Hey, guess what! There’s only two days left to enter to win a GoodNites swag tote, so get an entry in today and another one in tomorrow, because if my 500 gazillion reminders that this one is a daily contest somehow missed your notice, I’m telling you again now. I am selfishly begging you to get those entries in, as the blogger who garners the most entries wins $1,000 worth of books which I would dearly love to win for my county library system’s outreach programs. I live in the poorest county in Georgia, people. We need those books. Please enter, to help me win for my local youth, but also to get your shot at the $250 worth of swag that’s up for grabs, too.
Also, I owe y’all an apology. Ordinarily I coordinate contests with sponsors here in such a way that I always know what’s happening when. For reasons beyond my control, the “great big contest” I thought I’d be launching last Monday has not yet happened. I am very hopeful that I’ll get final approval to post it shortly, but I’m sorry to be a tease and sorrier still that I didn’t run a different contest this week while this other thing was being sorted out. That’s what happens, sometimes, when you’re working with a sponsor who’s donating something expensive. So… hopefully it will be worth your while once we get it all sorted out, and in the meantime I’ll do a bonus contest this weekend and a regular contest next Monday, too, regardless of the timing on this other thing. (Sorry to be vague, too. This hasn’t worked out the way I’d hoped it would, but sometimes things happen.)
Okay. That’s all I need to tell you. Carry on. Go get your GoodNites entries in and thank you for your patience on this other contest. Has anyone told you lately how pretty you are? Because you are. So pretty!
you rock, mir. that’s all. 🙂
glad I’m not the only one that has those kind of things happen to! 🙂
No worries! I’m glad I’m not the only one having unexpected things happening to her this week. 😀
Wish I had $1000 I could just give you for books, I know I could trust you to pick good ones! Which reminds me, I thought of your family when I saw a book called “Gorgonzola: a Very Stinkysaurus”