You’re hip. You’re cool. You have a computer. You like free stuff. Also, you’re very pretty.
Microsoft has a couple of goodies for us, today. First off, check out the LifeCam VX-5500—its unique base allows you to use it with either a desktop machine or a laptop, and if you’ve been wanting a webcam, this may be your answer, right here. Now, I don’t know a whole lot about webcams (remember, we’re a Mac family—built-in iSight!), but this one gets good reviews and it comes with interchangeable faceplates (fancy) so that you can match it to your color scheme. Woo! PC users, do you dig it?
Second, I have here one wireless mobile mouse in purple (also fancy), that will work with either a PC or a Mac. it’s perfect for your laptop; small enough to tote, but with all of the ergonomics of a larger mouse. Also, it’s purple, so you’ll always know which one is yours.
Hey, who wants to win one of these? Just go read the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, May 13th, 2009, telling me which one you want for a chance to win your selection. I’ll determine the winners by random number generation and the voices in my head. (I’m kidding. I hardly ever use the random number generator anymore.) (Kidding!)
Ready? Go!
Wow, for the geek in us, this is cool!
My kids and I would love either of these. Webcam to see grandma and grandpa or a PURPLE mouse! Thanks!
I would love the webcam.
I’d love to win!
I would love the webcam!
oooo and aahhh…LifeCam plez!
The mouse!! Please!
Life Cam would be awesome to communicate with my stepdaughter who moved away with her Mom a few months ago. NY to KY is a long ways away! 🙂
These are the only type of “mouse” I want in my house…so the mouse please!
Purple Mouse, please!!
Life cam please
I’d love the webcam!
webcam please
I’d love the webcam! 🙂 Thanks for all the contests!
I would love the webcam! Thanks.
Mouse please : )
I would love the LifeCam VX-5500! Thanks
me me…I’d love the LifeCam! thanks!
I’d like the mouse!
Mouse, please! It will go perfect in the LSU themed office!
both sound great…I’ll go with the mouse.
Yay purple mouses (mice?)!
webcam would be cool. thanks!
I am currently mouse-less and would love a new one!
Purple mouse, please!
Mouse, please! Thank you.
purple mouse please!
ooh, fun purple mouse please. my wireless mouse jumped onto the floor one too many times and has now been replaced with an old crappy wired one.
Purple mouse?? I’m in!
Oh, I would love the LifeCam!
Oh, that’s my moms favorite color!! Would love to be able to give it to her.
Lifecam please!
We’ve got a Mac at home, but I could put the cam on my office Windows computer and be able to have video calls with the kid at home (during lunch hour of course!) or while traveling…
The mouse please!
I puffy pink heart that purple mouse!
The mouse would be great for when I start school in August!
my hubby just gave me a laptop, so i’d loooooove to have a mobile mouse. but not the mobile kind that we have in the garage. ahem!
i would love either. i am such a gadget girl…
I would love the Lifecam
Since I’m planning to buy a webcam for my parents soon anyway, I’d love the LifeCam.
webcam please, so we can Skype video call with family
Purple is my favorite color. The mouse please.
The mouse, please!
Squeak, my mac, she needs a new mouse!
That mouse is awesome!
Probably the purple mouse would be my pick.
mouse please! My touchpad on this laptop hates me.
Please don’t let my daughter see the purple mouse… she’ll be in love. maybe i would win it!
Purple mouse!
I’d love the purple mouse!
that would be great!! i could give the webcam to my parents – we just got one. how fun would that be?
The WebCam please
I guess if I had to choose it would be the mouse. My daughter is still having a tough time with the touch pad.
I’d love to win the mouse!
Hmm, I guess if I had to choose I’d go for the mouse. (Can’t webcam in my pajamas with bedhead.)
Also,happy Anniversary, Mir & hubby!
I would like to win the purple mouse. Thanks!
I would love the LifeCam for keeping in touch with people.
Thanks for another great giveaway!
Just discovered your site. I would love to win the webcam, please.
Everyone needes a purple mouse. Even me. So send it my way!
Mouse me, Mir! 🙂
At this point in 2009, I think it’s probably high time for a web cam in my life. (I also think that may sound slightly dirtier than I intended.)
pretty purple mouse!
please let it be my turn to win!
I’ve been looking for a mouse… purple is even better – its my university’s main color! Thanks!
i’d love the mouse. thanks for another great contest!
I’d love a purple mouse! Thanks!
Oooh! I would love either. My wireless mouse seems to have bit the dust recently and I’m a PC without a webcam.
LifeCam please!
I’d like the mousey, thanks!
The pretty shiny new laptop has a webcam built in, and a touch pad that my hands keep on touching. Pretty Mir, a purple mouse, please?
I need me some webcam. Pick me.
I’d love the purple mouse, Mir! Thanks!
Tiny Purple Mouse, please!
Webcam, please!!
Web cam would be great. Thanks 🙂
I would love to have a purple mouse for my computer! I love purple! 🙂
Mouse please, thanks Mir!
I need one of these and I love purple!
I would love the mouse! Thanks Mir!
Love that purple mouse!
I would love either of these!
My inner-nerd is excited
The purple mouse is me!
the wireless mobile mouse.
Oooh – purple mouse please! (It will make up for the one that my husband ‘borrowed’ and never returned.)
Purple mouse!
Life-cam please!
Ooo, both are so cool… but the Life Cam would sure make the far-away grandparents happy!
Life-cam please! You’re pretty!
LifeCam, please. And thank you.
Oh my – the purple mouse is AWESOME and my teacher-techie posse would be SO jealous (we’re mac’s too)
Webcam, please
We’d love the LifeCam, please.
Purple mouse please! My favorite color!
ohhhh….what to choose? I think I’ll go with the webcam!
Ooh! The mousie!
The webcam would be swell!
Wireless mice are cool.
Lifecam, please. My parents have been waiting all 2.5 years of my son’s existence for a webcam to see him. Thank you again for another awesome contest. 🙂
Oooh, purple mouse! My toddler knows Momma’s favorite color is “pah-pur” & he’s the reason I need a wireless mouse.
Would love a mouse! (See nickname)
I have a purple cat that would love to play with a purple mouse! haa…just joshing! Would love it, tho! Thanks!
Cam please oh please. See everyone else wants the purple mouse.
What fun! Count me out, though. The laptops and Mac all have built in webcams, and I hate using a mouse. We have so many freaking computer mice it’s not even funny. I open a drawer and out pops a mouse! So really I’m just saying hi. 🙂
Web-Cams are so cool.
The LifeCam would be great, thank you!
webcam please!
Webcam is what I need!
The mouse would be great!
I’d prefer the mouse, but either sounds great!
I’d love the mouse!
I love purple. I love wireless. So I would like the wireless purple mouse if I win, please.
Winner winner chicken dinner! Either would be awesome.
I would love the pretty purple mouse. Thank you!
Purple mouse please!!
Oh LifeCam please!! Thanks!
I need a webcam. Ok, maybe ‘need’ is the wrong word. I would very much like to win this webcam, as I currently do not have one and my sister can’t see me when we Skype, but I can see her, which is just weird. 🙂
A purple mouse is groovy!
Webcam! cool.
I need a mouse desperately – mine is dying!
I am such a gadget ‘ho. Love your contests.
got the wrong email. Dyslexia is so boring.
We would love the mouse! Thanks for another great contest!
Oh! I would love that mouse! It is just perfect because the (corded) mouse I currently have is dying! 🙂
Squeak! Please!
I would love either!!! Gosh, tough decision…I guess webcam!
mouse please please please mouse. squeak. (thanks)
I’m going Webcam. I, too, live in a Mac House, but I have a friend who is going to be moving and I’d like to be able to web chat since she won’t be across the street any more. 🙁
I’d love to win the purple mouse.
I would love the webcam! I have to stay at my job this summer while my husband and daughter go on to his new job. Seeing my baby’s face (and I suppose my husband’s too) everyday while they’re gone would be awesome!
Purple mouse, please!
whoooo Hoooo Life cam for me pretty please
Mouse please
I’ll go with the mouse, because my school color is purple!
purple mouse please!
P-U-R-P-L-E M-O-U-S-E! Purple Mouse! Donald Duck! Purple Mouse! (And so on . . .)
The mouse, please.
wireless mouse, please!
YES! The purple mouse sounds awesome… and pretty! Just like you!
The mouse, Please!
I’d love the LifeCam–we’ve been wanting a webcam for some time now. Thanks!
I’d love the webcam.
The web cam would be cool–my inlaws just got one to see other grandkids, it’d be nice if we had one too.
The mouse please! Purple is my favorite color!
I’m a mouse person all the way. I’ve never needed a webcam. I think it has something to do with my hate of being photographed multiplied by someone not only seeing what I look like but seeing how I move, sound, etc. *shudders*
Yes, mouse please! 😉
Thanks, pretty, wonderful, and helpful, Mir!
Wow! A purple mouse! How cool is that???
WEBCAM, PLEASE. Yelling not intentional unless I win. LOL
I really need that webcam!! 🙂
OOH! Wireless mouse please? On the road again and wishing I had one 🙂
Web cam! The grandparents in Australia would be sooo happy. Skype! Whee!
Oooo…a purple mouse! Love it!
Ooh, would love the webcam
A purple mouse would make my 7 yo daughter so happy
Great prize. I’d love this.
Love to win!
i’d love that mouse, mir!
Mouse please!
That is awesome! It’s hard to choose. I will go with the mouse please.
Who wouldn’t want the purple mouse? 🙂
Ooo, a fancy purple mouse please!
Sounds Great!
Ooh a purple mouse please!
We just added to mini laptops to our household this weekend, so a webcam and a purple mouse are EXACTLY what we need. Clearly.
I would like the webcam so my granddaughter who lives far away can see me online
I so need to webcam so I can see my children while I am away on buisness trips
Since I’m the only one in my family without a webcam when we’re all skyping, I think I’d better pick that one! Pretty pleeeeeease 🙂
webcam please ….
Oooh purple mouse!
Mouse please, as I am also a Mac person
my favorite color too and so useful
Webcam, please and thanks!
have to add want mouse thanks
Purple mouse, please. We NEED badly to buy one, so I’ll just wait until after Wednesday now. 🙂 Thanks.
would love the purple mouse
Cool purple mouse, please. Thanks, Mir!
The webcam would be great to send videos of my crazy kids to my hubby at work. Thank you!
Ooh, we gotta PICK? Guess I’ll go with the cam thing (so grandparents can see granddaughter more, no way I’M showing my face on that thing)!
We love our life cam! Thanks for offering!
I’m an online instructor and would love for my students to see me! I’d love that webcam. Thanks!
web cam….por favor.
Web cam please and thankyou
That mouse would be perfect. I love purple.
Oh I’d love both but I would probably pick the mouse. Thanks!
Oooh tough call. I’ll take the camera, please. Thanks for another great contest, Mir!
Webcam please!!
Mouse please!
Cam for me, please!
Definetly the purple mouse!!!
I would love the LifeCam
How fun! I’d love the webcam!
I have mice coming out my ears (and isn’t THAT a pretty picture), but I’d love to win the camera – I don’t have one for the desktop.
Mouse for me… please. My DH might actually let me keep it if it’s purple!
Web cam would be fabulous!
I have been in the market for a webcam! Also, purple mouse? How cool is that? Sign me up for either! Thanks Mir!
PURPLE MOUSE? Count me in.
Nothing better than a purple mouse!
Eirther would work for me. If I have to pick one it would be the mouse. Thank you!!
I would love the webcam. Nanna can see the kids now, but they can’t see Nanna!
I’d like the webcam.
Tough choice…but I’d pick the mouse!
Purple mouse, please.
I love purple! This would be awesome.
I need a new mouse – please!
Purple is my color of choice. Mice, not so much. But, a purple mouse might just cure me of my fear of mice 🙂
I’d like the webcam please.
I would love to win the mouse!!
I’m in. Thanks for the opportunity!
Purple is my signature color! Which means the mouse would send my co-workers into even more fits at the office!
Oh the purple mouse sounds fun!
New mousy please.
I would love to have the webcam.
Ooooo! Mouse, please! My Mac mouse decided to zonk out on me. 🙁
I would love the purple mouse!
I would love this 🙂
Lifecam please.
Sweet! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I’d love the webcam to talk with my cousins who are moving overseas soon!
webcam, please! I just taught my parents how to use one and now they’re hooked!
I would love the webcam
Webcam please, I want to be able to show off my grandson to my brother in CA
Mouse please!
web cam please
mice please
I truly would LOVE a webcam to talk to my family in Chicago w/ SKYPE!
I would LOVE a purple mouse!!!
Oh Mir, on this day after your anniversary, you should totally pick me to win the mouse. I mean, it would be an awesome belated birthday present, right?
I need the LifeCam VX-5500.
My parents oh-so-need a webcam!
The webcam would get constant use at my house!
I *heart* purple
purple mouse please! And thanks!
We need a webcam, not being mac people. Thanks!
Webcam, webcam, webcam…#239, lucky number #239!
My deployed husband and I would LOVE a webcam!!! Thanks!
my poor mouse could use an upgrade to PURPLE!
I would love the webcam!!! Pleeeeasssseeee pick me!!! 🙂
Would love the web cam!!!!
A purple mouse is exactly what I need! Thanks for the chance, Mir.
Pimp me baby! Lifecam it is!
I would love the webcam to show off my twins to the grandparents!
Oh! Either one would be awesome! I can always use a cool purple mouse, and the camera would allow me to finally do a bit of skyping with the hubby’s family out in CA! (they haven’t seen the kids in a few years!) Thanks Mir!
That purple wireless mouse would definitely help keep me from tripping over the wires under my computer everytime I get up!
purple mouse
Oh i would LOVE the wireless mouse!!
We’ve been wanting a webcam…the Lifecam would be great timing!
Cool! A LifeCam would be cool!
I’d love either one (as I’m sure would Grandma!) but my mouse just went on the fritz, so it definitely needed!!
I would love you to pimp my computer. The lifecam would be my first choice. Thanks.
I never saw a purple mouse,
But now I hope to see one.
I still can tell you anyhow,
I’d rather see than be one.
Sounds great!
The webcam, please!
I would love the mouse. Or the webcam. Whichever. Thanks!
I would like the mouse.
Cam-cam-cam-cam. 🙂
oooooooooooooooh purple mousies are my FAAAAVORITE.
Never had a web cam! Would love to win this!
Ooh! A wireless mouse! The poor thing, born without a tail. I’d give it a good home.
Ooo- webcam for me!
A webcam for my laptop would be lovely. Thanks, Mir!
I’ll take the purple mouse!
Would love the wireless mouse.
I too am a Mac gal, but I’d love to give the webcam to mom so she could chat with us 🙂
I’ll take whatever you’re doling out!
Webcam, please!
Purple mouse!!! Thank you! 🙂
i always hated cats..and love mouse..purple is my fav color. yay…
ooh! ooh! lifecam! lifecam!
thanks for a great techie giveaway… would love either of the tech tools!…
cathy b
project hop e7 at gmail dot com
I would love the life cam please!
When I win I would like the web cam, please.
webcam would be fun!
Webcam, please!
The mouse please! I love my Mac but not so much the mouse…
I’d love to be entered in the contest for the webcam, please and thank you!
Pretty mouse, pretty Mir, pretty please? (OK, that was cheesy and possible grammatically incorrect.)
Pretty lady.
I would love the webcam. Then my in-laws could see the baby without me going there! 🙂
Ooh! Webcam! Shiny!
Although the mouse sounds pretty, I think I’d go with the webcam. Thanks!
yay for webcams!
mouse sounds AWESOME!!
Webcam would be sweeeet! 🙂
I am in.
Mouse me!
Mouse for us please 🙂
The mouse would be great!!
Hello Mir, I would like the mouse please.
Mouse me baby!
the web cam please….thank you!!!!!
Oh how I would love a webcam!
The mouse would be great! Thanks for the chance!
I need a new cam to talk to my sis in England! thanks for the chance
Webcam please!!!!
Would love the purple mouse.
I’d love the LifeCam!
I’d love the life cam…
Our mouse is dying a slow, annoying death. So a purple mouse would be great please!!!
Webcam preferably so I can talk to my son when he deploys –
Thanks for the chance.
Also a mac user… I’d love the mouse!
I’ve been wanting to find a webcam!
Either of these would be great.
I would love the wireless mouse!
The mouse, the mouse, the mouse is on fire…we don’t need no web cam let the …… …….. go to someone else!
So hopefully you’re old enough to understand that but not too old to find it completely crass and un-winnable!
I need the mouse. 🙂
Ooh, pretty Mir – I would love the swanky purple mouse!
wireless mouse! thanks!
wireless mouse! thans
I’m another long time Mac user, so I’m in for the mouse! Blue would be nice, but purple will work just fine for me.
We could always use an extra mouse. The kids steal mine when their batteries go out!
Webcam would be cool!!
oooh, the mouse!!! Thanks
My husband keeps telling me I need a wireless mouse.
I definitely want the purple wireless mouse.
I’m hip! I’m cool! I would love to be a winner!
Another Mac laptop user here, but I would love the wireless mouse!
Web cam please! My husband gets deployed at times and we’d love to be able to see him when he is gone!
Purple mouse please!!!
i would love either one!
Cool for us! Thanks!
i’ll go for the mouse!
oohh..wireless mouse!