Reminder: DJ Hero and Band Hero 5 contest

By Mir
December 23, 2009
Category Contests

Don’t forget—you have until just before midnight tonight to enter the contest to win either DJ Hero or Band Hero 5 for the Wii. You can’t win if you don’t enter, so get on over there if you haven’t already.

As always, please enter on the contest post. Also, please read the contest directions. Lots of invalid entries happening, and that makes me sad. (I know y’all can read. Seriously, now.)

The comments on this post are reserved for commiserating about the last-minute things you may have forgotten to do prior to the holiday. Here, I’ll start: I sort of forgot I was making Christmas dinner. Oops! Um, I’ll see you later… I have to go to the grocery store….

Okay. Your turn!


  1. Just got home from grocery shopping. It’s too hot to cook! But, tomorrow is another day and should be cold.

  2. We are being hit with a North Dakota blizzard and all our travel plans have changed. Now I have to come up with a Christmas Eve dinner menu…and just when I was REALLY looking forward to someone else doing the cooking! :/ Hopefully we can dig out for Christmas Day and make it to the in-laws for Christmas Day dinner…otherwise it may be eggnog and Baklava for dinner that day!:}

  3. I will never understand why people cannot read! I mean if it is your intent to read a blog, you should be able to read and comprehend. Not trying to be catty, but I see it at work every day. People call and say, “I got a letter from you that says such and such”. Well I typed the letter so I know what it says, but the recipient never does. I suppose we communicate in too many different ways these days. I sound like an old geezer now. But I would never tell the neighborhood kids to get off my lawn.

  4. I saw that when I entered – that people weren’t entering correctly. I figure it’s their loss if they can’t read instructions…

    I just got back from the grocery store after procrastinating about it all week and this past weekend. Nearly two hours later (place was BUSY!!), I’m home and ready to start cooking tomorrow for a huge family dinner at my house in the evening. We’re expecting 4-8 inches of snow, so hopefully that won’t keep people away. Those coming are from Canada and Denver, so they are used to driving in snow.

  5. I have no idea what will happen for Christmas day as my son’s home, where we were suppose to have Christmas day dinner, has a flu epidemic going on! I DON’T want the flu. PLUS, a big storm is on it’s way for Christmas eve….I need a prize to help me cope! : ) I forgot to pray for good health and good weather apparently!

  6. just made cookies with the kids, call in a hazmat team to help me clean up the frosting!

  7. I have a sick kid and have not done any baking. I usally make cookie trays for friends and neighbors.

    Maybe tomorrow.

  8. I forgot to make Christmas Soup. I’m the only one who likes it, so it’s not really a big deal. But I’m sorry I forgot to make it.

  9. I keep wrapping gifts, then forgetting what I’m wrapping and having to open them again and peek so I can put an appropriate tag on them. Just a bit distracted…

  10. I guess I’m sending out Happy New Year cards this year, since I haven’t done the Christmas cards yet. Aaaand I forgot to get something at the grocery store so I have to go. Again. Tomorrow.

  11. I forgot that if I make zucchini bread, I will grate one of my knuckles. Ouch.

  12. Oh, Heidi, I love you. I thought I was the only one who did that.

    Thanks, and ‘Happy/merry culturally and/or religiously appropriate festival/holiday!’*

    *Stolen with no shame from googlesightseeing.

  13. so what do you do with the cookies your neighbor’s son brings over when you were just on the phone with the neighbor who says they have been sick with the flu! How can I toss them without the kids noticing or without me feeling guilty about all the work she went through with the flu, nonetheless! Less holiday pounds to work off later though, right?

  14. It depends on what kind of flu. You could be talking about serious weight loss here.

  15. Yesterday, hubby asked what we were giving his aunt and uncle. The same ones I’d asked about repeatedly, with him replying variations of “Oh, they don’t need anything.” Lucky I’ve got some extras of my recent batch of refrigerator pickles in fancy, old-fashioned canning jars. They can have some of THAT.

  16. I also will be sending New Year’s cards – after having my whole family provide thumbrints for all of them because I forgot the cardstock needed to make them…

  17. I was NOT posting as an entry into the contest…I can read better than that! I was simply venting a little holiday stress and commiserating with Mir…maybe the posting critics should read Mir’s instructions a little bit closer!
    Merry Christmas to one and all!

  18. My comment on here was in reference to the posts on the contest site that do not select the item they wish-not in reference to anyone that posted here. So far, us folks can read. And I never, ever intend to be catty or snide as I said. I was just commenting on Mir’s reading of the contest posts.

  19. Thanks for clearing that up! 🙂 Merry Christmas Juli!

  20. Being so busy planning and shopping for all the big holiday meals we are hosting, I totally forgot to grocery shop for the basics – like toilet paper and breakfast food. This should be fun.

  21. Jen, isn’t there a toilet paper genie? My college age step daughter thought so until she moved into her own apartment.

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