Reminder: Stella and Dot contest

By Mir
July 28, 2010
Category Contests

Do you love funky jewelry? Do you want to win a beautiful pair of earrings? Don’t forget to get your entry in on this week’s contest to win a pair of Stella and Dot earrings. You can’t win if you don’t enter, you know.

As always, please leave a comment on the contest post to enter. Only leave a comment on this post if you have something terribly important non-contest-related to tell me. Like that you just got some cool new shoes. Or that you think my hair looks particularly bouncy today.

(Oh, who am I kidding? It’s late July in Georgia. You could bounce a bowling ball off my hair right now and I wouldn’t even feel it.)


  1. I would just like to say that Otto should feel free to also buy that pearl-bib necklace for *my* upcoming birthday. 🙂

  2. You’re pretty.

  3. Your hair MUST be prettier than my unwashed, uncombed (as of 7:30 am, anyway), graying hair. But aren’t you ALWAYS pretty? 😉

  4. Your hair is definitely prettier than mine – graying – check, needs a cut – check, humidity killing it – double check. Ah – humidity, never liked it…

    I would love these for a sweet (younger) friend. 😀

  5. I love earrings!

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