and the rest of you will just have to have fun with your ponies, I guess.
Ready? Go!
Oh, you know I would love to have that cookbook!
Would love the DVDs!
The DVD set would be great!
I would love to have the movie set!
I can’t cook worth anything but I pink fuzzy heart cookbooks!
OOH! The cookbook please! I would LOVE to be able to cook Indian food rather than always going out for it 🙂
Because hope springs eternal, I could give a go at the cook book. I am not, however, convinced that what your very pretty and much more culinary-inclined self considers easy corresponds with my own views 🙂
I would looooove the cookbook! Great contest!
Wow, so few entries. Maybe I will stand a chance on this one. 🙂
Cookbook! I love Indian food but have no idea where to start. Thanks!
The Indian cookbook sounds great!
The cookbook sounds marvelous!
Cookbook! I loooove Indian food and never cook it.
Cookbook, please! Happy mother’s Day, Ladies!
Cookbook, thanks. I’d be a happy mama (I’m already a happy mama, come to think of it).
The cookbook sounds wonderful!
I’d *love* to win that cookbook! Happy Mama’s Day to you, too, Mir.
I would love the cookbook. I just read about it over at 101cookbooks and it sounded like something I’d want to buy 🙂
I would love the cookbook. hope you have a happy mother’s day too.. =)
The cookbook please!
The DVD’s please!
I would love the DVD’s
I love those DVDs. Please count me in.
Those movies are some of my favorites, so I choose the DVDs. Happy Mother’s Day to you.
oh i’d love those movies…
Ooh, I’d love the cookbook!
That cookbook would be awesome, thanks Mir!
Those movies would keep me entertained while I iron clothes.
oh i’d love that cookbook!!
Spice Me!
I’d love the cookbook!
Cookbook please!
The DVDs would be my choice!
Not a chick flick kinda girl, but I would LOVEEEEEE that cookbook. 😀
I would love the cookbook, thanks!
I have been wanting that cookbook!
I have tons of cookbooks already (and I’m not supposed to get more until I weed them out), so I’ll go for the DVDs. There are a couple that I really like in there.
Thanks, Mir!
I would lurv the cookbook!
Cookbook please! And happy mother’s day to all.
the cookbook, pretty please!
Cookbook! Please! And Thank you!
The Cats love curries!
I’m alway looking for something new for dinner! I’d LOVE the cookbook!
Cookbook please. I’ve never tried to cook Indian food at home but would love to.
Cookbook. I love to cook!
I’m all over that cookbook.
Chick flicks, please. As much as I’d love to have the cookbook, I’d be the only one eating from it, as my family would look at me as if I’d sprouted a third eye if I tried to cook Indian food for them–even though I KNOW they’d like it if they tried it! At least with the movies I won’t be watching alone…*sigh*
I would love a cookbook – I have tried, and will keep trying to make good Indian food at home!
Thank you!
would love to win this:)
Oh,girls’ night dvds sound awesome!
I would love the cookbook! Yum!
Girly DVDs please.
Does one Really have to pick? I would be fine with either one. DVD’s or cookbook. Would love either! Thanks
I would love the cookbook. Pomegranate shrimp sounds SO YUMMY!
DVDs, please!
Can I enter more than once? I’d like both prizes! :o) If I have to choose, though, I think I’ll go with the cookbook. But that’s only if I HAVE to choose. ^_^
those chick flicks would be cool, mir!
I would love the DVD set!
That cookbook sounds fantastic!
Hmmmmm I guess I will go with the Movies.
Thanks…Have a happy Mothers day!
DVD is my lucky choice today
I would LOVE that cookbook! But I’m not a mom. Can a not-mom win on Mother’s Day?
I’ll go with the DVDs, since I have too many unused cookbooks already.
fingers crossed for the Indian cookbook, I finally live where i can get the right ingredients
the DVDs! thanks and Happy Mother’s Day!
The dvds!!hope you have a Happy Mother’s Day!
Oooooh, cookbook! Thanks! Jessica
I’d love the DVDs!
Would love the cookbook, please!
Monica Bhide’s book would be great.
I would love the DVD collection! Happy Mother’s Day!
DVD set please thank you Mir!
Indian Cookbook, I love coconut rice beyond all reason. Maybe I could learn more?
Otherwise, don’t mind me, I’ll be over here in the corner trying to figure out what to do with all this sparkle pony poop.
Would love either — especially the cookbook!
DVD set… happy mother’s day.
I would love the ‘girly’ DVD set! I am desperate for a girls night out! I have 2 teenage boys—that should say it all!
Not that I don’t love a good chick-flick, but MAN would I love to have some more recipes to kick around my kitchen. My husband and kids wouldn’t mind it either. 🙂 As always, thanks for the awesome giveaway opportunities!
I’d LOVE some chick flicks. Thanks, Mir and a Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Mmm, cookbook sounds great!
Oh, pretty Mir, I would LOVE the Indian cookbook! That sounds super-swell!
And happy Mother’s Day to you too!
I would love the cookbook!
I’d like to win the girls-night-in movie pack, please!
Cookbook, please!
Feel good movies… you’ve got my number, Mir!
I would love that cookbook. We don’t get much Indian cuisine up in northern MN!
oh, the cookbook would be wonderful!
I would love that cookbook!
Ooh! That’s a tough choice! I guess I’d prefer the cookbook, if I HAVE to choose! 🙂
Cookbook, please! Thanks!
The cookbook! The cookbook!
The movies, twist my arm. 🙂
Ooh, the cookbook please!
I Love cookbooks!!! Please!!
Oooh… that cookbook sounds great. Happy Mother’s Day to you!
Ohh, I lurve me a good cookbook! 😉
Girl’s night in DVD’s, please!
(and have a wonderful Mother’s Day!) 🙂
I pick the cookbook. Happy mother’s day!
A cookbook might just inspire me to cook…
Oh, I love Indian food. It’d be great to learn how to cook something other than curry-with-the-spices-not-quite-right.
I would love to win the DVD set!
DVD’s please…
Girls night in for me please!
I would like the cook book please.
I really would be happy with either one, but if I have to choose, I would pick the cookbook. My husband went to India a few years ago and now loves Indian food, so I know he would love a cookbook to inspire us.
Would love the DVD set! Here’s to hoping!
DVD SET PLEASE!!! Thanks Mir!!! 🙂
Movies, please. Thanks! And happy early Mother’s Day to you, Mir!
If I am lucky enough to win….the cookbook please. 🙂
I would love that cookbook
The DVDs sound divine! 🙂
The dvd’s sound awesome!
The cookbook please! Thanks Mir!
I would love to have a girls night with those DVDs!
The DVDs, please!
Ooooh… the DVDs for me please. 🙂
The DVD set please. Happy Mother’s Day to you too!
I would love to have the cookbook! Thank you!
Cookbook please! Thanks mir.
Definitely the cookbook…anything with Indian food and endorsed by Bittman is good enough for me!
I’d like the DVDs.
cookbook please!
Cookbook, please. Would love to expand my repertoire.
I can sing to the CD while I’m cooking. Well, on second thought, just pick me for the CD.
I would love the cookbook!
Ooh- the DVD’s pretty please!
indian food, yum
oh my – as if I didn’t get enough watching The Secret Life of Bees and going through an ENTIRE box of Puffs Plus – I would love to have the girly DVDs.
Thanks Mir!
Oh, I love cookbooks and alwasy love new dinner ideas!
I’d love the cookbook!! Fun, fun!
Happy Mother’s Day to you too, Mir! 🙂 I would love the DVD set.
I would love the cookbook!!!!
dvd’s please! 🙂
Chick flicks please!
Happy Mothers’ Day! I’d love the cookbook.
I’d like the DVD’s please!
The DVD set would be fun!
It’s my very first Mother’s Day! It would be great if won. The cookbook, please. I love to cook. And Happy Mother’s Day to you and all the other mommies!
DVDs please. Thanks!!!!
I’d love the cookbook! Thanks!
Ok, maybe Mother’s Day is my day… who knows?
dvd’s please!
I would love either one, but if I had to choose-the DVD’s. Happy Mother’s Day!
DVD set pretty please!
That cookbook sounds awesome.
Indian cooking is my obsession! And my family adores it.
I would love the “Women In Love” collection! Tomorrow is not only Mother’s Day for me, it is also my 40th birthday! Winning this would just be “the icing on the cake”! 😉
I would love the DVD set, me and my girlfriends would have a blast! thanks!
Happy Mother’s Day to you too! Movies would be fun.
Happy Mother’s Day! Hope yours is wonderful!
Movies, please! (although it’s a tough pick!)
Cookbook PLEASE!!!!
Women in Love collection dvd set for me please
Oh-the cookbook! Of any contest you’ve offered up in my years of entering, this is the prize I’ve coveted the most. My 9 yr old daughter loves Indian food more than anything and I’ve tried and tried to recreate her favorite saag ghosh, tried so many recipes, and can’t get there. Plus, I trust Mark to know good food when he introduces it! His books rock!
The DVDs would make me feel pretty! Thanks!
I would love to win the dvd set!
Hmmmm. . . I’ll go for the cook book.
I feel like a winner!
I want the cookbook! We have a terrific collection of Chinese recipes, but I’d love to branch out.
The cookbook, please!
The cookbook sounds great!
The cookbook! It sounds wonderful.
I’d love the Women in Love Collection DVD set!
The DVD’s sound fab!
DVD’s please 🙂
I’d love to win the DVD set! Happy Mother’s Day to you as well, Mir!
I’ve gotta go with the cookbook (I have a crush on Mark Bittman). This Mother’s Day also happens to be my 40th birthday – I’m feeling lucky!
Movies! Movies! Movies!
I’d love to win the cookbook, especially since Indian food is not to be had within an hour’s drive of my home.
Ooh, cookbook please! Thanks for the contest and Happy Mother’s Day!
Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you realize what a wonderful ‘Mom’ you are to all of us who come here for offers, advice, and a laugh or two. That’s just what good Moms do! So, thank you!
I would love the DVD set. My man took me literally through rain, sleet, and snow to see this movie when it came out, LOL!
Thanks for the contest!
Happy Mother’s Day to you as well. It would be cookbooks for me please.
Happy Mother’s Day! I’d love the DVD set!
I’d like the cookbook. And a new oven ; ) Happy Mother’s Day, Mir,
DVD set would be great for Mother’s Day. You are awesome Mir!
i would like the cookbook. happy mother’s day!! 🙂
Cookbook for me, Happy Mother’s Day!
I would love those DVDs. 🙂
the cookbook please!
I am Indian and still don’t know how to cook Indian food…so the cookbook would definitely help
Happy Mother’s Day! My kitchen and my husband’s palate need an Indian cookbook. Many thanks.
Cookbook, please!
Cookbook, yeah! Indian food = love
Movies, Please. And Happy Mothers Day, Mir! You are truly an inspiration to us all!!
Cookbooks for me, please! 🙂
I would love the cookbook.
Oooh Indian food is my absolute fave! I’d love to give cooking it a try 🙂
I love Indian food and only know one dish! More please~
Oh Indian curry, come to me! I was born the wrong ethnicity.
Happy Mommy’s Day, Mir!
Both wonderful prizes!
Cookbook on Indian food! Wow, doesn’t get much better than that.
That cookbook sounds amazing! i’d love to win it. <3
Happy Mother’s Day. I would very much like the “Modern Spice” cookbook. Thanks.
If I win, I’d love the DVDs please! Thanks!
I’d like to win the Indian cookbook… yum!
I’d love a good girl’s night in! Enter me for the DVDs please.
dvds please
Mamma Mia, that’s a spicy meatball! Cookbook please. HMD to you too!
I’m willing to experience pomegranate shrimp. Because I’m kinda daring that way.
Happy Mama’s day!
I love cooking, well, at least sometimes ^^ And having another cookbook for sure would make me cook more !
I will LOVE th dvd set!!!
Add that cookbook to MY cooking library, please.
Okay, I can’t believe anyone actually remembers “A Walk in the Clouds” That is the first movie my husband took me to when we started dating. DVD’s Please. A cute love ya honey reminder!
The cookbook!
Love your giveaways!!! This looks great!! dvd’s, please
Cookbook, please
I’d love the cookbook.
The cookbook would be fabulous!
I would love the cookbook. Thanks!
ooh, the cookbook please!
I would love the cookbook,please random generator pick me
That cookbook sounds fabulous!
I would love the cookbook, please.
The movie collection would be great! With 4 kiddos, I HIGHLY doubt I could find anything in the cookbook that would please everyone!!!
THANKS! Happy Mother’s Day!
I would love the DVD set.
Cookbook please! I love reading cookbooks and have yet to explore an Indian one.
women in lust would be good! My husband is good about watching chick flicks!
I would love to win the DVDs. Keeping my fingers crossed!
The cookbook would be awesome!
COOKBOOK!!!!!! Please???!!!!
cookbook please
OOH the cookbook please. I love love love love love Indian food!
Pick me!! I could really use the girls night movies, that might make my Mother’s Day turn around.
Oh the DVD set would be great!
Thanks for the contest. I would love the cookbook.
Would love to win the cookbook! Great contest and Happy Mother’s Day 🙂
Cookbook for me, please. Boy, would my husband thank you if I won! 😉
I’d love the dvd set, please, since my family is not very brave when it comes to cooking. Hope you had a great Mother’s Day, Mir!
I love Indian too and there isn’t a local restaurant – what’s up with that?
We LOVE Indian food. The cookbook would be awesome!
i’d love the cookbook
Cookbook would be great!
My daughters and I would love the DVD’s. Thanks, Pretty Mir!
i’d love the DVD’s! thanks!
I would love the DVD’s Thanks.
Ooooh, Women in Love, please!
Hook me up with those movies, please! Thank you!
DVD’s please!
cookbook! please!!!!!
I’d love the movies!
I’d love them both very much. If I have to choose, I think a girls’ night in sounds fabulous!
cookbook! please
DVDs, please! My shelves overfloweth with “Trilogies”.
Oh! Cookbook, please! I love cookbooks and I’ve just recently become addicted to Indian food!