I hope you all had a lovely Mother’s Day. Mine was awesome, single badly-sunburned shoulder aside. (Yes, I put sunblock on. No, I don’t know how I missed one shoulder. Am dork.)
Almost 250 of you had time to enter this weekend’s contest, and two of you are getting something pretty out of it. Hooray!
Our winners are: Heidi (commenter 199), who will receive Modern Spice, and Alison (commenter 33), who will receive the three-pack of chick flicks. Congratulations, ladies! Please check your email!
Big thanks to all who played, and special thanks both to Monica Bhide and Bender/Helper Impact for donating the prizes.
There will be another contest coming up in a bit, as soon as I figure out what needs giving away, next. So many fabulous prizes, so little time! And I have a lunch date with a handsome man, so it will have to wait a little bit. (Today is our anniversary. It is very good to be me, today.)
Whoo hoo, thank you so much! And my, aren’t you looking particularly pretty today? Must be that anniversary glow.
Happy Anniversary, Mir. Another year of love! You are a lucky woman! 🙂
Thank you–I needed a little pick-me-up on a rainy day! And I must second what Heidi said, Mir. You are looking especially lovely today. 🙂
Good Wishes for many more!
happy day! ain’t love grand? hope it’s especially sweet today!
Happy Anniversary, you beautiful and wise woman!