Don’t forget—you have until just before midnight tonight to enter to win Miracle Girls novels fit for safe (read: non-smutty) Young Adult reading. You could win the latest one; you could win the entire series of four. But do you know what you can’t do? You can’t win if you don’t enter! So get your comment in before it’s too late.
As always, please leave a comment on the contest post to have a valid entry. Leaving a “please enter me!” comment on this entry may result in mockery, finger-pointing, and loss of self esteem. Please contact your doctor if you feel a burning sense of shame, or if you develop a sense of indignation that last for more than four hours. This may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect that requires extensive anger management.
(Can you tell we spent the day with medical professionals, today…?)
My daughter is a huge reader- she will love them!
(point!) (snicker, snicker!)
tee-hee!! HA! HA!
Not eligible to win them but just wanted to say that my little sister loved the books and so did I- and I’m 23! So they are a good read for any age!