Make a new friend (forever!)

By Mir
March 23, 2009
Category Contests

Today’s contest is brought to us by the fine folks at Mom Blog Marketing and Friends Forever Girls.

Regular readers know that I always strive to give away stuff here that I really like, but even still, occasionally a product or a company really stands out. This is one of those times; the Friends Forever dolls are high-quality vinyl play dolls that teach about self-esteem, friendship, and responsibility instead of about putting on make-up and chasing boys. (I know! What a novel concept in a doll these days!) They also come in a variety of ethnically diverse options, rather than coming in your choice of blond or brunette, like most other dolls. They were the recipient of the coveted Dr. Toy award, and each one comes with a companion book.

One lucky Want Not reader is going to receive their choice of Friends Forever doll! Want to win? First, go read the contest rules and regulations—and please note that for this particular contest, you must live within the continental U.S.—then come back here and leave a comment telling me which doll you’d like to receive by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, March 25th, 2009. Valid email address required. Choice of doll required. Love of shoes is optional but always a good idea.

Winner to be determined by random number generation and girl power. Obviously.

Ready? Go!


  1. Natalie would be my choice.

  2. Ack! First slot! Oh, well, ya never know. Natalie, please!

  3. These are really great dolls. Thanks for introducing us to them!

    I’d like Kristina (which I see is out of stock) or Reina if Kristina isn’t available.

  4. Marlee for me 🙂

  5. Love the descriptions on the dolls. I would like Natalie for my little girl. Thanks for the contest.

  6. My daughter would love the Marlee Doll. Thank you!

  7. natalie for me

  8. Oh, how neat! I would pick Natalie, too.

  9. Marlee please, my 3 year old would be thrilled!!

  10. Kyleen would be my first choice but she isn’t available yet…if i can’t have her due to availability I would be just as happy to have Marlee.

  11. I do so love shoes! Unfortunately I haven’t been able to indulge lately. My doll choice is Marlee

  12. My daughter likes Nika….

  13. Kyleen, if she is still unavailable, then Natalie. I love the little bio’s. Thanks, Mir!

  14. We would love the Natalie doll. Thanks.

  15. Natalie looks just like my little girl! (and she loves shoes too, btw) 😀

  16. I know my daughter could relate to the Kyleen doll. But if I can’t win that one, I would take a Marlee doll.
    Thanks for the contest.

  17. Natalie sounds perfect for my daughter.

  18. My daughter would love a Nika! Thanks for the contest!

  19. My daughter would just love Marlee!

  20. My little girl would love to have Marlee.

  21. Kyleen would be great, but I see it is out of stock….so if it has to be one that is in stock right now, then Marlee. This would be a fantastic birthday present for my soon to be 7yr old!

  22. Reina for my girl please!

  23. thanks!

  24. Natalie please. Thanks!!

  25. My little darling would love the Marlee doll, thanks!

  26. Reina please, she looks like several of my daughter’s good friends!

  27. We’d probably go with Marlee…

  28. reina please!

  29. Marlee! Come on girl power

  30. Marlee, please!

  31. Marlee for me. Thanks!

  32. Oh, wow! Marlee, please!

  33. My little gal would adore Marlee!

  34. Reina please! now i just need to concentrate on my girl power!

  35. Reina would be my choice.

    Thanks, Mir!

  36. This would be perfect for my neice’s 6th birthday! I’d choose Reina.

  37. Natalie for me please. Thanks!

  38. thank u for providing a fun girl power toy

  39. We would love to win Reina!

  40. My 6-year-old would love Marlee!

  41. Natalie would be perfect for my little girl.

  42. Would love to bring a new Marlee into our home of little girls! 🙂

  43. My 7 year old would love Natalie!!

  44. Reina, por favor! 🙂

  45. I think Ms. Rachael would like a doll who looks like her, so Natalie is our pick! Thanks pretty Mir!

  46. Natalie would be my choice also. Thanks!

  47. Natalie here please! (Oh, and some free shoes…wha? That’s not part of the deal?- Oh well!) Thanks Mir!

  48. Marlee would be great for one of my daughters. Win-win if the random number generator picks me, I’ll have to buy a second for my other twin. But two great dolls for $59 total would be better than two at $59 each so feel free to pick me!

  49. Marlee Please

  50. Marlee would be great for my niece. Thanks!

  51. We would love any of the dolls. My soon- to -be-5 year old got knocked off her bike yesterday by her next door neighbor “friend” who burst out laughing and we had to explain what it means to be a “friend”- sounds like just the perfect birthday gift!

  52. My daughter would love Marlee! Thanks!

  53. Natalie would be my choice, Thanks!!

  54. Cool contest! We like the Marlee doll.

  55. I would love the Marlee doll for my daughters!

  56. My daughter would love Marlee! 🙂

  57. Marlee would be lovely. My 3 year old would love you forever! Thanks!

  58. I have nieces with upcoming birthdays . . . Marlee would be great!!! Thanks for the chance!

  59. My daughter would love Natalie.

  60. Girl Power!!!!!!

  61. My daughter would love Natalie. Thanks so much for doing this for all of us.

  62. marlee would be great. Thanks!

  63. Natalie doll please!!!

  64. Marlee for my little one…..thanks!

  65. what a great idea! We like marlee.

  66. Kyleen would be my choice. Sounds like she matches my kid to a tee!

  67. I would like Marlee. Thanks!

  68. Nika is bi-racial just like my niece..OMG she would love this so much. There are not many options out there for bi-racial children. I’m happy to learn that this company is out there and offering positive messages to young girls! Thanks for sharing this with us Mir.

  69. I would love Kyleen for my daughter, but if she’s not available, then Natalie would be great…what cute dolls!

  70. My goddaughter would love Reina! Thanks

  71. Marlee for me, please!

  72. Marlee looks most like us… perfect for my little girl coming soon.

  73. Marlee please! These are great!

  74. My choice would be Marlee. I’m so excited to find out about these dolls just as my daughter is getting interested in stuff like this…

  75. Marlee for my little girl, Marley! How perfect is that! Now, if they only had one named Havanna.

  76. We’d love Nika, since my daughter’s real life BFF has the same biracial heritage….

  77. I saw these dolls at my local independant toy store and really like the idea. They’re nicely made too. If I win, I’d pick Marlee, please!

    Thanks, Mir.

  78. I like Marlee, she is so cute. They are adorable!


  79. I like Natalie. Thanks Mir

  80. I’d love to give my little girl Nika. Thanks, pretty Mir!

  81. Thanks for another fun giveaway! Marlee would be perfect for my daughter.

  82. I’m digging Marlee for my daughter.

  83. Marlee!! this is awesome!

  84. I love that they all have such great stories! Kyleen sounds awesome to me.

  85. Natalie please, my daughter is a blonde! 😉

  86. I would love Marlee for my daughter. Her best friend across the street got Natalie for x-mas. They would love to have best friend dolls!

  87. Marlee would be perfect for my daughter!

  88. My daughter has red hair and freckles with green eyes just like Kyleen! Her favorite thing to do is sing in her room! This doll would be an amazing b-day gift!

  89. My girls would love Marlee!

  90. Nika would be great… thanks

  91. I’m thinking my daughter would pick Natalie because she looks a lot like her! She’s all about a doll matching her…which is why she’s been begging for the My Twinn doll. I’m all about a doll not costing a fortune which is why I keep saying no. 🙂

  92. Marlee please. My girls would love her!

  93. Marlee, please!

  94. Kyleen, but if she isn’t available, then Natalie.

    Pick number 95!!

  95. I love the Reina doll!

  96. Natalie would be awesome!

  97. I would love Natalie for my niece’s birthday

  98. Natalie would be a great gift for a niece in the family!

  99. Marlee would be very loved here!

  100. Marlee would be great for my granddaughter, she would absolutely love her!

  101. Wow, those are super sweet. I’d love Natalie for my sweet girl!

  102. Reina is our favorite! Thanks for the chance! 🙂

  103. Marlee, thanks!

  104. I would choose Natalie. Thank you for the giveaway. 🙂

  105. Natalie please!!!

  106. Nika for us!!

  107. Marlee, please!

  108. Marlee, thanks!

  109. Marlee please! Thank you for such wonderful contests Mir!

  110. Marlee, please, Mir!

  111. Marlee here also. Thanks!

  112. Marlee would be a huge hit in my house!

  113. Marlee would be well-loved by my two little girls! 🙂

  114. i like marlee and ofcourse girl power! yay

  115. I would choose the Marlee Doll. Thanks for the contest!
    Tutus for Toddlers

  116. I like Marlee! Thanks for another great contest!

  117. Nika for sure! My daughter has a birthday coming up soon and it is soooo hard to find biracial dolls for her. This would be a fantastic gift…and if I don’t win, would certainly have to remember her come Christmas time 🙂 Thanks for the introduction to these great dolls!

  118. Beautiful dolls. I’m glad to be introduced to this line. We prefer Natalie. Thank you!

  119. My girls would love Natalie! Thanks!

  120. These are darling! My littlest one would adore Marlee!

  121. I would LOVE to win “Nika”!! Thx! 🙂

  122. Marlee is just too cute! Love her! I guess I’d have to buy 2 more if I won since I have 3 girls, but they are really great.

  123. hi, so hard to choose, they are so cute. we would go with Marlee

  124. I like them all, but Marlee would be my first choice!

  125. Kyleen when she is available. My little red-head, freckled girl will love her.

  126. These are great! My little one would enjoy Reina or Nika. We have plenty of white babies and would enjoy some more diversity in our toys.

  127. Nika, please! My daughter would love a doll who is just like her in a very important way – she likes books, books, books, too!

  128. We like Nika because she has “cool hair.” (I quote my 3-year old son)

  129. Natalie is perfect for my daughter 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity.

  130. Marlee would be a great gift for my niece! Thanks, Mir!!

  131. Natalie is the one who looks most like my daughter, but from the bios she and Nika are just alike, so we would like Nika, please.

  132. My little girl would surely like the Marlee. Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  133. Natalie, please! These dolls are great!

  134. They are all so cute and seem like SMART girls! I’d love to win Marlee, please!

  135. Reina, please! tHANKS! Jessica

  136. i’d love a Marlee!! neat dolls!!

  137. Marlee is the one, thanks!

  138. Natalie! thanks

  139. Kristina for my granddaughter,please!

  140. Keeping our fingers crossed!

  141. Nika!! Looks like a great company.

  142. My best friend’s daughter would love Nika!

  143. Natalie, please. Thanks.

  144. We would love Marlee. Thanks! 🙂

  145. My daughter would like Marlee because she has a horse.

  146. Marlee. She is exactly like my niece Danielle.

  147. Marlee for my little giirl, please!! Thanks, Mir!

  148. Marlee, for my Vivi please

  149. These look so nice. My daughters would like Natalie.

  150. Marlee is adorable!

  151. I would TOTALLY chose the Natalie for my little Natalie.

  152. I like Marlee! (Oh yeah, my daughter would too!)

  153. Like shoes? Check.
    Want Marlee? Check.

  154. I would like the Natalie doll please.

  155. Marlee for me!!! Kristina would be great imagine that it would so match my name.

  156. I know a little girl who would love a Nika doll – thanks!

  157. I think my daughter would like Natalie. (And I like her too!)

  158. Natalie would be a good friend to my little one, thank you!

  159. Nika would have a lovely home here!

  160. I think Marlee would be appropriate since my daughter’s name is Natalie (Marlee’s friend). How cute!

  161. Put us in the drawing for Natalie!

  162. My biracial beauties would love Nika!

  163. Great dolls! Marlee for me please!

  164. I would LOVE to have Marlee for my little grandaughter, Caroline. Thanks for all that you do.

  165. Marlee is my choice. 🙂

  166. Wold love to have the Marlee doll for my little grandaughter, Caroline. Thanks for all that you do.

  167. I would love to win Marlee for my granddaughter. Thanks for the opportunity.

  168. I like Natalie because she plays sports! You go girl!

  169. Great dolls… Marlee for us, if we are so lucky!

  170. I love the concept of ethnically diverse dolls. There are a couple of other companies that I know of that do that as well and even though I am white I always like a non-white doll the best.

  171. Kyleen for my shy little red-haired girl! 🙂 Unless she continues to be out of stock, then we would like Marlee.

  172. Reina would be perfect for my daughter. She has cotton white hair and is fascinated by girls with black hair.

  173. My daughter would like Marlee, since she’s also horse-crazy. This is an interesting new product!

  174. My granddaughter would *love* Marlee. Thanks, Mir!

  175. Thank you so much for the contest! My daughter would love Marlee…or any of them for that matter 🙂

  176. We would love Reina for my daughter who also wants to be a vet! thanks!

  177. Marlee for my DD…thanks!

  178. Aw, what a GREAT idea! These dolls are a great alternative to the whole American Girl thing, and I know my daughter will love looking at this site. She’d probably love Kyleen or Reina the most, though. Thanks for the link, too. I may be checking these out when we need to buy a gift for her this summer.

  179. How cool are these dolls??!!!! I would love Marlee!

  180. Marlee for me please

  181. I like Natalie, she looks just like me niece!

  182. My daughter would love Natalie!

  183. Kyleen sounds just like my daughter – red hair and all. Thank you!

  184. My daughter would love a Marlee doll! These are too cute.

  185. Marlee, please!

  186. ohh Marlee is really very cute..thank you.

  187. would like to have Natalie for my daughter! Thank You

  188. Natalie please!

  189. Natalie please!

  190. Natalie is my daughters choice!

  191. We would difinately like Natalie!!! Thanks Mir

  192. So cute! I’d love Marlee for my daughter

  193. Kyleen sounds perfect, but doesn’t seem to be on there yet, so if she isn’t among the choices, Natalie is definitely the one for my girlie!

  194. Oh, Kristina would be perfect, but since it looks like she’s not available, Natalie is a close second.

    And I do, indeed, love shoes.

  195. These are great dolls! Can I have all of them? No? Damn. Natalie then. She looks like my little blondie!

  196. My daughter would love Nika. Please, please pick me this time!

  197. Natalie looks like my little blondies. Thanks for the opportunity to enter!

  198. Natalie

  199. Oh!!! My little girl would love Reina!! There are so few beautiful Hispanic dolls on the market. Now I have a new 18″ doll company to add to my list of possibilities.

  200. Marlee it is!

  201. Nika, I think…

  202. Natalie, please.

  203. I’d love Marlee for my little girl. It will be her first doll as she turns 1 next month!!!

  204. My daughter would love Marlee.

  205. Marlee for my dd, please. 🙂

  206. I’ld love the Natalie doll for my daughter!

  207. I have a beautiful new grandaughter who helped soothe me through chemotherapy this past year. I would love to give her Natalie!

  208. My daughter would adore Natalie! Thanks, Mir!

  209. Marlee for my daughter, if I should be so lucky! Thanks for the contest, Mir.

  210. Wow – what an awesome contest – I think my little sweetie would love them all – but if I have to pick one, I think she would especially love Marlee. Thanks again for the chance to win!

  211. Marlee for Maddie. 😉

  212. Natalie would be our pick.

  213. Marlee would be perfect for the little girl I babysit for

  214. I am an Elementary School Counselor. This would be PERFECT!

  215. Oops and I would choose Reina!

  216. Kristina, please, beautiful Mir.

  217. Nika for us please.


  218. oooh, my little Colombianita would LOVE Reina. 🙂

  219. I’d love Kristina, and am perfectly willing to wait until she um…happens.

  220. My precious little angel would like Nika. Okay, Okay, so she’s not an angel but she would still like the doll.

  221. Marlee, definitely.

  222. Marlee would make a wonderful gift for my Gracie. Also? Those pink boots are kinda awesome.

  223. I think Reina would be great, though I’d also like Marlee. My dear daughter is a cross between the two I think!

  224. I’d love a Marlee doll for my neice. 🙂

  225. Send me Natalie, pretty please?

  226. These dolls are sooo cute! (hard to believe there’s not a Mir, though!!!) We’d love Reina over here!

  227. I would choose Marlee!

  228. Natalie for me please, and thanks. 🙂

  229. Kristina would be my choice!

  230. What an adorable doll! I would love to win one for my niece as a Birthday Gift!!!


  231. Marlee would be my choice. Thanks for the chance to win.

  232. Marlee, please, we would love her. They look beautiful. Thanks for all the contests!

  233. Marlee is simply darling. My little Kaylee girl, a girl scout, would love her!!! 🙂 Thanks!!!

  234. Marlee please.

  235. Marlee is fantastic. I would love her for my grand-daughter.

  236. Marlee for me please! 🙂

  237. My 3 year old would love the Marlee doll- thanks for the opportunity!

  238. A Kristina doll please.

  239. Marlee! 🙂

  240. Marlee would be a great doll for my niece, please!

  241. What beautiful dolls! And what a cool concept. I would love a Marlee for my little girl.

  242. My budding little artist would love Marlee!

  243. My daughter would love a Marlee, please!! Thanks!

  244. Marlee please! Thanks Mir!

  245. Reina, please

  246. Reina please!

  247. marlee

  248. My 8 year old would love the Marlee doll. Thanks for showing these.

  249. Natalie, please!

  250. marlee for me!

  251. Reina for my Honduran mamacitas! Muchas gracias!

  252. How fun. My daughter loves dolls. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for Natalie!

  253. nika is gorgeous!
    my little girls from Ethiopia would love to work on (mess up…) her hair!

  254. yeah, diversity!

  255. My granddaughter would love Marlee – hope I win.

  256. Marlee would be great for my niece,

  257. Actually my granddaughter would love any of the dolls.

  258. i would love to win Reina.

  259. Reina, por favor. For my niece.

  260. Kyleen please.

  261. My daughter would love Marlee!

  262. Oooh my daughter Reese is turning 5 soon, she would LOVE Natalie.

  263. Marlee, please. But I’d take any of them.

  264. Marlee Please!

  265. Natalie, please and maybe a future small line for dollhouse playing…

  266. I would pick Natalie and thanx for the chance to win her!!!!

  267. we love diversity here & Nika would fit the bill us. Thanks!

  268. Marlee for me please!!

  269. Marlee would be may choice because my kids have a cousin witht that name. Spelled the same too!

  270. Nika would be perfect for my 6 year old daughter!

  271. Oh, I can’t say any would be great because really, the dolls are wonderful!

    I think Marlee would be great friends with my oldest daughter!

    And yes to the shoe loving thing….

  272. My little sister looks just like Natalie! I would love that!

  273. Hi, I would like Marlee please.

  274. Marlee would be perfect for my daughter Molly! Thanks, pretty Mir!

  275. Would love the Kristina or Marlee doll!! Thanks so much!

  276. Marlee! Thanks!

  277. i like natalie

  278. marlee would be perfect for my niece!

  279. Reina, please.

  280. Reina would be perfect for my little Scooter!

  281. My daughter looks a lot like Natalie, so that would be my pick!

  282. Marlee would make my doll loving child ecstatic.

  283. Marlee looks like my Princess Pumpkin Pie.

  284. not sure if I’ve entered, I can’t see my name above though. I like the Reina doll for my part Cuban, part American and part Peruvian grandbaby:)

  285. Marlee, please! Soooo cute!!

  286. Marlee, please!

  287. My 3 yr old would LOVE Marlee- she, too, has a brother named Peter (it’s his middle name, but still a neat similarity).

  288. Someday you will pick me random generator

  289. This would put our Barbies out of business! My girls would love Marlee. Hope we get picked!

  290. What a neat doll concept. I’m really digging on Reina and I think my best friend’s little girl would too.


  291. These are adorable, my daughter would love one! Come on number generator!!!!!

  292. A Natalie is perfect for my grand-daughter Charlie!


  293. I’ll say my little girl would love Marlee… but I think I’d love her too! 🙂

  294. I think my daughter would love Marlee please…

  295. What?! No red-headed Irish-American Caucasion? I guess I’d go with Marlee.


  296. I think I’m entering by the skin of my nose.
    At least I hope. I would LOVE…er, my daughter would adore one of these (Kyleen)!

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