Go Woot-Off, it’s your birthday

By Mir
August 30, 2007
Category Hot Hot Hot!

Okay, I actually have no idea if it’s their birthday (probably not), I just feel the need to chant and cheer a bit when it comes to a Woot-Off.

All day today until they decide to stop, it’s a new item every, um, I think fifteen minutes or so.

Although I do think it’s only fair to mention that the last thing I bought from Woot disappeared in Kansas (so saith FedEx). That might not be Woot’s fault. I still love Woot. But if anyone sees that USB wireless dongle on sale today, shoot me an email. They can’t lose another one in Kansas, right? Right?? Oh, be quiet.



  2. Oh, I love a Woot-Off!!!!

  3. This thing has been stuck with the SanDisk MP3 player since around 4:00 this morning! *sighs* And it is still there. I need more Woot! (Is this normal behavior?)

  4. jess — yes, it is totally normal behavior. It is called a “woot killer” because some items suck so badly that they take forever to sell.

    They don’t change the item every 15 minutes it says until it sells whatever number of units they set for it sell. Some things go quickly (like bags of crap — don’t ask) and other things will sit for hours. Either way, it is a time sink for a day or two.

    (I will note that I did buy the TomTom from them for my husband’s Christmas gift (wow, Mir is really rubbing off on me — Christmas in AUGUST!!!)

  5. I just got 2 of the scan dick MP3 — I am going to be the BEST MOM EVER at Christmas!!!!

  6. OMG!! NO I DIDN”T!! MIR HELP!!!!!!!

  7. There’s also a Tangathon going on at http://www.tanga.com (same idea, but Tanga specializes in games, toys, small electronics and appliances). Highly recommended!

  8. Many things can get lost in Kansas….as amazing as it may seem, there ARE hills and valleys here…perhaps Fedx tossed it into a valley while driving thru the Flint Hills?

    I’m going to keep my eye on Woot today!!!

  9. I wish the balance in my bank account would stop doing a ‘valley’ whenever it’s woot-off time instead of a ‘peak’…. Love me some woot-off! A lot of folks whine about those MP3 players that slow things down, but really, a 1GB MP3 player for $12.99 + $5 shipping? Use them as stocking stuffers for the kids. For that cheap, they can break them, lose them or whatever. I’ve got 2 small players I’ve bought from them (both refurbished, both super-cheap) and they’re still going strong 1-2 years later. Plus a slow item at 4am is a good thing, it lets you catch some sleep while it drags along. 🙂

    And actually, I just happen to know it’s not their birthday (ah, the worthless facts I know…). Woot just celebrated their 3rd birthday not that long ago–the date of the last bag o’ crap, which was posted in honor of the event.

  10. There’s a Netgear wireless router on there right now…

  11. Two of my children already have that Sansa MP3 player. It’s cool. It works. It sounds good. It’s even easy on the battery (only one in it). My wife wanted one. Took care of that now….

  12. Patricia:

    Oh! I meant was MY wanting more Woot! normal behavior and watching the bar go down (and up and back down), not was having one object for a long time normal. *laughs* I should have made the clearer. Sorry!

    I’m a long-time Woot! fanatic, believe me. (And now Shirt.Woots! Yay for shirts!)

    Also, I’m just glad to see that someone else gets going on Christmas earlier, such as Mir. I’m about halfway done and worried that I won’t be done in the next few weeks. I like having it out of the way before Thanksgiving, at the latest.

    Happy Wooting, everyone!

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