Know what it’s fun to do on a lazy weekend day? Leave the house and tell your family you’ll be back later. Maybe. Uhhh, not that I’ve ever done that. Just kidding!
Another thing that’s fun is playing Wii all day. And then if you’re over the age of 14, you won’t be able to move the next day. Not that that’s ever happened to me after a head-to-head bowling competition. Ahem.
What were we talking about? Oh! Right! We were talking about how your family was really wanting to check out Backyard Football 2010 for the Wii, and how you were hoping you could win it from Want Not. Right? I’m here for you.
For a chance to win it, first read the contest rules and regulations, then come on back here and leave a comment on this post by 8:00 a.m. Eastern (5:00 a.m. Pacific) on Monday, November 16th, 2009 to be entered. Winner to be determined by random number generation and yardage.
Ready? Go!
Wow, #1!! Go me!
Sounds fun
Oh, how my family would enjoy mocking me playing this game. Then I’d leave the house and let them play by themselves on a weekend!
Getting a Wii for Christmas and I’m already excited!!!!
We would love this!
We love our Wiiiiii!
I’m pretty sure my husband needs this!
Would make a great gift for my nephew!
We have Wii-loving, football-loving males at my house!
Getting a Wii for Christmas–would love this game!
Sounds fun!
We’d love it!
Thank you for thinking of us! 🙂
All the Backyard games are very fun!! This would make a good gift for all the Wii lovers in our life!
Looks like an awesome game. Thanks!
we loved this on windows98 – now time to upgrade please!
Wii Wii baby to go, to go….
Pretty pretty please! With 3 boys under the age of 12 — we NEED this to burn off some energy!!!
I’ve got a house full of sports-crazed boys who would appreciate this!
I know I’d like this better than the real thing!
My kids would love this game!!
oh my, my kids would absolutely LOVE this!
sounds like a fun game!
Ooo, that sounds like it would make an awesome Christmas present! Please, Mr. Random Number Generator, please pick meeeee!
Sounds great.
Yes, please!
This would be great to add to my husband’s gifts.
Is patting player’s butts allowed? If so, sign me up!
We are a Wii family and would love this! Thanks!
Thanks again Mir
My 7-year-old would think he died and went to heaven!!
Ooooh, my kids would love that! Thanks, Santa, I mean, Mir!
a comment
Wii! <3
We’re getting our boys a Wii for Christmas ths year. This game would be the perfect start to our game collection!
Wiiiii 🙂
I’m sure I know someone who would love to find this under the Christmas tree!
Pretty please!!!
Oh YES!! Sounds like I could let loose some smack-down on my young’uns!
According to my kids, it’s about time for a new Wii game.
this would be a nice gift.
It makes me achy just thinking about it, but I’m in.
Thanks, Mir!
sounds like fun!
We would all love this. Thanks for the chance.
Ooh, is there a marching band game for halftime too? 😉 ‘Cause that would be JUST AWESOME! LOL
We love our wii and it would be great to add a new game to our collection!
This would be great!
We will be opening our Wii at Christmas and I would love to slip this in the hub’s stocking!
Maybe with this my boys would really learn how to play football. I watched thiem outisde today and they have a lot to learn (but they are only 6 & 4…right now football is a chance to run and hit each other ).
Wii is on the christmas list, one other game under the tree would be special.
You sure are pretty Mir !!!
I’m watching my husband play Wii now. He’d love a new game. Thanks, Mir!
Ok…I’ll try for a new headache, I mean…game! 😉
yea! I am in for a new gome!!!
Coolest giveaway, EVER.
The game sounds like fun!
Excited about the game!! =)
I’m in for 10 yards…
A great gift for my nephew!
Sounds fun!
put me in coach! put me in!!
This would keep our new Wii nice and warm 🙂
If I don’t win this, I think I will have to buy it anyway. Great giveaway!
Another fun one.
me me me!
Come on lucky number 67!
i know a certain someone who would love this!
Yeah, baby!
Now that sounds like tons of fun! Please…..pick me!!!
Yay! I’d love to play!
Another fun family game. . . sounds good.
Yay for football fun!!
My kids and I would love this!
Because my husband doesn’t act like a kid often enough 🙂 Thanks.
Perfect timekiller with the in-laws on Christmas. : )
Thanks for the contest. This would be a terrific addition; better than arm chair quarterback.
Count me in! This sounds great.
We would love this!
This is great for my boys….
I’m ready for some football!!!!
See this is football I would play. No muss, no fuss, no dirt in the mouth.
Looks like a lot of fun!
Looks like fun! Our family loves football 😀
I’m in – thanks for the chance!
Yes, please please please!!
This would be great to play over the holidays – my husband comes from a HUGE football family!
We are a football family and would love this!!
Family games are so much fun! Would love this one.
Ooh, fun!
looks like fun!
We love the Wii!
I’d really need to start working out so I wouldn’t get sore playing this one…
Who doesn’t love football???
We love the Backyard Sports games. Don’t have any for Wii yet and would love to try it out! Thanks so much for all your wonderful giveaways! Pam 🙂
My patient kids are finally getting a Wii for Christmas! This would be great to go with it! 🙂
Oooh fun. I am considering letting my 3 year old touch the Wii, so maybe this one would be fun….?
Hubs would love this!
pass it to me, pass it to me, I’m open!
would love to share this with the wife, but who am i kidding.
Sounds like a great time ahead for my grandsons if I win this one!
This is perfect for our family! I won’t get into how I pulled a back muscle doing Wii Slalom Skiing…
Sounds fun, the sleepover girls are playing boogie on the wii right now! It’s going to be a long night!
This would be so much safer than the way my boys were playing tackle football in the yard today!
I’m really curious about how to play this. Do you throw the controller? 😉
We’re getting a Wii for Christmas – perfect!!
My kids are about the right age to start playing video games!
Our family would love this game! 🙂
Oh, MERRY CHRISTMAS,honey! Look what Mamma is bringing home!!
This sounds like fun.
What a generous thing for you to offer!
sounds fun!
This would be GREAT!!!
enter me!
I would love this!
count me in please!
Great Christmas gift!
Oh please please pick me!!!!
Oh please please!!
oh please me
Sounds like a fun one!
sounds cool!
ooooohhhhh…..happy boys at my house!
Husband and 2 boys+ football and the Wii = HAPPINESS
sounds like fun to me!
Pick me pick me! This will make a happy thanksgiving!
snow’s going to be here soon. We really need a new wii game! Thanks.
this would be fabulous!!
Oooh, pick me!
This would be great to help with a financially tight Christmas shopping season!
I am looking for a win here! Thanks!
Keeping our fingers crossed!
I’m always up for free Wii
My family loves the Wii! The games are a lot of fun and I would really like to have another game.
If we one this, I might actually get the Wii back out from time-out…
This would be awesome!
We would all love it!
Well, wouldn’t this further my descent into a testosterone filled household? Why not – I’m giving up!
Sounds like a fun game! Thanks for the great contest.
My four boys would love this! Thanks!
Santa’s bringing a Wii for Christmas, this would be great!
pick one forty two, please, thank you.
come on lucky number!
Thanks Mir!
Game on!
We need this game at our house. I no longer embarrass myself playing some of the other games we have. Time to change that!!
Sounds great!
Pick me!! Pick me!!
GOOOO number 149!!!!!!!
Thanks Mir!
I have a little boy that is all about sports. Any kind, any time. He would LOVE a Wii football game!
yay! fun contest!
Please, pick me!
I would love to win!
Please please please?
If I say please enough maybe that will help?
We’re dying for some new games!
We don’t have a Wii (yet), but would love to win this for my nephew. Thank you!
Cool pick me
sounds great!
Neato! Did I just say neato? Anyway, sounds fun.
Hope I entered correctly
Wii is the standard go-to in our house when the boys are bickering too much. Football would be great! (Although I hope it wouldn’t involve tackling my poor furniture…)
We love Wii AND football, so this would be fantastic!!
a new game would be great for the holidays!! Lots of cousins in one house + new Wii game = sane moms and dads
this would be perfect for the holidays!
My son would love to find this game under the Christmas tree. I would love to give it to him without paying the sticker price. 😉
We love wii!!
My guys would LOVE this
Cool prize!
Feeling lucky today!
we are football freaks here & would love to win this!
My kids would love this for Christmas!
We’re buying a Wii for the family for Christmas – this would be a great addition! 🙂
You have the bestest contests! thanks~
Wii is my favorite!
This is perfect for my hubby!
Deja vu for me. I swear earlier today I thought we were in 2010 and now I read this post for a 2010 game so I am back to thinking it is 2010. Oddly enough my 2010 belief stemmed from my Wii warranty that I reviewed today. You are somehow witchy (in a good way).
love me some Wii!
Ohhhhhhhhh, this would be fun!
Love the little characters on those games, never actually played one though! Everytime we think about getting one we always go with something else. I would love to finally try one!
Yes, please!
hike! indeed
This would be awesome! Thanks!
Would make a great game to go along with the Wii my kids are getting for Christmas!
it would be so fun to win this!
Wheeeee!!! Pick me.
hut hut HIIIIIKE!!!!
Rah rah rah! Hubby will love it~
Kids would love it! Thanks!
Oh Santa! It’s all I ever wanted!!!! 😉
Wow, this sounds wonderful!
I read your post twice trying to figure out what football for the Wii had to do with hiking.
yay! and the titans BETTER be on there 🙂
We love our Wii and this sounds fun!
Wii, Wii, Wii …Wii,Wii,Wii… Wii all the Christmas vacation days!!! (imagine this to the tune Jingle Bells)
all I want for Christmas is Wii football.
Awesome! Sounds fun.
Cool. That would be the start of my Holiday shopping. lol
My husband would think I rock!
My husband is taking his first vacation all year over Thanksgiving– this would be a fun, care-free way for us to pass the time!
This sounds like a really fun game. I’d love to win it.
I think we’re taking the plunge and buying a Wii for Christmas – the kids have this game on their DS and would love it!
my luck has been so bad, I’m hoping you and this contest will be the switch upward I need!
Please Please Please!!
love me some football… well, some people in my household do anyway. 😉 would be great to win!
I’ll try!
Grandma is giving us a Wii for Christmas. I am unemployed and would love to have a game to play…..
I won’t win, but I am trying anyway!
I wish I could say I was trying to win this for my son, but I’m trying to win it for my husband.
that would be awesome!!
Fun! We would love this!
This would be so fun!
Kids are getting a Wii for Christmas. Would love it!
Oh my husband would be sooooo busy with this… hmmm, do I want to win it?
With so little cash this year,…would be wonderful to have this to give to my nephews!!
My kids are getting a Wii for Christmas!
My older boys used to love this game on the PC. I would love for my youngest to be introduced to the game. 🙂
Woo Hoo!!!
Looks like fun. Thanks!
My family is killing me at fantasy football. I could win this and NOT let them play!
I would love to win this for my son. Santa is bringing him a Wii this year and I would love to get him some games for it. So far all he will have is the Wii Sports one that comes with it. Can’t really afford the games. I got a heads up from my aunt saying that she got him one, but no games.
You are AWESOME Mir!!! Always the best giveaways!!!
Sounds like fun! We love football.
awesome!! I could use this as a christmas gift….MINE!!!!
We’re getting a Wii for Christmas. This would be a great addition!!
Hut hut and stuff! Mu hubs and kids would dig this!
fun-backyard-rule-free football!
Sounds energetic – I’m in!