Winners, we’ve got winners

By Mir
January 18, 2010
Category Contests

We’re going to call this multitasking, as I announce the winners from both last week’s and this past weekend’s contests. Hooray!

First up we have the contest to win fabulous Bandai toys. The winner of the Ben 10 toys is commenter 61, Andrea, and the winner of the Power Rangers toys is commenter 57, Rachel. Big thanks to Weber Shandwick and Bandai for the generous prize donations!

Next, we have this weekend’s shot at winning a Dunkin Donuts gift card. We have four lucky winners for this one, and they are: Jerrie Waits (commenter 100), A.. (commenter 86), Connieh30 (commenter 4), and VirginiaMom (commenter 46). Big thanks to RF|Binder and Dunkin Donuts for the prize donations!

Thanks to everyone who played! Congratulations to all our winners, and please be sure to actually, you know, check your email and get back to me so that I can get your prizes out to you. My powers of telepathy are somewhat lacking these days.

Didn’t win this time? Don’t fret! There’s another contest coming right up!


  1. Thank you!

  2. Thank you! I am so excited. Actually – my son will be so excited.

  3. Wow – I won, thanks so much, I’ll be watching my email and my nephew will be so excited!!! (that is if my daughter doesn’t steal them first hehe)

  4. Mir – just got my package in the mail yesterday – thanks so much, it is awesome!

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