College, ahoy: Picking a meal plan

By Mir
April 13, 2017

Recently lovely reader Teresa sent in a great question:

Have you written about selecting college meal plans? We are close to having that quandary er… privilege. Son in question is a quesocarbotarian if we don’t keep an eye on him. He’s been vegetarian for close to 10 years, he easily eats veggies, fruits and plant proteins lovingly placed on the table before him, but I fear he may have difficulty finding balanced food court style choices. And how do you select an appropriate number of meals per term? We do have Amazon Prime for any emergencies. If you have sage advice (and you surely do!) I bet lots of folks would love to know how you broke this down?

Rather than just answering it here, I actually sent it along to Alpha Mom because it fits in with other college-related posts I’ve been writing over there, but if you have a kid leaving for college in a few months, you should go check it out.

1 Comment

  1. Great article, Mir. I responded with my daughter’s experience at her school.

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