Just a friendly little reminder, as my arm is stinging a bit: Tis the season for flu shots, and most doctors’ offices are doing them for free. Don’t put it off if you or your loved one(s) need ’em.
Your needle-phobic kid will forgive you. Eventually. I think.
ugh, we’re all getting ours tomorrow morning. The husband and I will get the nasal type but alas the poor boy is too young still. It’s the needle for him. 🙁
I got mine today. The kid got hers yesterday, with a BONUS extra chicken pox shot, too!
your doc gives them for free? Wish ours did!
I’m so glad my kids are both old enough to get the mist instead of the shot! I thought The Boy would have to have the shot again this year, but the ped said they had changed the age for that – he just turned 3 yesterday, so apparently it’s 2 and up now.
They were covered by our HMO at their regular check ups last week, so all we had to pay was the regular co-pay.
I still need to get mine, though.
That’s great to hear. It was my impression that most, if not all, insurance holders can get a preventative flu shot as part of their medical insurance policy. I am surprised to hear that *most* doctors offices are doing this service for free. I’ve seen and heard of free flu shot offers on special days and times for the uninsured at local churches an community offices like the local fire station. Do you just walk in and request a flu shot from your doc and ask that you not pay any insurance co-pay for the visit?
My husband’s company gives them free for employees and their families. They’ve saved a lot of money on sick days and family sickness days. A win-win situation.
Way to promote, Mir!
My girls had their shots on Monday. My hubby had his provided at work… i am still waiting, as my HMO is still only giving them to high risk only through this week. I don’t know anything about the spray, I’ll have to inquire about that!!
Thanks for the reminder! I made appointments to get ours done next week!
Yes, thank goodness for the mist, we’re all shot chickens here!