I just love a license to shop

The lovely barbie2be writes: Dear Wise and Lovely Mir, As a member of my company entertainment committee I have been asked to come up with five gift ideas for our company holiday party raffle. My first thought was of that portable DVD player that you posted about but...

Singing in the rain?

The lovely Steph—she of contest fame—mailed me a stumper of a question: hey Mir! since it’s POURING and FREEZING here today and I am once again stuck without a decent umbrella, I was wondering if you could recommend a decent umbrella, at an...

When to do it (no, not that)

I received a really interesting question from Sheryl a week or two ago. I’ve been thinking about it ever since, hoping to come up with a pithy, amusing answer. But it’s a complicated question, so I think it’s going to be sort of a complicated answer....

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