Books winner, and another book to win

By Mir
October 3, 2010
Category Contests

I apologize for the delay in getting you the winner of last week’s books contest. This weekend kind of got away from me. (I was partying! And living large! Or just doing laundry and eating these fun-size Snickers bars my husband brought home for some reason. Either way.) But, we do need a winner, of course, and so I consulted the random number generator this morning.

Our lucky book winner is commenter 146, S. Elder. Congratulations—please check your email! You’ll be receiving three gorgeous kids’ books from me, as well as an overall feeling of luck (I throw that in at no extra charge).

Big thanks to all who played, and special thanks to Simon and Schuster for their generosity in donating the prizes.

Now, how about a super-quick Sunday contest? I have a copy of The Goodnight Book here, courtesy of Cool Mom Picks. This is a hefty little volume (around 225 pages) with all kinds of different content, as well as truly gorgeous artwork. It’s a perfect baby gift, but if you want to keep it for yourself, I won’t tell.

Want to win it? This is a quickie—go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 10:00 a.m. Eastern (that’s 7:00 a.m. Pacific) on Monday, October 4th, 2010 to be entered. That’s just under 24 hours to get your name in. Winner to be determined by random number generation and sleep number.

Ready? Go!


  1. We have a new baby in the family! He’d probably like a book!

  2. It’s the perfect baby gift that I can keep for myself! I expect our little bundle to make his appearance within a week or so…

  3. That looks like a gorgeous book!

  4. Yes, please. I am that woman…the one who gives books as gifts.

  5. I LOVE books!! With four kids I’m always on the lookout for some new reads!

  6. New baby on the way….

  7. Can’t remember my sleep number – I was pregnant when we tried it out and nothing was comfortable so I sent it back. Thanks for the chance anyway. :>)

  8. Oooooo, pretty! My cousin had a baby 3 days ago and this would be the PERFECT gift,

  9. that book looks adorable!!

  10. Sweet. Count me in.

  11. Sweet.

  12. New babies are popping up all the time!!!

  13. Oh I have a new niece coming and would be great!

  14. What a cool book! Please and Thank you.

  15. another great giveaway, thank you! My son is turning 4 on thursday and my baby girl is 6 weeks! He will love trying to read to her!

  16. I have two kids and a baby shower coming up, so this could be used lots of ways!

  17. Baby due in January…. this would be a great pre-birth Christmas gift for her!! 😉

  18. Yay books! Thanks for hosting another great giveaway!

  19. Would love this for my 5 month old!

  20. I’m in!

  21. This one looks pretty cool – I’ll play! 🙂

  22. I have a family of book nerds. We’d love it.

  23. I’ve got several baby showers to attend in the next few months. This would be great. Thanks.

  24. Have twin nieces due to arrive next month, this would be perfect!

  25. ooooooo book

  26. My guess is this probably wouldn’t trump Franklin, but maybe in a few months!

  27. Ohhh, me, me!! This book sounds amazing! My little one is about to be two in a week and I have one on the way due in April. This will be so perfect!!

  28. Hooray for books. I’m tired.

  29. I love books!

  30. Sounds like a wonderful book.

  31. Wow, this book would be great! 🙂

  32. Love books!

  33. This would be perfect for my new baby grandson.

  34. Pretty book!

  35. thanks for the great drawing!

  36. We love books!

  37. Yes, please!

  38. Baby in the family coming next month. Would love this to gift to her!

  39. Gus always wants a book! I even promise that I will be an upstanding parent and not let him eat it (as he is prone to want to do).

  40. a dear friend is expecting a wee one any day…she would love this!

  41. Sounds pretty.

  42. Shh… don’t tell. I’d keep it for myself! 🙂

  43. This would be a great gift for my new cousin!

  44. You know I’m in, if the prize is a book. Thanks for the shot, Mir!

  45. Sounds lovely!

  46. I’ll keep my fingers crossed….!

  47. We are a house full of book lovers, would love to add this to our collection!

  48. Gooooorgeous!

  49. oh, that looks so nice!!

  50. sounds good. I love books

  51. I would love this!

  52. we can always use more books

  53. That book looks great!

  54. Books and baby gifts – perfect combo!

  55. What a creative book!

  56. I big puffy heart books!

  57. Ooooh. Pick me this time, please. :o)

  58. I’m expecting baby #4. I’m sure the little one would some day appreciate something new for him or herself. 🙂

  59. We would love this! Pretty please? 🙂

  60. Please enter me! We love children’s books here!

  61. My guy is way into books now, we’d love to win!

  62. New baby arriving in November!

  63. I am currently pregnant with our first! I’d love to win that book! PS, if it gets me any closer, you’re VERY pretty…

  64. Our small home is filled with books. But we still would love some more!!!

  65. Love me some books. THANKS MIR!!!

  66. Sounds like a great book!

  67. you look so pretty today, and I love to give books, oh, we tried that # thing, it was definitely not working for me.

  68. Hoping I am lucky!

  69. yes, please! we love books in this house!

  70. Baby gift? I have a new niece! Please, random number generator, pick me!

  71. Would love to win this!

  72. A dear friend is due any minute. This would be wonderful!

  73. My friend just had a baby boy in July.

  74. I’m not familiar with that book, but sounds good!

  75. I am pregnant and would love a new book for our new baby!!

  76. So sweet! My dilemna will be whether to keep it for us or give it to a friend!

  77. Lovely! Thanks, Mir.

  78. My sleep number is….I don’t know….haven’t had any lately! 🙂

  79. Sounds like a fabulous book!

  80. Yay for books, and especially free ones! Thanks, Mir!

  81. This book sounds wonderful for my grandkids. We try to read to them by way of Skype and it would be a book they would enjoy.

  82. We love books!

  83. I’m working on building up my baby’s library! Pick me please!

  84. Sounds awesome!

  85. Yay! Oh, and 80. 🙂

  86. I’m in

  87. Love it

  88. I’m game, too.

  89. Thanks Mir!

  90. (shyly raising hand) Yes, please. 🙂

  91. Eight bookcases in the house and counting..!

  92. I would love a book to give to the preschool where my children go.

  93. Cool. Thanks, Mir!

  94. We love books! Thank you!

  95. Oh, I hope you pick my children and I! Although everyone else is certainly worthy. 🙂

  96. woooo, books are cool!

  97. Fantastic, books are the best! Thanks!

  98. Funny, No. 39, Carla, our Gus just finally grew out of that stage. Just in time for his sister to enter it.

  99. Sounds great!

  100. What a beautiful book!

  101. Loving children’s books!

  102. My boys would love it!

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