For your American Girl

By Mir
November 27, 2006

Okay, I’ve learned that Amazon changes the prices on things so often, I need to state the price I found something at so that folks don’t come along later all “But this is a bazillion dollars! What are you smoking??”

So, right now (this second! now!) you can pre-order the American Girl movie collection for just $28.53. That’s 3 discs, 3 movies, and a hearty dose of American history slipped in amongst the stories girls love simply because they like to dress up their dolls.

(Well, maybe that’s just why my daughter loves them. I’m sure your daughter is actually excited about the history.)

This set is currently on sale at American Girl for $54.85, plus you’d have to pay shipping. Get it from Amazon with free Super Saving Shipping and save some bucks.


  1. aaaaaaa!!! We survived the American Girl store in NYC. (On a Saturday no less, what the hell we were thinking?) My girls aren’t interested in the movies (although that’s an awesome deal) but I’m staring at my online AG shopping cart with 5 itty bitty little items and they want $12 for shipping. I think I’m out of luck on a free shipping code this close to Christmas now.

  2. Thanks, Mir. My older girls watched Molly last night and loved it, so I grabbed this for Christmas for both of them.

  3. has $10 off $30 or more but I need a free shipping code too if you find one

Bargain Hunt





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