Just say no

By Mir
December 21, 2006

Things that should come in spray cans: Paint, hairspray, WD-40, and roach killer.

Things that should never come in spray cans: Cheese, tans, miracle hair (dude, you’re bald… accept it and move on) and this stuff.


  1. When I was doing chemo…I discovered a new love…cheese in a can! True, I was under the influence of deadly toxins raging through out my body… But it couldn’t be any worse than the chemo 😉

  2. My husband and son both love “squeezy cheese”. I personally think it’s disgusting and can hardly stand to watch them eat it. Blech.

  3. i’ve actually wanted to try the spray-on hosiery…i spend a fortune on nylons because i get runs in them so easily.

  4. OMG. I did not know that existed. Thanks?

  5. I wouldn’t think spray-on condoms a good idea either. Just sayin.

  6. their slogan could be, ‘no more crotch pocket.’ for the hose. not the condom. although I guess that could work, too.

  7. um… i might be wrong but isn’t that basically spray on tan with a different lable?

  8. I wonder if they sell spray on fishnet stockings? Or would that just be silly string?

  9. mom on a wire,
    I think that call it black sharpie.

  10. Elizabeth S and Mir, you’re FUNNNNNNNNNNNY ladies. LOL loved the links. tooooooo funny!!!!!!!! and oh ewwwwww!

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