The good news is that I finally remembered I hadn’t announced the winners of the Red Baron pizza coupons contest. The bad news is that it took me until now. Um. Oops? Still friends?
Here we go: Our third place winner—recipient of a single coupon—is commenter 115, Linda. Our second place winner—recipient of two coupons—is commenter 112, Debra. And finally, our grand prize winner—she’s getting three pizza coupons, so the party’s at her house—is commenter 71, Sheri. Congratulations, winners—please check your email!
Big thanks to all who played, and special thanks to Red Baron for donating the coupons.
Need another chance to win? The contest to win a Sony Pocket Reader is running all this week!
Congrats! For once I am thrilled to not win, because I really really want a shot at that Sony Reader! 😉