Goodness, but all of my fellow pretty-lovers went gaga over this week’s contest. And why not? The chance to win a Shabby Apple dress is a chance to be fabulous at our very favorite price, am I right? I am.
It’s winner time! I had a chat with the random number generator and for some reason it still refused to pick me as the winner even though I’m, you know, ineligible for my own contest. Stupid random number generator. Instead, it picked commenter number 131, Nancy S, who at least chose my favorite dress—the Scarlett Raven. Congratulations, Nancy—please check your email! We’ll get you set up for receiving your gorgeous new dress and all your friends will be jealous.
Big thanks to all who played, and special thanks to the generosity of Shabby Apple in hosting this contest. Pretty and magnanimous, wow. I shall doodle your company name in my notebook surrounded by little hearts and possibly glitter.
Didn’t win this one, but still need a gorgeous Shabby Apple dress to call your own? Shop through the end of August and you can use coupon code WOODS to ship your order for free.
If you didn’t win this week, sit tight—there’s more contests coming up.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I will think about Mir when I wear my pretty new dress!