Reminder: Anne Zouroudi contest

By Mir
July 7, 2010
Category Contests

Don’t forget—you have until tomorrow morning to get your entry in on the contest to win Anne Zouroudi’s novel, The Messenger of Athens. We’re going to have five winners for this one, so your odds are actually really good!

Of course, you can’t win if you don’t enter. I think the entire world is on vacation, so if you’re around, quick, enter before everyone comes back.

As always, you enter by leaving a comment on the contest post. Leaving a comment on this post is friendly, but doesn’t actually give you a shot at winning. Though if you have any new, favorite summer recipes I simply must know about, do tell. I’ve reached that point in the season where I’m tired of cooking and am fantasizing about a personal chef. And maybe a pool boy. But that’s a different sort of post, altogether.


  1. I discovered Patio Daddio’s BBQ yams – ohhhh my goodness! Soak peeled and cut up yams in a ziplock back with some oil and a touch of salt on the counter for a couple of hours. Then, drain as much of the oil as possible. Mix up … wait. I am stuuupid – how about I give you the link? They are Vegan and so darn delicious that I warmed up the leftovers (few) and had them for breakfast!

  2. I just took Green Grape Salad ( to a reunion and it was a big hit. And you can pretend it’s healthy because the main ingredient is grapes! 🙂 I used red and green grapes cut in half, left out the nuts, and layered them in a trifle bowl with crushed Butterfingers, which really made it complete. It tasted fresh and delicious!

  3. I don’t like to eat hot food in the summer, so I have a protein-rich lunch I like a lot: Take a cup of cottage cheese (Wait! Keep reading – you’ll never know there’s cc in it, promise!) and a yogurt cup (I use a 6 oz low carb one) and use a stick blender to make a smooth creamy concoction. I call it yo-cheese. It has the consistency of soft-serve ice cream and tastes like cheesecake (the flavor varies with the yogurt’s flavor).

    After I whip it up, I throw in berries or cherries or sliced banana or whatever strikes my fancy (that is to say, whatever I actually have on hand) and snarf it all up.

    Takes two minutes to make, really, and it’s got about 36 grams of complete protein. And it’s so good when I eat it outside the neighbor kids come over begging for a taste. I tell them to get off my lawn. 😉

  4. Those dern whippersnappers!

    I think MY favorite “recipe” right now is Sorry!

  5. Thanks for the very kind words, Rikki. They are pretty good, if I do say so myself. 😉


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