Winners of the Hallmark contest

By Mir
November 21, 2009
Category Contests

Okay, I’ve got your Hallmark gift card contest winners here, finally. Sorry about that. I was off spending the gift cards on fast living! Except not really. I was probably just giving the dog a bath.

The random number generator has spoken, and it selected Aimee (commenter 37) and Erin (commenter 109) as our lucky winners. Hooray! Congratulations, ladies—please check your email!

Thanks to all who played, and big thanks to Hallmark and their helper elves at Fleishman for coordinating the prize donation. We pink puffy heart the generosity of others that makes the contests at Want Not possible!

Didn’t win this time? No worries! I’ll have another contest coming up later today—a little weekend something-something—and on Monday we’ll be having an extra super fantastic prize to kick off the holiday shopping season. I’m not telling what it is, yet, but I promise it won’t disappoint.


  1. Thank you so much Mir! What a wonderful surprise!

  2. Aw nuts. I saw “Erin” and got all excited. *sigh* Glad I saw that the winning Erin posted a comment before I trotted off to see if it was me! 🙂

  3. WOOHOO!!! Thank you Mir! You rock the block (and are pretty)!!! This is amazing!

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