Big Prize Week: Day 4 (Backyard Sports Rookie Rush)

By Mir
November 25, 2010
Category Contests

This contest post will stay at the top of the page from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Eastern on November 25th, 2010. Read on to find out about today’s prize and enter to win!

Happy Thanksgiving! Today is a day to be with family and friends, to give thanks, to eat yourself silly and then watch a whole lot of football. (World without end, amen.) This is our last prize before tomorrow’s Really Big One, and I thought in keeping with the theme of today I’d give you a turkey. But then that just seemed messy. So in keeping with the other theme of today, I’m offering up Backyard Sports Rookie Rush for the Wii, so you can get your football on at home, once you’ve finished digesting those sweet potatoes.

Every contest this week will run for only twelve short hours, so make sure you don’t miss it! Simply go review the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 p.m. Eastern (that’s 5:00 p.m. Pacific) on Thursday, November 25th, 2010 to be entered to win. Winner to be determined by random number generation, losers to be soothed by tomorrow’s chance to win!

Ready? Go!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Mir!

  2. Thanks, Mir, for helping me save money!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, from me and mine.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Mir!!!! I am thankful for you and your writing.

  6. This game looks great! Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for all the deals you give us!

  7. happy Thanksgiving!

  8. ok ok I’m getting in the car for 9 hours so count me in!

  9. Sounds good!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Sweet!

  12. happy thanksgiving Mir ! would love it

  13. Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Winter is coming and the Wii is about the only exercise we’re going to get (without freezing after a half hour). Count me in!

  15. Happy Turkey Day:)

  16. Happy Thanksgiving!

  17. Bring it on!!!

  18. Gobble gobble! Happy Thanksgiving…

  19. My son loves Backyard Sports, so it would be so fun to win this for him. 🙂

  20. Sounds like fun. Happy Thanksgiving all!

  21. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  22. Looks good to me! Happy Thanksgiving.

  23. happy thanksgiving!!

  24. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for all the deal info!!

  25. Oooo! This one sounds fun too!
    Katie K.

  26. Happy Thanksgiving – thanks for all you do!

  27. Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for all the great deals!

  28. Happy Thanksgiving! We will be needing to exercise off some calories on the Wii after all we eat today.

  29. Sounds great! Happy Thanksgiving.

  30. Happy Thanksgiving!

  31. mmmm … turkey – happy turkey day!

  32. What I’ve learned in my 4.5 years in this country, is that Thanksgiving and Football go hand in hand!

  33. happy thanksgiving!

  34. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for searching out the great deals for us 🙂

  35. We can always use a new Wii game at our house! Happy Thanksgiving, Mir!

  36. Cool! Thanks!

  37. Happy thanksgiving!!!

  38. Happy Thanksgiving! Looking forward to Black Friday and Cyber Monday!

  39. Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!!

  40. Happy Thanksgiving! I have my everything set so I can hear your deal alerts while I am cooking!

  41. Happy Footballgiving!

  42. Wii love football! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  43. Have a great day! No stressing!

  44. happy thanksgiving

  45. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  46. Happy Thanksgiving Mir!!

  47. my sports loving son would love this game!

  48. I thought all the wookies would be sweepin and I could come in here and nab this. But dag-nab-it ther’re up too…

  49. Happy Thanksgiving!

  50. I’d love to give this to my husband!

  51. We love Wii!

  52. Happy Thanksgiving!

  53. Happy thanksgiving Mir! I’m thankful for you! Have a great day with your family and thanks for having a passion to help others save money!

  54. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

  55. Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

  56. Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the day!

  57. Hey for sports!!!!! Thanks for helping out with our Christmas needs.

  58. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  59. Come on random generator! Pick me! Happy Thanksgiving. I am truly thankful for Mir and this blog! I have saved a cornucopia of cash!

  60. Looks like fun!

  61. Thankful for you Mir!

  62. Happy Turkey Day Mir!!

  63. A very Happy Thanksgiving to You and your Family!

  64. Happy turkey, eat too much day!

  65. Happy Thanksgiving!

  66. Happy Thanksgiving & let’s play some Wii!!

  67. Happy Thanksgiving!

  68. My husband would love this game. We’ll be playing Wii after our Thanksgiving meal. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  69. Happy Thanksgiving! This would be a fun prize to win!

    (BTW, is it weird that I periodically go over and read the Rules and Regulations just because they make me giggle?)

  70. This would be an awesome Christmas present to give to my 6 year old!

  71. ooooh, sounds like fun.

  72. Happy Thanksgiving!

  73. You’re the coolest, Mir!

  74. Happy Turkey Day!! =-)

  75. Happy Thanksgiving!

  76. I wanna win! Pick me please!

  77. Gobble gobble

  78. Happy Thanksgiving, Mir! Thank you for all you do for us!

  79. Me! Me!

    If I win I shall have to pretend I entered yesterday, though, lest my family think I’m reading blogs when I’m supposed to be preparing food …. 🙂

  80. So cool !

  81. This sounds like so much fun!

  82. Happy Thanksgiving!

  83. Trying for the nephew

  84. I hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful!

  85. Happy Thanksgiving!

  86. Count me in!

  87. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  88. Have a very pretty Thanksgiving, Mir!

  89. Happy Thanksgiving to the generous Mir!

  90. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  91. Happy Thanksgiving! I’d love a new Wii game! 🙂

  92. This looks like a lot of fun!

  93. Enjoy the turkey!

  94. Love it! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  95. Looks like fun. Happy Thanksgiving!

  96. From one pretty reader to the rest…. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! now turn off the computers, and enjoy the family!

  97. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  98. I wanna be a WINNER! Thanks Mir!

  99. Happy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful for you and your time in finding the deals. Have a good one.

  100. Happy Thanksgiving!

  101. Please!

  102. wii games are always good

  103. fun, thanks!

  104. Yay! We need more Wii games for this winter. Happy Thanksgiving!

  105. Great prize!

  106. Eat well today suffer Friday.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  107. I think Mike had Chinese food with a fortune cookie for his Thanksgiving dinner!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  108. LOVE IT! Too cold to play outside in my backyard but would love to move the furniture out of the way and play some ball in the family room!

  109. Happy T-Day. Thanks!

  110. Awesome! Thanks!!

  111. You’re awfully pretty this week, Mir!

  112. Happy Thanksgiving!! Thanks for an awesome site!

  113. happy thanksgiving!
    this might just be what my husband needs!

  114. Cool!! Thanks, Mir!

  115. I think my husband and kids would like to play this.

    Thanks Mir!

  116. Pick us!!! 4 boys in the household!!!

  117. Mir working on Thanksgiving now THAT IS dedication to the deals. Happy Turkey day.

  118. Please!

  119. Happy Thanksgiving! I would love to win this!

  120. Receiving this would be something to be thankful for!

  121. My nine year old is addicted to all things football. =)

  122. Sounds awesome! Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

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