I don’t want to get into a discussion about the American ideal of female beauty and how we all needlessly beat ourselves up for not having the “right” body or whatever. As women in this country we’re basically just hosed. Let’s agree to that, and move on.
That said, I don’t want to be wearing a corset or other mystical contraption designed to make me look better but that cuts off my ability to breathe, you know? I’d rather be a little lumpy but comfortable than smooth and in pain. Heh.
But what’s awesome is that now there’s Yummie Tummie, stealthy lump-concealing layering pieces that look (and feel) like regular clothing. The nice folks at Yummie Tummie hooked me up with a couple of skinny tanks and I love them; I tend to layer tank tops under other shirts, already, but these just kind of… smooth me out. While looking to the naked eye just like all of my other tanks.
Today we’re sharing the love—one lucky Want Not reader is going to win a $100 gift certificate to shop at Yummie Tummie. Want to win it? Of course you do! First go review the contest rules and regulations and then come back here and leave a comment on this post by 11:59 p.m. Eastern (8:59 p.m. Pacific) on Wednesday, September 30th, 2009 to be entered. Winner to be determined by random number drawing and generally sassiness. Because you don’t need a Yummie Tummie—you’re already plenty yummy—but their stuff is so cute and comfy, why not?
Ready? Go!
Well I may be yummy but that’s just because of all the cookies and brownies I eat. I am plenty lumpy and would love a Yummie Tummie.
I am definitely in need of a Yummie Tummie. Please pick me!
I do need a yummy tummy. It’s definitely my problem area. I’m sure it doesn’t have anything to do with my snack habit, it’s definitely genetics.
Let’s hope they do things that are miraculous! Seriously–I can always use more smoothing.
Ooh! Pick me!
Fingers crossed
I stumbled across their site awhile ago and wanted to try it out, but didn’t have the cash flow. I’d just LOVE a gift certificate for it!
my tummy is not yummy so pick me me me!! 🙂
I love Yummie Tummie. I think it will be a new winter staple.
Sounds like a great idea!
Now that I’d love to try!
These sound amazing!
Pick me!
I would love a little help
I have not had a yummy tummy since I had kids! This would really help I think 🙂
my postpartum tummy really needs this!
My tummy so wants to be yummy!
After 3 kids, my tummy is not quite yummy! Bring it on!
I love that they have long sizes! Perfect for us tall gals.
After thousands of crunches…I still don’t have a yummy tummy. This would be awesome!!
Smooth is good. Plus, it allows for more cookies.
Love the yummie!
I’ve heard that these are fab from a few places… my tummy could use a bit more yummy.
Oh, please? Just had my fourth baby, my tummy is a mess. Very little of my wardrobe fits right now!
Thanks Mir!
I’d love one – I’ve heard great things!
ooh! pick me!
Pick me pick me!
I am pretty sure if brownies weren’t so yummy, I wouldn’t need a Yummie Tummie so badly……
Maybe since I’m in the comments at <50, I'll win this time!
I have had too many yummies in my tummy lately… So pick me!! thanks pretty!
Oooh, this sounds like it would be perfect for my post-baby tummy in a few weeks!
Oh, my tummy sure could use some smoothing…pick me, pick me 😉 Thanks for the chance!
Something for me?
Yay Yummie Tummies!
I won something from Joss two weeks ago so here’s hoping my luck holds! =)
please and thank you!
pretty please! I hate my fat rolls.
This contest has my name all over it! Count me in again!
They look cute!
Meow meow!
Awesome…I’d love this!
My lumps could use a miracle too!
I’ll be 35 in a month. And don’t want to look lumpy!!
I won a couple weeks ago so if random number guy picks me, pick again. I just have a question – my measurements all fall in different sizes for the tanks. Which one should I go by? I’d be a 1X by most measurements, but a 3X by bust measurement. Last thing I want to do is flatten out my ladies since they help make my waist look smaller! Would I compromise and get a 2X and chance it not working as well on my tummy?
oh, that would be great! I’m trying to do the whole “fewer sweets, more exercise” method of reducing tummy size, but a little help along the way would be great!
Sweet!! I would love a Yummie Tummie!
Oh considering I had two women ask me if I am pregnant within the last week (I am not!) I would say this has gotta be for me!
Excellent giveaway – I’m feeling lucky!
OK I never win anything but here I am anyways…..
I’ll need these after I have this baby! Thanks!
What a great prize! Here’s hoping!
Baby due – tummy about to go from “cute bump” to “not-so-cute lump”. Help would be appreciated.
If they can make 51 look yummy, I’m in!!!
I am all for things that help smooth out the lumps and bumps!
Jiggly is my issue…I’m thinking this could help!
C’mon random number picker, isn’t it time to pick me?
I recently lost a lot of weight (over 60 lbs) … and my saggy tummy could use the support.
I really could use this!
Pick me pick me! I want to wiiiiiiiiiin!
This could definitely be a big help!
I could so use some of these:)
I’m game.
I could use a smoothing, bulge hiding tank. Please pick me!
Sounds fabulous!
This would def come in handy 🙂
I would love these!!
What a great contest!! Bye-bye twin belly!!
I would love a Yummie Tummie. Please pick me. Thanks!
yes please~ thanks Mir!
Would love to have one of these, especially now that they’ve spiffed up the looks.
2 babies in 2 years makes my tummy not so yummy! I hope it’s me this time!
You bet I need this!
Me please!
I just had a baby a few weeks ago and this would really help me out!
This contest is screaming my name!
My tummy needs help. Daughter said she loves to hug me cause my middle is sooo soft. Ugh
That sounds really interesting — will check them out now (and that’s the whole purpose, right?). 😉
Fingers crossed that this is my contest to win!
I’m a yummy mummy who could desperately use a Yummie Tummie!
Oh, do I ever need a yummie tummie. I’m almost 7 months postpartum, and I had a woman at the grocery store ask me when I was due just last week. Talk about disheartening.
I’ve wanted to try a yummie tummie tank for months now, but they’re wicked expensive, so I suppose that my tummy will remain not-so-yummy. Unless I win, that is! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I just ate at McDonalds. In hindsight I feel bad, but looking foward…a yummy tummie could hide my shame. Thanks Mir.
I definitely need a Yummy Tummy! Do they make a “Yummie-All-Over”?
I’d love to try these out!!
My tummy would like me to enter. I’d like for my tummy to stop bossing me around.
I’ll give anything a try that will make me less lumpy! Count me in!!
Yes, anything to help!
My tummy needs a bit of yummy now and then. Just under the sleeker stuff!
There is not another reader out there who needs this more than I do. Guaranteed. But you, Mir? You’re pretty!
I have borne 5 children. Recently I lost around 25 pounds. I have dropped two clothing sizes. And yet…
It seems that creating a human (or 5)has left an area on my tummy that will not respond to losing weight or lifting weight or doing eleventy bajillion crunches. So something that smooths out that doughy stuff that is still hanging around my middle? I’m soooo in!
I could sure use this, thanks.
Yeah! My tummy is begging for a Yummie Tummie!
Count me in!
Oh I NEED this!
Cute! I would love to win this.
I could always use a more yummie looking tummie! I’m in.
I’m lumpy. I could use this.
This would be so good for my bumpy lumps!
I hope they make me look slim again! Thanks.
yummy anything would be appreciated.
I need one! Getting ready to have my 3rd baby and am ready to get rid of the bump!!
I NEED ONE OF THESE!! Would love to have a yummy tummy once again:)
Day 1 (again) of diet & work-outs. I could definitely use a confidence boost!
Never heard of Yummie Tummies, but would love to try them out.
Count me in too!
how have I never heard of these? I would love to try – I think my non-yummy tummy could definitely put it to the test.
The joys of having a decidedly non-yummy twinskin tummy require that I should probably own one of these.
my tummy could use some yummy-fication
Can you wear them 24/7? 🙂
I need some smoothing! *G* Sign me up!
Lord knows how bad I need a yummy tummy!
I can always use some slimming!
I have a bunch of babies, I NEED this! LOL
I need this..hope I win!
Totally need this. Just lost 55 lbs. apparently that makes you very jiggly.
Awesome, I could always use a little help here! And I love layers!
I’m hungry for a yummy Tummy!
Goodbye back boobs?
Smoothing? Pick me, please!
Have nothing but awesomeness about yummie tummy. Would love to try one!
Who doesn’t need this?!
Yummy yummy!
They even have a nursing T, awesome! Thanks, Mir.
I’ve heard good things about Yummie Tummie tanks. Here’s hoping!
Pick me. please!!!
Me please!
Do they make a body suit? I’d love something that started at my ankles and pulled right up to my neck.
Gosh, I hope I win.
Me Me Me!!! Every little bit helps, right? : )
ME ME ME! Please?
pick me, pick me!
Awesome giveaway – thanks Mir!
I’d love to try this- thanks!
Please, pick me!
I had my third baby in three years last week. I think I need this!
This could solve some of my issues with clothing. Thanks for the chance!
This tummy could use a little yumming-up!
This would make so many of my clothes look so much better!! Pick me please!
ooh oh pick me!
Pick me!
I love the fact that they look like real clothes! Count me in for the drawing.
Oh anything to hide my new “twin” pouch would be lovely.
I’m 37 weeks with baby #2 and even though it’s freezing out and I know better, I’m eating ice cream by the pint-full (obviously I’m calcium-deficient…obviously.)
Oh, random-number generator, generate my number!
I would love one of these! Thanks for the opportunity to win!
who doesn’t want a flatter tummie? I’m in!
I have wanted one of these for quite a while, but I cannot justify the cost of one. I despise my muffin top.
I just finished with a round of sit-ups… and I’d love to have these, instead. Sit-ups stink!
I need Yummie Tummie because of all the yummies I keep putting into my tummy!!
ok so i’m preggo now but i will SERIOUSLY need these in march. the whole “one kid” thing did a number on my midsection, two’s going to be a trainwreck. i could use some help!
Need a little help from my friends….
My tummy is so far from yummy — I NEED this!
pick me me me! Help me hide that muffin top that my kids left me with!
Too much yummie in my tummie.
I’d love to ditch the Spanx and have a Yummy Tummy!
Would love to try some Yummy!
Sign me up for no more muffin top
I have never heard of these. I would love to try them.
Me, me!
I need to be smoothed out!!!!!!! Pick me!
You have NO idea ….
I’d love to try one please!!
my tummy’s not so yummy, I could sure use a few of those!
Thank you!
Not that I need it, right??
I’d love to try one of these!
please pick me..
Saw these at the mall yesterday! So cool!
As much as I’d like to blame the 2.5 year old for my tummy issues, the empty bowl with a bit of melted chocolate ice cream puddled in the bottom may be a better place to start. Thanks for the chance!
Please pick me – I’d really love to try one!
Yay! I’ve been hearing about these and want to check them out. Thanks!
A little smoothing would be good.
Me, Me! #177!
This is great, thanks Mir!
Super cool contest, Mir!
Thanks to my job of sitting on the computer all day, I now could really use this!
I had a baby earlier this year…I’m pretty sure I need a yummy tummy. 🙂
Wow! many entries already … here’s hoping.
I’m hoping too!
This would be great to win!
I could really use one (or a dozen)!
love gift cards
This looks popular! I’m in. Thanks!
Count me in!
What a nice treat ~ sure hope I win!
OOh I want one!
I need all the help I can get. Please pick me.
I would love a yummie tummie!
This would be teriffic
I would LOVE to try these clothes – I’d even send a testimonial if they work!
I would love a yummie tummie!
Since putting too much yummie in my tummie lately, I could DEFINITELY use this!
oh goodness i would love this.
Ha ha, wouldn’t we all love to have yummy tummy??
I DEFINITELY could use some new clothes!
Perhaps with a yummie tummy I could continue to indulge in my chocolate habit…
Undershirts when it’s about to get freakin cold? Good idea!
My tummy needs the yummy.
I have to admit that I could use some help in the muffin top category. Some things never go back where they should after giving birth.
yes, please!
why not.
Okay – I can be real – I have lumps.
Oooh, I could so use this after just having a baby.
I saw them in a store before, and they looked neat. Nice to know they’re comfy as well.
My tummy needs all the yummy it can get.
I could definitely use this. Thanks for the giveaway.
Ok, yep. Want this one!
Sounds FABULOUS to me!!
Count me in!!
My tummy has a mind of its own. Could use some serious smoothing!!!
Smoothing is totally for me.
My tummy is definitely in need of some lovin 🙂
My tummy really needs some help. Pick me please!
Hi! *waves*
I NEED one of these!
Awesome! I would love one! Thanks!!
oh please please please, pick me random integer selector!! my tummy hasn’t been yummy in a loooooong time.
My Tummy needs one of these! 🙂
I heart Yummie Tummie and want more more more!!! One for every day of the week! They are so comfy and cute without making you feel like you’re squashed between a rock and a hard place!
Pick me, pick me
Come on lucky number generator, pick me!
Yummie Tummie! Pick Me!
I would LOVE to have one of these!
Yummy tummy – sounds like a dessert!
i feel that 227 is my lucky number
I desperately need this.
I just put some chocolate yummy into my tummy so let’s hope I win! 🙂
I am due to give birth ANY MINUTE NOW. I will definitely be needing some Yummie Tummie soon! That nursing T looks awesome… Pick me, random number generator!
Feeling lumpy RIGHT NOW! I think there’ll be hordes of entries for this one. 😉
Oh count me in for this one! I need all the help I can get! Ha ha!!
Me, pretty please!
I love Yummie Tummie! I would love to win this after 2 kids, I could use it!
Ditto on those who lost their yummy tummies to motherhood. 🙂 sign me up, please!
I need a miracle and this could be the closest thing.
Need it!
help! my tummy is not so yummy!
Oh! OH! I want it! I am recovering from a hysterectomy and go back to yoga class next week. Wearing a Yummie Tummie to yoga…sensibly supportive ego-boost or fatuous to the point of setting back the feminist movement? Nevermind, don’t answer that, cuz Imma do it anyway…
Oh my not so lovely lady lumps need this. Bad. Three kids and hitting middle age? Not kind.
Would love this!
This sounds great! Please pick me!!
Pick me! I’d love me some yummie tummie!
This sound pretty cool! Thanks for posting this!
I need this for sure! Thanks!
Desperately need this!
Looks like there are lots of us who need smoothing. I’m in good company. Here’s to having a lucky number.
Ooh! Anything that hides the muffin top sounds yummy to me!
I’ll take one!!! Pick me, please 🙂
Now my tummy is generally yummy (well at least all the food that goes into it) but I yearn for one of these.
I really could use a little tummy help.
Yummie Tummie. I probably need more than a tank top, even if it is expensive, to help me!
I roll my belly up before I stuff it in my jeans. It probably won’t help, but yay for givin’ it the old postpartum try.
Time to go from frumpy dumpy to yummy tummy!
My lumpy midsection would LOVE one! 🙂
My humps my humps my lovely lady lumps…
Oooh! I’ll need this after #2 is born! lol
Well, I may actually have more Tummy than is considered Yummy, but I’ll give it a whirl. 🙂
Oh, this post-partum mama would love this.
Count me in, please!
i love random numbers.
I could really use the help in that area!
After two pregnancies, my belly could use a little smoothing. 🙂
My tummy needs this!
I’m not really a shapewear fan, but if I won this, then I’d have to try it, wouldn’t I? And that would be a good thing, trust me.
Jumping up and down in the back… me! pick me!!!
A few weeks ago, I bought my first piece of shapewear. I bought an extremely form fitting dress and knew the only way I’d ever wear it out was if I had something to hide the fact that I’m not disturbingly thin and diet obsessed (unlike my peers). Now whenever I see a girl in a poorly fitting dress or a top that just LOOKS BAD because she doesn’t have the proper under-garments, I silently yell ‘HONEY, SHAPEWEAR IS YOUR FRIEND!’ Self-restraint is such a powerful thing. (It’s also helped some jeans fit better and some dresses lie smoother, which is AWESOME.)
Which is my way of saying ‘pick me! pick me!’ 🙂
ah, #270. just my weight. ahem! i’d like some yummy tummy.
Oh yum. Pick me.
Out of all the contests this might be the one I will win…I HOPE!
yeah… smooth out the leftover baby lumps
me, please.
Wow, that sounds great!
No more lumpy, bumpy, dumpy me! Hello, yummy tummy.
Nice! I saw these on Oprah a while back, and they were just featured in Real Simple this month. I’d love to try them!
Sounds like something I’d love to try. (Just looked at their website, and it seems that they even skip the “built in bra” in most styles)
Sounds good! Do they have Yummie Buttie, too? 🙂
Love the name! Sign me up.
Yummy! Looks right up my alley (ya know, past the Krispy Kreme, hang a left at the all-you-can eat Chinese buffet…)
i just had a baby yesterday and would die 4 the nursing tank!
oh god yes please!
a tummy is not complete with out something yummy.
I’ve put too much yummy in my tummy (not to mention the 4 children that resided in that region) – I am the perfect candidate for a Yummie Tummie shopping spree.
I want to be a yummie tummie mummie for halloweenie.
Sounds yummy! And so does all the chocolate I refuse to stop eating.
Those sounds like something I could use for sure.
Ohh!! I think I need some, pick me!! I am STILL trying to get yummy on my own, and sadly, it isnt working.
Count me in!
Mir, I just baked my 482nd cupcake for Founder’s Day at my daughter’s school – I have eaten nothing but cupcake scraps and frosting off a spoon for 3 days straight – think I need this prize?
Woohoo! This would be awesome!
I just had a ten pound baby a few months ago…my tummy could definitely use this!
I’d love to try these out, they sound awesome and I’m sure my tummy would say yummy too!
Fun! Pick me!
OK, 2 things… first, contest deadline falls on my birthday! Second, a bridesmaid dress purchase is in my immediate future. Do I win? 🙂
that’s a good idea!
These sound awesome! Count me in!
Make me a little yummier than I am!
It would take a miracle to smooth my tummy. I’d love to see if this works miracles! Thanks!
I would LOVE a Yummie Tummie, they sound absolutely amazing!
Does it come in neck to toe style? I wish I were kidding! Arrgghhh.
I want a Yummy Tummy! 🙂
I would love a Yummy Tummy!!!
Make my tummy yummy!!!
Pick me please! I need a Yummy Tummy!
Yes please!
Would love, love, love to win this!!!
uh huh!
Yum Yum Yum!
You can never be too rich or too yummie!
trust me, once baby is born, I WILL need it!!!
My post-2-kids belly could use this!
It would take a lot to smooth this tummy – but count me in!
Yummy Tummy makes a nursing tank. I am a…ahem…youthful 38 and just gave birth (six months ago, GOOD LORD TIME FLIES) to my fourth baby.
Hear that, random number god?
ohhhhhhh yessss, I neeeed a yummy tummy
I sooooo want a yummy tummy!!
Did someone say “yummy tummy?”
I thought so! Count me in! 🙂
Yummy Tummy!
I so need this!
Oh how nice this would be!
Oh please!!
goodie…entry no #320 something, not a chance in heck of winning..almost as good of a chance as winning powerball!!!
I am already yummy, but not so much in the tummy. so I could use this! : )
Lots of entries for this one!
Would love to win!!
Want to win!
I need to win this one!
wow i so want to win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my tummy had too many yummiees now I need yummy tummy….
Oh, yes please — who doesn’t need one of these?!
My tummy needs to be tamed–please!!!
Having a baby in one week! I will need this OH SO BADLY!
This would be great!!!
Oh, and just in time to look a little better in a bridesmaid dress….pleeeeease pick me, Number Generator and pretty Mir!
Oooh! Who wouldn’t want a Yummie Tummie?
Ooooo – I saw the yummy tummys in a magazine recently and really wanted to try one. Maybe I’ll get lucky!
yes please.
Ooh the name is so cute 😉
Oooh, 3 kids later and this has my name written all over it!
Yes, please!
This one’s mine, right? I have lots of lumps that need flattening…
I just lost 20 lbs and have more to go, so I would love these to give me a little boost to lose more!
yummy tummy me
This sounds terrific!
Sign me up!
I am almost 9 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and I really need a yummy tummy! lol cuz it is NOT feeling so yummy these days.
I could use a little sleekening… 😉
Oh! I should have checked the website before I commented…the nursing T? GOTTA have it. Ugh…$82.
Oh yeah!!
This will help me suck it up. Thanks for the contest.
3 babies and there’s just stuff that doesn’t go back where it once went! Thanks for the contest.
What an awesome prize!
Pick me!!
Yeah, I could definitely use this!
would love to try this out!
After 2 kids, I’m more lumpy than I’d like to be! While I work on it from the inside, this would help the outside! 🙂 I’d never heard of them before…thanks for introducing me!
I have been wanting to try these… thanks!
I’ve heard of them, but never actually tried one myself- I live in tank tops though, so I’d love to try them!
This would be great to suck in that post baby belly (that’s maybe a little bit due to too many cookies… but just maybe).
Fun giveaway!!!
I could use some of these (twins will do that to you!). Please pick me!
I remember a song: “Yummy, yummy, yummy in my Tummy tum tummy…!”
I also wear tanks under EVERYTHING anyway, so these sound great! Thanks for the terrific giveaway.
Thank you!
Yes please. 🙂
Hate to admit it, but this could be good…
I could definitely use this item, and then some.
Yes, count me in!
four kidsd makes my tummy NEEEEED some Yummy.
I have a feeling this is going to be one of your more popular contests! 🙂
I could so use one of these!
please pick me.
pick me!
i definitely need this, and you know why!
3 kiddos later, I so need this!!! LOL
I’m sassy!
I’d like to win this for sure – 3 kids have done a number of my tummy area.
Um, I really NEED to win this. Please?
My turn!
My tummy is not so yummy after baby number two…I’m all in.
count me in, too!
My tummie is far from yummie…and it is not funnie. Please help!
please please please pick me
I would love for my tummy to look yummy! Pick Me.
Oh dear. I really need this. My tummy is most definitely not yummy. Regular exercise would help. And so would these tanks! So yes please.
Thanks, Mir.
Pick me!
My tummy could use something Yummy! Pick me!
This is an awesome giveaway! I really need Yummie Tummie. 🙂
I NEED to win!!!
Please pick me!
Ohh I’d love this!
I need a yummy tummy after my second kid an no time for the gym. Oh I just ryhmed again. Too much Doctor Suess tonight!
I still carry all the excess fat from having my son almost 10 years ago, lol. I need Yummie Tummie.
I need this for sure!
This would be great! I’ve read about their stuff, but it’s just a little too expensive for me regularly.
Yes please, make my tummy yummy!
Those look pretty cool, i can see them being VERY useful in november and december
i have 4 kids…nuff said 🙂
Yummy. 🙂
Early Christmas present for me!!
my current tummy state is certainly not yummy…. if this would help it become moreso, that’d be great!
So cool! Thanks, Mir!
After two kids I definitely need a Yummy Tummy.
Oh, but I DO need a Yummy Tummy. Please?
Pick me! My Tummy is totally not Yummy.
Who wouldn’t want one? 🙂
Oh, me please, I will need these big time post baby!
These look great – I’d love one!
General sassiness?!? Oh, no you didn’t, girl!
Can always use another tank!
Be gone muffin top!!!!
I’d love to have a yummie tummie…great giveaway!!
I’d love one of these! Thanks for doing so many cool contests.
Yummy tummies unite!
Love the name “Yummy Tummy”
My tummy loves yummy
my tummy needs some yummy!
I always seem to need tanks, so this would be perfect.
My tummier could be yummier!
Who wouldn’t want a yummy tummy?
Yummy Tummy me!
I could use a smoother tummy.
My belly could really use this in 3 months, when the baby is OUT and I am lumpy and probably swaying with the breeze. Thanks! Jessica
Smooth is always in style (and I could seriously use some style)!
i keep looking at these but can’t bear to spend the money, a gift certificate would be wonderful!
I just had a baby 6 weeks ago…that would be fabulous to have! 🙂
I could definitely make use of these! And even if I don’t win, I think I will end up purchasing at least one.
I just had a baby too- my 7th, this would definitely be used!! 🙂
I so need this!! THanks!
I would love to have some of these! Pick me!!
I could really, really use one of these. Thanks for a great opportunity to get one!
Yes, please!
Oooh, I’m finishing my 2nd pregnancy this would be divine! 🙂
Wow, how interesting! I’ve never heard of such a thing, and would LOVE to try it out…
I wear tanks under a lot of my clothes too. Love layers!
Choose me!
I could REALLY use one of these. Pick me!!
This must be some kind of record for entries. Just goes to show how many mommy tummies there are out there. I’d LOOOVVVVE this!
Baby #4 gave me a not so yummy tummy.
Ooh! After 3, it’s just not so pretty anymore…
I need a yummy tummy!!
I read about these elsewhere, and I’m like you, I wear layered tanks a lot. So I’d love to try one, but I wasn’t about to spent the $60 for one…
Oh, wow – this would be awesome!
Me, me, me for my tummy!!
OH PLEASE. Cause my tummy just ain’t so yummy.
Need this after having 6 kids…there’s no controlling the tummy anymore!
Even after 1 kid I need this! 🙂
3 kids – enough said 🙂
My tummy needs some love from Yummy Tummy!
This would be amazing!
Count me in!
I’m blaming my 3 month old for the lumps…
Boy could I use these!
Oohhhh – new baby, still look a few weeks pregnant and would love to you know hide that!
Loosing baby weight but still got all the baby lumps…I just want to look normal (or IS this normal) please help me smooth it all out! 🙂
All food looks yummy, but not on my tummy!
I could handle some cute and comfy.
As I sit here munching on yummies, I definitely think my tummy could use something like that.
Cool! I definitely have some lumps & bumps that could use some smoothing!
Love them. Thanks!
Baby #3 is almost here and I will be both lumpy and bumpy soon!!! Would love to try these out!
I would love to try these!
I’ve always wanted to try one …. will this give me a Yummie Tummie?
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH!!! Sounds yummy! Please pick me!!
I have plenty of lumpies that could use a smooth-pick me!
thanks Mir, I could use this!
Unfortunately, I could definitely use this…
I need all the help I can get. Please pick me.
My muffin top would thank you.
I would love to try this!
Smoothing and concealing is ALWAYS a good thing! Me and my jeans would thank you!
I need a yummie tummie, tush, chest, thigh….etc etc etc.
THANK YOU in advance!!!
Funny. All of the models on the Yummie Tummie site don’t look like they have an ounce of fat on them.
PLEASE PICK 482!! My tummy has had WAY too many yummies lately and I need it. Thanks!
Something to smooth the muffin top?
Please pick me! I could use a Yummie Tummie!
Magic number generator, pick me!
pick me pick me. . .5 kiddos later. . .i can use a yummie tummie
You know, “Yummie Tummie” would normally make me think of cheesecake, which probably is evidence of why I need one.
oooh, oooh, I NEED one of these! 🙂
My 4 yr old was running around with a “magic wand” the other day and offered to grant me three wishes. When I wished for a flat tummy, he laughed hysterically and said, “Oh mommy, you’re all lumpy!” So clearly I could use some of this tummy-smoothing magic. 🙂
Sounds swell! Hmm; or less swell as the case may be.
I would love this!
I’m in the process of losing some weight, but I still need to conceal those bad spots!
this would be great for those lower cut jeans!
I haven’t had a yummy tummy for almost 5 years! I would love one of these!
This would be perfect! Thank you.
Pick me! 🙂
Smooth and unlumpy? Sounds great!
Darn that random number generator. If the contest was based on sassiness alone, I would win hands down. 😉
Here’s hoping for a high number!
Oooh, I want!
Please random number generator pick me.
I would love one of these. I don’t think my tummy will taste yummie after this but it’s worth a try.
no whammies no whammies
I hope it is my lucky day!
I’m having baby number 5 any day and would love something to help suck this stuff in!
Could definitely use one of these:)
My yummy tummy has a baby in it right now, but come December, I’ll definitely be needing something that can hold me together.
Please pick me! 🙂
Help my muffin top! Please!
Oh yes, please. Count me in!
Turbo kickboxing isn’t taking care of my tummy- perhaps this will.
I would love on of these!
Me, me!!!
Ooh, I want a Yummy Tummy!
Man do I need this! Hope I win!
Can you say twins? At 41+ weeks? Over 8 lb babies? and a weight gain of 130lbs in 9 months? Umm….. I think I need this!
Lots of entries. It will be a miracle if I win.
Pick me!
lumps be gone!
I need this because my tummy is definitely not yummy!
I’d love this. I love that the tanks come in colors
Ohh, I need this. Just had a baby!
Slimming and smoothing tanks would be so lovely…
The way everyone is going on and on about YT, I really want to try one!
I wanna try one!
I would love to try this!
Had a baby 2 weeks ago, NEED THIS, please! 🙂
Wow, there are definitely a LOT of us who would love this one. Thanks.
oh lord, do I need this…Mir, have I told you lately how pretty you are!!
I could definitely use this!
This would be great, thanks!
Yummy give-away
Oh yes, definitely need some help in this area.
Oh, please, pretty Mir – pick me with your random.org finger of beauty.
I so need it!!
Pretty please! 🙂
I want to look mahhhvelous!
Oh, please, please please pick me…
Way cool!
Wow, that’s a whole lotta comments! But you never know…
Too many yummies in my tummy result in a need for a yummy-tummy so sign me up for a chance to smooth things out. Thanks.
I need this BAD!!!
Worth a try. I have plenty that could stand to be smoothed.
love love love my yummie tummies need more please.
Definitely in need of some … smoothing… here.
Would LOVE some yummie tummies!!!
I’m prego… gotta have a yummie tummie after the baby arrives!
Four kids in four years…YUMMIE TUMMIE, yes, please!
I’m yummie, but have a heck of a tummy. This would be good.
Just divorced..could use the boost of confidence. Please help hide my tummy!
after losing 85 lbs I have some “extra skin” that would loved to be hidden 🙂
I want one!
I’ve never heard of this product but will definitely check them out! Especially if I win!! 🙂
I say, having a yummy tummy in the wings for when the little one decides to let this one deflate sounds like just the thing.
My problem is that my tummy gets too much yummy 🙂 Sign me up!
please me pick me please me pick me!!
My challenge is I have more tummy than I know how to contain…
I have enough tummy for one of these!
Would love to win, please! LOL!
I wasn’t going to enter, but I changed my mind. Who can’t use a flatter tummy some days?
Thanks, Mir!
Pretty please?
Winning this would give me no excuse to give up ice cream!
I have a tummy, and it could be yummie.
Hmmm…interesting! I would love to see if it would really work for me!
I need this!
PLEASE!!!! four babies in five years and I need SOMETHING to hide my jelly belly.
Pick me please~
I’m commenting! I’m entering! I want a yummie tummy!!!
Sounds great
I would love to give it a try! Thanks
would love a yummie tummy! 🙂
no whammy no whammy no whammy
would love to win this
Oh, right now my tummy is decidedly un-yummy…and sistah, that ain’t funny…so I hope I win and can reward my hubby with a smooth unlumpy tummy!
Yes, please! 🙂 Thanks, pretty Mir!
Thanks for another great contest!
I would love for my tummy to be yummy–I have a couple of other shapers, but they’re meant for dressy wear…what about the 98% of the other time, when I’m wearing my normal clothes?
haven’t had a yummy tummy since 3 babies ago! Would love to try being yummy in my tummy again!
Ahh, sign me up! I just ate half a container of Turkey Hill Graham slam….and this is the half gallon container we’re talking about!
I could definitely use some of these!
Thanks for the reminder post, I missed this the first time.
I’ve lost 35lbs since last Aug & kept it off, but I can’t seem to slim my tummy as much as I’d like (even w/ going to exercise class 4 days a week) ugh. So, I could really use this.
Your so pretty Mir!
I have a tummy it used to be Yummy, then there was 40 something help help help
I need to win, I have blue, white, nude and grey I need MORE
I need another Yummie, I have 4 love t hem,, I look Yummie in my tummie
Pick me!! 🙂
Um… it’s for a friend.
My tummy needs all the help it can get
I have a new baby so I really need some yummie tummy help.