Today’s contest comes to you with a side order of irony.
Many of you know that my family is currently embroiled in a foster dog disaster wherein our selected pooch has decided he would like to be anywhere but here. And so of course it would just figure that this week’s lovely book giveaway is a series of legal thrillers about lawyer Andy Carpenter and his loyal dog Tara, who helps him solve mysteries. (Tara is pretty much the opposite of the dog I have been chasing all weekend. Ahem.)
Anyway, author David Rosenfelt’s newest book in the series, New Tricks, was just released. To celebrate, one lucky Want Not reader is going to win the entire series, and five others will win a copy of New Tricks. Sound good? Of course it does!
In order to enter, first go read the contest rules and regulations, then come back here and leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, August 12th, 2009 for a chance to win. Winners to be determined by random number generation and ability to catch my renegade foster dog. Though he cannot be caught, so I guess just the random number thing. Sigh.
Ready? Go!
(And just in case you missed it, the great big contest I promised last week that was delayed is now live, and will run until the end of the month. Only go check that one out if you feel like winning a $900 laptop, though.)
I like books! And dogs!
keeping my fingers crossed!
I respectfully submit my contest entry.
I love books… especially free books!!!
I totally want to try this series. If I don’t win I will be checking it out anyway. Thanks!
I would love to read these!
Yay dogs, books and contests!
This sounds fantastic!
I would love to win some new books 🙂
dogs, books… what could be better? Pick me oh random number generator
Yes please!
Free books would be awesome!! Pick me please!
I definitely could use a good read.
I need some beach books! Pick me!
books are always good
I can’t have a real dog, so reading about dogs is the next best thing! I’m in!
BOOKS!!!! pick me please 🙂
I am always up for reading someone new- and I love dogs!
Neat… I can’t get enough books lately. So much better than reality. Whoops, did I say that out loud?
I love books and dogs! Please!!
Ooooh, I love me a good book or more!
you can never have enough books!
We foster Boxers for the Atlanta Boxer Rescue! Our current foster drama is wanting to adopt every other dog that crosses our threshold!
But if we found a sidekick that would help us solve mysteries…Sounds like a keeper!
Count me in. And I’m sorry about the dog.
Just yesterday my daughter and I were talking about how we really should setup a library in our house as we are currently over run with book. But hey, what’s a few more?
I’m in!
free books? The two best words in the English language!
I have read one of these books – they are great!
Sounds great – thanks!
My favorite things: Books and dogs. And free. So, all together, a bundle of goodness!
I’m wishing you much luck with the dog!
Sounds good to me… and good luck with that dog!!
We Love Books! I hope you find your foster dog. Alive.
I am an avid reader. Count me in please.
I love all books, but these sound especially great!
I love to read!
I’m unfamiliar with the series and would love to give it a try.
Love a chance to give it a read.
And sorry the dog didn’t work out.
Books are good!!
I love dogs and love reading with my dog at my feet!!!….or in my lap..
Love to read!
My family was the brady bunch of doggieland – that’s what happens when two animal lovers get married 🙂
Here again, mid-pack.
Woot! Legal thrillers! All female relatives would be excited by this.
Books! Books! Books! (Sorry to hear about your dog.)
Oh, please let the random number generator pick me this time!
would love some new books!
My favorite kind of dogs are 1) those that belong to people who love them and 2) thee in books! Good lock finding Super. Again.
I’ve read one David Rosenfelt, and really enjoyed it. Would love to read more.
Books are good. And dogs are sometimes too. 🙂
I’m in.
I could use some new books, and love those that have dogs in them. Good luck with the pooch………….
I’m a cat person, but for free, I’ll switch teams temporarily. Thanks for the chance!
Always in the market for a good new thriller!
Yay! New books!
Books? Could be fun!
This looks like a fun series!
Thanks for another contest!
Would love some good books for vacation!
Sounds like a great series!
Pick me, please!
Books Rock!
Yes, please!
Books! Hooray!
I love all books!
I’d like to win. Would it be weird to say that I’d crawl into your live trap in order to do so?
I draw the line at Pupperoni, however… 😀
Always love a good mystery!
A mystery-solving dog! What could be better!
I’m going to win one of these contests sometime! And I can always use more books!
I love to read !!!!!!!
Oh my goodness-I was just looking at these in the bookstore, but I decided the budget couldn’t do it and I put them on the list to look for at the library. It would be so fitting to win them!
He really is a Super-dog, if he can elude all of you for so long (even after turning up near “home” time and again). *winks* I hope you guys catch him soon! I’m wondering if he’s happy to be free of humans (due to previous treatment) or scared of being alone…
I love a good book or even a whole series
Excellent! Hope I win! Thanks, Mir.
Fun! My mil would love these, after I read them first
Love new books!
Oh good, I was just trying to decide what to read next!
mmmm, books!
I am DYING for a good book… or a few… whatever!
Would love a good reason to pick up a book again. Please pick me!
I’d love to read these!
Pick me!
Not only do I love those type of books, I love sharing them with my mom. If I win, she’ll win too 🙂
Me! Me! Me! Pick me….please?
yay books! thanks mir!!!!!
My daughter and i would love to read these!
These books sound fun.
Love me some books!
Ahh, the irony. So sorry about Super.
Thanks for the contest, though.
Books, give me books!
Books are awesome…free books are awesomer!
Books! Yay!
I love books!!!
Reading is fun & YOU are awesome! Even if the dog is a pain!
I feel Lucky today!
ooo…I LOVE to READ!!!!
Yay books!
Books are always great!
I’ve heard good things about this author–any book with a dog has to be wonderful !! Thanks for the contest
This sounds like a good one. Thanks, Mir!
ok I’ll bite
Good luck with Houndini 😉
yes pick me.. I love to read read read
Pretty please? 🙂
I’m always looking for new things to read, these sound fun!
Dang dog!
I love books. good luck with the dog thing.
books? I’m in! thank you
Would love these.
Books, dogs…how can a combo like that go wrong? Thanks!
I always love a good book!
Books and law… right up my alley.
Thank you!
I haven’t heard of this series but I love mysteries!
I love to read!
I love discovering new to me authors. Nice giveaway.
I love it when you give away books. 🙂
Books rule! 🙂
I think free books is one of my most very favorite things.
I’m heading to the beach and need some great mysteries to take with me!! With dogs!
I really need some new reading material. Here’s hoping!
I love to read and adopted a foster dog (although mine is quite happy to stay with us – sorry). It did take about a week before she would come out from under the bed though. 🙂
My Grandog (hey…it’s something!) is named Tara. I would love to have these books.
I can never have too many books!
I just cleaned out the bookshelves and passed on a number of books, so there’s room for more. Yay!
Sounds great!
My pups would love this!
These would make a great gift for my husband, thank you!
Looking for a change-up in my reading material. Sounds like you got what I need! Thanks for the chance to win.
My whole family loves mysteries…and dogs…a perfect match?!
Always looking for new books to read!
Books! yeah. Just because my to be read pile has about a hundred books, does not mean I don’t need more!
Here, doggie doggie doggie….
Yea books! And good luck with the amazing disappearing dog.
Looks like a great book. Please count me in!!
Sounds good
I’m all about the free books! Yes, please.
Books and dogs!
Dogs and books are great!
Books are my favorite!
Ooh, mystery! Thanks, Mir!
Yay, books!
Can’t have too many books!
always need new books!
Thanks for the chance to win a great book or hopefully books!
I need some great books to keep me busy. 🙂
I love books, and giveaways and books oh my!
Mysteries. Even better, free mysteries! I’d love to win.
Books are my friends…..
Dog gone it, books are a girls best friends not dogs.
I always read before bed…would love some new books!!
Me! Me! Although, I dont know if it has been a month since I last one, so, only if it has been, pick me! I LOVE books!
I’d love some new reading material!
I def. want to enter this!
Thank you!
Enter me please 🙂
ooh free books? please count me in!
I would love to have more books to read!
books,books,books please!
I’m up for some new books!
Thanks for the chance!
would love these!
As someone who must read EVERY book in a series once she starts one, this will be perfect!
thrillers are my favorite and throw in a dog and I’m there!
I’m in!
Ohhh, how did I miss this contest the first time around? I LOVE mysteries, so would love to win this one!
Allergic to dogs but not to books! :o)
Number generator please be good to me.