One of my children has a delicate constitution, by which I mean said child is extremely prone to stomach upset. I’ll spare you the details (you’re welcome). We’ve run through the gamut of testing (both gastroenterogical and allergic) and various supplements and even prescriptions to help even things out. It’s better than it used to be, but still… not great.
So when one of my favorite PR people contacted me about this Align daily probiotic supplement, asking if I would like to try it for my own “digestive regulation,” I said that no, I wouldn’t, but that I would happily use my child as a guinea pig given the history of stomach issues. I did my research beforehand—I wasn’t just going to start giving my kid pills!—and the lovely Robin Plotkin (a licensed nutritionist) pointed me towards this set of guidelines for probiotic usage which I found very helpful. She also told me that Align is “the only [probiotic] on the market that contains the strain Bifantis (bifidobacterium infantis 35624), which is clinically proven to strengthen the digestive system. It’s also the number one gastroenterologist recommended probiotic supplement.” That sounded promising to me, so we tried it.
And while I can’t promise anything about what it might do for you (hello, FTC! I am only speaking to my experience!), I can tell you that I now have a different child than I did before. And that I am now paying for Align, because I’m so happy with the results we’ve seen.
Would you like to try it? I’m giving away a box (a one-month’s supply), and it’s going out to one lucky Want Not reader. For a chance to win, first go read the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Sunday, August 2nd, 2009 to be entered. Winner to be determined by random drawing and ferocity of stomach growling.
Ready? Go!
I have a little one with a bad tummy and would love to try Align.
I keep thinking I should try a probiotic, but chicken out. Thanks for the chance to win!!
sounds like a winner to me!
Embarrassingly enough, I am the one with the “delicate constitution”. I’d love to see if Align could be the answer to my angry tummy.
If it’s safe for pregos, I would love to try it.
I too have a child with a “delicate constitution”. Would love to see if Align helps us out. Thanks for another great contest Mir!
Count me in!
Me and my delicate constitution would love to give this a try!
I would love to try it…Pick me, pick me!!!!
Since our daughter is allergic to dairy, she can’t get probiotics from yogurt. This would be great.
After a seemingly never-ending bout of thrush passed back and forth, my little one and I both heart probiotics. Would love to try this!
I’m not giving up my Double Fiber bread, but I’d love to give this a shot!
I’ve been using Align for several months, and it’s made a tremendous difference for my wonky tummy.
for someone who had been to the ER several times with a son who needs this, pick me!!
I have a child with near short-gut – I think he could benefit from this. Please pick us!
I would love to see if this helps.
I’d like some!
Of all the giveaways this sounds most exciting. If you only knew. . .
This would be great for my daughter!
Oooh. I just bought the walmart version and have been taking them for a month. Would love to win this.
That sounds like a life saver!
I’m game
We’re currently going through all the testing with our youngest. I’d love to give this a try.
that would be wonderful!
My digestive tract will thank you. Please include me in your contest. I promise not to add this to the gift closet.
Pretty please!
I would love to try this…thanks
Definitely could use it, yet am strangely surprised at how many people are excited about it! :o)
please!!! I’ll be trying it even if I don’t win… I could use a new me!
I’ve been wanting to try this.
I’m in! My tummy will thank you!
Oooh. Sounds good to me!
I could always use better digestive health!
Put my name on the list!
Yes, I’ll try it! My son (17) had major gastrointestinal pain for several months. This could be a good move for him.
My daughter and I would both love to try this!
Sounds promising…glad it worked for your child!
This would be very appreciated.
It’s worth a try! My hubby has an off tummy and I’ve been considering researching probiotics.
This is exactly the product I’ve been wanting to try for my “problems”, LOL!! Would be great to win it!
Cool! Thanks!
we have food allergies and would love this. thanks.
The biggest bane in my life is my stomach problem, which tends to vary, but seems to be inherited from my dad, unfortunately for us both. I’d LOVE to try this.
Thanks, Mir!
Sounds exactly like something we could use, unfortunately . . .
out of the seven of us, usually someone is complaining of a bellyache. i don’t know if that’s an attempt to get out of eating or if it’s a real malady. we’ve tried some probiotics and haven’t noticed huge results, but maybe we need something better.
Boy do I need this. I absolutely hate yogurt. I’ve wasted so much money on differnt products. Could this be the one? I would love to give it a try. Thanks for another great one Mir.
Hmm… I travel enough this could be very useful!
regularity rocks!
I need to check these out!
Perhaps it may kill the never ending thrush case I seem to have since my daughter was born – and my stomach issues as well!
I’ve tried other probiotics and would love to give this one a shot!
Need this one!
Count me in!
I am a big believer in probiotics. I hope I win!
I’d love to try this for my child who has a “delicate constitution”. Thanks.
Anything for tummies is always welcome.
Ummm…yeah, this would be for me as well. If I were to win. And that’s enough about that. 🙂
Great prize, thanks!
Without going into TMI territory, I would really love to try this.
would love this for my little guy!
Add me to the list of people with little ones and troubled tummies! Nothing worse than the helpless feeling when one of your babies doesn’t feel good.
I also have a delicate constitution and yet have not tried probiotics (probably because I didn’t know they came in non-yogurt form- am not a big fan of yogurt)
NO TMI here, I would just like it.
Sounds like something I could make use of!
Please enter me!
We’d love it too!
my oldest daughter suffers as well (although much less so now that she’s vegan), so I would love for her to try this!
I’d love to try this.
worth a shot.
My hubby would (ahem) love to try this. Thanks for the chance!
My son could really use this. Too many ear infections, resulting in too many antibiotics.
I too have a child with tummy issues.
Yes, please!
I would love to try this ssssoooooo pick me!!
Fingers crossed, Random Number Generator!
Entry #76 for the Align giveaway. Thanks for doing this!
This could be the answer to my issues as well. 🙂
Ooooh, I need this!
I’ll give it a try. 🙂
pick me!
Sounds marvy!
I’d love to give this a try! I was just noticing how my 5 year old has been having a lot of stomach aches lately. Maybe this is just what we need!
I would LOVE to try it!
I’ll give it a try!
Kind of a poopie give-a-way…but count me in!
I’ve been wanting to try this!
Would love to try it!
Oh, I bet my tummy might like this.
Winning is good.
I have a goat-like stomach, but my husband…not so much. Pick me, random number generator!
I would love to try this… I’m tired of Tums.
I’d like to try this out.
we have tried all kinds of probiotics. WOuld love to try it. Thanks for the chance.
Would love to try it.
Sounds like something good to try.
I would love to try!
For my grandbaby:/
Would love my daughter to try it!
This has my husband’s name written all over it!
Thank you!
Would definitely like to try this!
Count me in.
Align me!
I’m assuming it’s safe for the lactose intolerant, so sure, count me in.
I have two little ones with tummy troubles. We would love to give it a try!
My husband has IBS and we’ve been on a kick where we’re trying to find what helps him – this sounds great and we’d love to try it!
Tummy troubles run in our family!! UGH! Would love to try this…
I think this would be a good thing for me to try…
sounds like a good one.
This might be good for my son, who also has a pretty finicky system.
hmmm. never heard of this but hook a sister up!
This might help my little one! I’d love to try.
i would love to try this!
I want it I want it!!!!!
My husband needs this.
I would love to try it for my son.
My daughter needs this!
I would love to try this, anything to put me “back on track”! (I’m preggo, is it safe for me too?)
I have a daughter with digestive problems and would love it win this for her!
been wanting to try this…
I would like to try this.
I just saw an ad for this and wondered if it would work!
Please enter me … I saw an ad the other day too and wondered, sadly my issues seem to be nerves/anxiety with a double dose when I eat wrong (but there are days when I can’t eat right). I’d love to win this.
I give probiotics to one of my cats….
I’ve been wanting to try this stuff, but couldn’t shell out the $30 on the off chance that it might work! Pick me!!
This is just what my mother could use…win or not. I hope I win this for her! (And thanks for the information regardless!!!!)
I saw the commercial for those. I’d love to know if they work.
I’d give it a try.
I’d like to try it.
that sounds like it could work for me too
Might just solve the issues in this house too. Yeah
We could use some help in this department!
I also have a daughter with a delicate constitution. Even if I don’t win, this is a great tip.
maybe it’ll work in my husband’s not-so-cast-iron stomach.
I would love to try this for myself!
Thanks for chance!
We’d love to try it
Did someone say bad stomach. My daughter is terrible!!!!
Not so delicate constitution, more like a revolution!
So THAT’S whats wrong with me!
I discovered Align two months ago and it is awesome. I’ve been happily paying for it, but winning a free box would rock.
What a great endorsement! Thanks for the chance to win an opportunity to try it.
I would love to give it a try. I currently use Trader Joe’s acidophilus pills. My digestion is messed up from previous pelvic radiation and probiotics are a must for me every day!
pick me…
sounds good
Count me in!
Oh, I’d love to try this! Gastric difficulty is something I’ve always had.
Me please
I could totally use this, and have been wanting to try it. I gag down yogurt, but a pill would be so much easier for me! Thanks.