You have until just before midnight tonight to enter to win Dance Dance Revolution Disney Grooves for the Wii, and this could be the difference between a summer of harmony and a summer spent yelling, “Why can’t you kids go find something to do?!”
Personally, I think the former sounds preferable. I’m just saying.
Don’t forget to enter on the contest post. Leaving a comment on this post doesn’t enter you into the contest. It probably doesn’t even enter you into my good graces, unless you’re commenting purely to tell me how much you love me.
(That’s just sucking up. It’s encouraged, but doesn’t increase your chances of winning.)
Well, since I can’t enter (as I was the lucky, recent, winner of a fabulous Bonefish Grill dinner for two, which we plan to use while Sydney’s at a sleepover, next weekend), I thought I would take this opportunity to tell you how much I love you and how pretty you are. 🙂
I love you thiiiiiiiiiis much!
I would love a new WII game
This would be awesome for the kids!
Pick me!